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【悲報】 イギリス紙「AKBが虫歯ポーズしてて馬鹿みたい

1 :名無しさん@実況は禁止です@\(^o^)/:2014/08/04(月) 21:31:13.51 ID:zNXR1tyJ0.net
The latest fashion in Japan is posing for photos with your hand pressed against your cheek as if you have a toothache.

Bizarre pose sees social media users hold hand to face
Sad look makes it appear as if they have a toothache
Pose said to make model's face look cuter and smaller
Seen on national fashion magazines and all over social media

Literally translated as 'cavity pose' the move is said to make the model's face appear 'cuter', slimmer and smaller, which
is 'considered more beautiful'.

The craze is sweeping Japanese social media, as well as fashion magazine front covers.

ust recently an issue of popular culture magazine NYLON ran a cover of a model appearing to have toothache.

Twitter user Okoge spotted it sitting among an array of similar magazines, with front cover models all pulling the exact sa
me toothache pose.


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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★