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【PRS】Paul Reed Smith78【ポールリードスミス】

74 :ドレミファ名無シド (スップ Sd8a-qZfN):2024/05/09(木) 08:54:41.94 ID:fpU0RY8md.net
When it came to tonewoods, Tim was surprised that Leo agreed with his own view that different body woods in solidbody electrics made minimal difference in tone. "That’s why he used whatever wood was available for his body blanks. Over the years, Leo made his guitars out of pine, alder, ash, poplar, mahogany, and so on. When I asked why, he said he preferred what was readily available—and affordable. And when he measured responses on his scope, he didn’t really see differences between woods. Remember, Leo was partially deaf by then, and he never learned to play a guitar, which may have influenced his feelings on the subject. However, I still agree with him."

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