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1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/10/29(火) 13:14:42.57 .net

801 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/05/21(火) 18:17:01.22 ID:3XqjvP/t0.net
The United Nations Associations Test of English (国際連合公用語英語検定試験) (UNATE) is a standardized test of English and facts about the United Nations
administered by the United Nations Association of Japan in Japan.

WFUNA(国連協会世界連盟)is The only NGO authorized to use The UN Logo, with The Federations acronym. written on it, IN its letters and on its documents.
WFUNA is The only NGO which has its Offices IN UN Buildings IN New York and Geneva.(国際連合本部ビル1177号室など)

Once membership is approved, the UNA(国連協会) may use the UN Logo on its letterhead. The UN Association is the only NGO authorised to use the UN logo. 
They are uniquely entitled to use the UN logo -a privilege that reflects their vital role as the hub of local community interactions between their government and
the UN including the UN’s representatives in their country.(国連英検の合格証など)

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★