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782 :746 :2017/12/25(月) 18:06:48.68 ID:X34ulJNNMXMAS.net


あなたはPuncn mahalさんを知っていますか?





It's a story of a curry shop.

Do you know Mr. Puncn mahal?

He cook dishes which is very terrific. He is always very busy at lunch time particular. Because there are only one person is him.

He has his unique rule in his shop. He request that his customer get into his molds.

For instance, when his customer finished lunch, they have to do the pile of plate because of he can pick it up quickly. Such as when his customer do to check, he don't want to take huge amount bill. Because he have to provide the change with much time.

If you keep these rule, he is in good mode. And you will have special lunch time. I can assure you that you have a good time.

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