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ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー GotG Vol.2 16曲目

532 :名無シネマ@上映中 :2018/10/10(水) 04:22:53.55 ID:ptsWwv2F0.net
ジェームズ・ガンが「Suicide Squad 2」の脚本

James Gunn Boards ‘Suicide Squad 2’ To Write And Possibly Direct

>EXCLUSIVE: James Gunn has been hired by Warner Bros and DC to write with an eye to direct direct the next installment of the Suicide Squad franchise.
>It’s the first job he’s taken since he parted ways with Disney, which let him go from the lucrative Guardians of the Galaxy franchise
>in July in the wake of old controversial tweets that had been compiled by alt-right journalists and sent to Disney.


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