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440 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/04/29(金) 04:17:54.95 ID:UrJ93RVV.net
There was a youth with a big price on his head called Hornet.

The bounty, a chain with which the Empire tried to shackle him,
never bothered him at all; or rather, to drive it even higher,
he spent his days devoting himself to various subversive activities.

The list of them―destructing local bases, defeating Empire-style
mechanical dragons, assassinating officers, etc.―was so long
that his bounty now amounted to as much as that on a legendary
mercenary who had menaced the Empire before.

It was, as it were, a bait. A bait that was crookedly twisted
to hook the Empire, his homeland, as well as his own mother.

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