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Let's Talk about Political Issues

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/12/25(日) 06:38:47.99 .net

Let's Talk about Political Issues

Japan Has Tarnished British History


Probably most noble families in Britain are Japanese descents.

And they are secretly loyal to their ancestors and the Japanese imperial clan.

( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/01/index.html )

838 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2017/11/14(火) 10:53:34.29 ID:ppZQN7afT
Some Critical Secret Codes Were Hidden in September 11 Attacks




■ Particularly in the numbers of the floors into which the hijacked planes crashed, the number 95 and the number 81 were significant.

■ Both floors were special computer rooms.

■ As the result of investigation, the plane crashes were probably all manipulated by a radio-controlled or remote-controlled complicated system.

( hypotheses are included )

( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/02/p001.html#page4 )

( http://book.geocities.jp/japans_conspiracy/01/p001.html#page4 )

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