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120 :いつか名無しさんが:2020/08/11(火) 21:12:33.35 ID:JDpkUlqf.net
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FIONA APPLE 「WHEN THE PAWN...(邦題:『真実』)」 1999

Fiona Apple - On the Bound
      - To Your Love
       ["My derring-do allows me to dance the rigadoon around you"]
      - Limp
       ["my fingers turn to fists"]
       ["I never did anything to you, man"]
       ["But no matter what I try"]
       ["You'll beat me with your bitter lies"]
       ["get off now, baby"]
      - Love Ridden
      - Paper Bag
       ["I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag"]
       ["I thought he was a man, but he was just a little boy"]
      - A Mistake
       ["I'm always doing what I think I should"]
      - Fast as You Can
      - The Way Things Are
      - Get Gone
       ["How many times do I have to say"]
       ["To get away-get gone"]
       ["Fuckin go"]
      - I Know

総レス数 1009
193 KB

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