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702 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/06/09(金) 20:56:31.34 ID:3f4Zg1C2F.net

Today, we've made great advances in many fields such as health and medicine, human rights and science.
I believe that when our future generations look back at this era, they'll find much to praise. I'll write the details in the following paragraphs:


First, in the field of health and medicine,
new medical drugs and health prevention methods are constantly being developed while health problems such as cancer, stroke and heart attack became the major causes of death in our society.
Now, these health problems can be properly treated or effectively prevented, contributing to the rise of average life expectancy.


Second, let's consider human rights, there used to be many issues regarding human rights--feminsts and racists to name a few. We have made much progress toward equitable societies where various kinds of people enjoy thier lives.
I think our values and views are getting better and better thanks to globalization of common culture.


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