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648 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/05/22(月) 11:17:01.24 ID:rLZQ+gJT0.net
添削お願いします!代替例文などもあわせて載せてもらえると助かります!! 語彙のチョイス、

Do changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better?(From technology viewpoint)

 Technological innovation has been contributing greatly to the development of the human world. Our ancestors’ dated
lifestyle has changed to the better, efficient way, people are blessing the fulfillment of social services, and
people those who derail the way still can choose alternative way to suit their needs.
 With the advancement of technologies, manufactures have been able to produce socially benefited products. For example,
an advent of the internet has made our global communications or transactions a lot easier by the form
of e-mail or worldweb which supplant the former documents style which would take days to reach their receivers. E-documents
eliminate our process of going to civil office by just sending through the computer.
  Still, some people cannot catch up these technological progresses exist. But communities or corporates who incorporate them often
support people by preparing occasions of easy-understandable products explanation or tailored
customer service.
  Lastly, if they don’t need modern life which technologies brought into their lives, do live their owns. Such as slow life, which the way to
prefer naturally friendly goods, organic styles, thus contrary to the rapid living pace of modern
society is often chosen by people who neglect the rashness.
 The technological improvement surely has contributed to quicken the way of our living and people can use their time more freely to things
they want to spend. And our world is flexible enough to meet respective needs.

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