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1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 09:26:03.29 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net

いきたい。つい最近までは19世紀の Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy,
Jane Austen を少し読んでいたけど、今は Shakespeare を少しずつだけど

できればいずれは Chaucer も読みたいところだが、そこまでいくと
なると現代英語からかなり違った Middle English を勉強しないといけなくなるので、

当面の目標は、20世紀から16世紀の Shakespeare に至るまでを原文で


500kB を超えてしまったので、新たに書き込めなくなったので、今ここに


2 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 09:35:38.16 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net
【ever という言葉の意味合い】

中高生スレで ever という言葉の意味合いについて質問があり、僕が回答したけど、僕が
しまった。一言で言うと、ever を「いつか(一度でも)」という意味で使うのは「if 節」の
場合に限られていると辞書には書いてある。そして僕は今回の例文では確かに if が使われて
いないけれども、if が使われているかのようなニュアンスのある文なので、ever を


***************** 以下は引用 ****************

That's the only way I'll 【ever】 remember.


(1) いつか(一度でも)思い出すことがあるとすれば、そういうことでもないと思いだせないよ。
(2) そんなふうなやり方をしないと、思い出せないよ。
(3) そうすれば、やっと思い出せるよ。
(4) 覚えていようと思えば、そうするしかないね。


3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 09:38:57.33 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net
>>2 の続き 【ever という言葉の意味合い】



この ever が使われているのです。



>>995 【追加質問】

4 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 09:39:33.70 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net
>>3 の続き 【ever という言葉の意味合い(その3)】

★ 僕からの新たな回答
確かに、辞書などでは "if 節" の中に ever があったときに「いつか」と
いう意味になると書いてありますね。でも、if がついていないときでも、
あたかも if のような意味になるときもあります。今回の場合がそうです。
僕の和訳だけではなく、>>998-999 さんの訳でも「ならば」というふうに、
あたかも if があるかのように訳されていますね。

That's the only way I'll 【ever】 remember.

記憶を取り戻せるわけです。このように、if がなくてもあたかも
if があるかのような意味合いが込められているからこそ、今回の
「いつか(一度でも)」という意味での ever の意味が生きてくるのです。

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 11:41:22.33 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net
(1) Sue begins a novel

(2) by writing numerous seemingly unrelated fragments,

(3) a process most productive when she is in an almost dreamlike state

(4) she refers to as “loose construing”

(5) where attention is defocused,

(6) logical thought is slowed,

(7) judgment and anticipation put on hold, (put の前に is が省略されていると考えるとよい)

(8) and new elements can be allowed in without seeming 【incongruent】.

(a) 出典:中高生スレ --- http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1405677472/120

(b) 英語原文の出典 --- http://www.jenniogden.com/blog.htm?post=796212

6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/20(日) 20:15:35.07 ID:3Bd0YGRv.net


an 【antechamber, porch, or distinct area】 at the western 【entrance】 of
some early Christian 【churches】, separated off by a railing.

(ODE, Third Edition)

"of + 名詞" という形で出てくるものが複数になっているという点だ。つまり、

(1) antechamber, porch, area --- 単数
(2) entrance --- 単数
(3) churches --- 複数


7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/21(月) 04:47:43.75 ID:FSRCLn3I.net
【Three Straight Nights of Fireworks --- 英作文のためのメモ】

"(three, four, etc.) straight nights of fireworks" という言い回しが、
Google Books ではないけども、一般の Google engine でならたくさん見つかる。

Enjoy 【five straight nights of fireworks】 at Fifth Third Field,
from Wednesday, July 3 through Sunday, July 7!

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/21(月) 17:25:10.07 ID:VoAhBB3L.net

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 05:56:36.48 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
【"on a rolling basis"(随時、順繰りに)】

2ちゃんねるでも、それから language forum でも、このフレーズが話題になった。
"Interview invitations will be extended 【on a rolling basis】 via email "


Hmm, it doesn't seem like an unusual expression to me;
I've heard it before plenty of times.
Doing something "【on a rolling basis】" means that instead of sending
out the invitations all at the same time, they'll send a few out now,
then a few more a little later, then a few more after that, in batches.
Imagine rolling down a hill. You're facing upwards, then you roll over
and face down, then your momentum carries you around so you're facing
upward again. You're facing upwards at separate but regular intervals
during the course of a continuous process that ends when you reach the
bottom of the hill.

上記のリンク先の language forum を読んでもわかる通り、"on a rolling basis"
のみならず、そもそも rolling という言葉そのものをこのような
California での停電の話で rolling という言葉が使われたという次のような面白い

In the past we have had 【rolling blackouts】 in California. This means
that certain preselected sections of the city have their power cut
deliberately for a few hours in order to avoid a complete blackout of
the entire city. The sections of the city rotate each day so that no
one part of the city experiences daily blackouts.

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 06:19:31.92 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
>>9 【rolling】

continuous というような意味での rolling の使い方については、Oxford Dictionaries Pro

★ rolling
Done or happening in a steady and continuous way:

(1) a 【rolling】 programme of reforms
(2) a 【rolling】 news service
(3) In practice, half the judicial positions are filled
by election every three years 【on a rolling basis】.
(4) The 【rolling】 impact of these transformations will be felt for
years to come.
(5) Musically more forceful, big walls of 【rolling】 guitar ploughed
through the album.
(6) The line flared brilliant white, and then the great gates
fell outwards with a 【rolling】 crash.
(7) The guns leapt backwards with a 【rolling】 crash and an immense
cloud of dirty smoke billowed back.

(Oxford Dictionaries Pro)

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 06:31:36.45 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
【rolling fat(転がれるくらいに太ってる、よろめくほど太ってる)】

"on a rolling basis" という言い回しについて調べていて、OED に出ていたこの表現に

★ rolling
2. rolling fat ●chiefly U.S. regional●, so fat as to be able or likely
to sway or stagger; very fat.

●1846 Observer 25 May 1/2
The appearance of the fair field was the theme of general admiration,
crowded as it was..by flocks of 【rolling fat】 Sheep.
●1861 South. Lit. Messenger 33 140
When I sen dis horse away, he was 【rolling fat】.
●1890 ‘R. Boldrewood’ Colonial Reformer (1891) 244
Grand~looking bullocks, all 【‘rolling fat’】.
●1920 Fur News & Outdoor World Nov. 7/1
It was quite a chore to remove the pelt, as the bear was 【rolling fat】,
and after it was off there was much fat adhering to be scraped off.
●1965 Corpus Christi (Texas) Caller-Times 25 Apr. g12/6 (advt.)
Appaloosa stallion and big red quarter gelding, 【rolling fat】
and well trained.
●2003 L. J. Brooksby Arizona Strip Gambler x. 91
You're a mighty good cook, ma'am. Your punchers must be 【rolling fat】
from eating grub like this.

(OED Online)

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 06:43:18.06 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
>>9 で紹介した language forum で California でのかつての rolling blackouts
という形で、順番に停電を行うというやり方)の話が出てきたが、OED にもそのような例文が


★ rolling
d. orig. and chiefly U.S. Of a strike, power cut, etc.:
staggered, rotating; taking place in different places in succession.

●1949 N.Y. Times 8 July 13/2
In a denunciation of the corporation's policies, Mr. Murray said
his 【‘rolling strike’】 would start with a walkout of 500,000 men...
The number of steelworkers on strike across the nation would then
increase each week.


13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 06:47:22.52 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
>>12 の続き

●1967 N.Y. Times 7 June 46/2
The clear first lesson of the first 【rolling blackout】 in New York
and New England..was that the grid system on which power companies
count to draw electricity from one area to another in response to
peak demands can be a menace as well as a lifesaver.
●1969 Age (Melbourne) 24 May 3/8
The secretary of the Trades Hall Council..condemned threats of
further 【rolling strikes】.
●1974 Ebony Feb. 36/1
If this phase fails, we will have no choice except to turn to
mandatory cutbacks, and then perhaps 【rolling blackouts】.
●2005 K. Ascher Anat. of City iii. vii. 99 If demand continues
to exceed supply, the ISO will order 【rolling blackouts】.

(OED Online)

14 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 06:54:07.63 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
>>13 の続き 【rolling(継続的な、定期的に見直しを行う)】

rolling は、continuous と定義してはあるが、「定期的に見直しを行う、そのときの状況の変化に

★ rolling
e. Ongoing; 【subject to periodic review; responsive to changing conditions】.

●1959 Daily Tel. 8 July 10/3
Western policy, particularly as foreseen by Mr. Macmillan and
Mr. Selwyn Lloyd, can be expressed as 【‘rolling negotiations’】.
●1971 Guardian 31 Mar. 13/6
The new 【rolling three year contract】 which gives the Authority
an opportunity to warn a company to do better.
●1972 Times 14 Sept. 18/5
The Post Office..has a five-year 【rolling programme (meaning that it
is regularly reviewed)】 to spend £3,000 m on overall improvements and developments.
●2003 Metro (London ed.) 16 Dec. 31/3
It scrapped its two-year 【rolling contracts】 for executive directors..,
replacing them with single-year deals without compensation.

(OED Online)

15 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 07:02:44.13 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
>>12 で紹介したような「一度に行うのではなくて、一定期間にわたって徐々に行う」という
ような rolling の意味は、かなり新しくできた意味であるかもしれない。というのも、
あちこちの辞書を見てもそれらしき定義があまり載っていない。OED には、すでに紹介したように
かなりきちんと載せている。しかし、それ以外の辞書では、COD, ODE, Oxford Dictionaries Pro


● Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. 6th Edition (2014)

done or happening regularly over a period of time, not all at once
例文:We recommend a 【rolling programme】 of machine upgrading.

● Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th Edition

done in regular stages or at regular intervals over a period of time
例文:a 【rolling programme】 of reform

16 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 13:07:26.12 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
【We at Pioneer value your continued business. --- ビジネスレターの定型表現】

四苦八苦してしまう。この下に出てくるような定型文は、【 】の中の文だけでなく、

Thank you for contacting us about our Navigation
We regret if you have experienced any problems with your Pioneer
Navigation unit.
Pioneer is aware that some units have some issue, we reported the
issue to the engineers and it is being investigated.
I also created a case on your behalf and I'm forwarding your case
to engineering. Your case number is 254966. 【We at Pioneer value
your continued business.】 Please let us know if you have any additional
questions regarding our Navigation, please use your case number in
the event that you need to contact us.

Thank You,

Customer Service Representative

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/23(水) 13:40:08.30 ID:mE8P7nA1.net
【what we at Google do】

   We at Google do [something].
   At Google, we do [something].
   what we at Google do
という表現を検索してみたら、たくさん例文が出てきた。これは Google の会社が自分たちで

what we at Google do

18 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/24(木) 12:17:20.91 ID:1DowsQ+o.net
【"in a hospital" を使うか "in hospital" を使うかにより、文全体の構造が変わる】


It is very rare now for a woman to have a baby without careful control
by her doctor and she is likely to
【have the baby in hospital
with the most modern equipment and drugs readily available】.

原文がこのようになっているけど、"in hospital" の hospital に冠詞の a がついているか

(1) もしも hospital に a がついていたら

in a hospital with XXX readily available
となり、"with XXX readily available" が "a hospital" を修飾することになる。

(2) 今回の原文のように、a がなくて "in hospital" となっていたら

その場合は、"in hospital" がイディオムになり「入院して」という意味合いになる。
だから、"with AAA readily available" が "have the baby" を修飾する
副詞句になる。だから「AAA がすぐに使えるような状態で、入院中に出産する」とか

19 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/27(日) 20:32:48.26 ID:mbw03cf0.net
【pit crew(「ピットクルー」、スポーツカーのレースでの車両整備員のチーム)】

それが pit crew という正しい英語から来ていることも知らなかった。

"pit crew" をさっそく OED で検索してみたけど、載っていない。画像検索すると、

"pit crew", 画像検索

Wikipedia には、きちんとした解説もある。

In motorsports, a 【pit stop】 is where a racing vehicle stops
in the 【pits】 during a race for refuelling, new tires, repairs,
mechanical adjustments, a driver change, or any combination of
the above. (中略)

Pit stop work is carried out by anywhere from five to twenty mechanics
(also called a 【pit crew】), . . . .


20 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/29(火) 09:23:47.22 ID:VKVogadA.net
【AAA, such was her love for him. --- 語法】

このような「such の後続用法」とでも言いたくなるような用法については、まるで知らなかった。

****** 以下は引用 ****************

研究社英和大辞典 such
形容詞 3b

She wrote to him every day, 【such】 was her love for him.
(cf. Her love for him was 【such that】 she wrote to him every day.)
****** 引用おわり ************


21 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 05:46:56.24 ID:bblHmzl8.net
【"To be, or not to be, that is the question" --- Kenneth Branagh による演技】

YouTube 上の "Hamlet" のこの有名な台詞の、Kenneth Branagh による朗読が無料で

"Hamlet," Kenneth Branagh, Judy Dench, Emma Thompson (1時間35分20秒のところ)

該当箇所を、Everyman's Library 版による紙の本から、タイプしてみる。(僕はよく、

HAMLET: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'ts nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep ---
No more -- and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep --
To sleep -- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life:
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,(続く)

22 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 05:47:51.00 ID:bblHmzl8.net
>>21 の続き

Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveler returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscious does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.
(Hamlet, 3.1.56-89)

23 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 07:06:27.44 ID:bblHmzl8.net
【dally = 適当にあしらう(?) -- "Hamlet" の英語】

"Hamlet" に出てくる dally という言葉を現代語の辞典で調べただけでは、ピンとはこなかったので
OED で調べてみた。dally という単語を、ここでは「適当にあしらう、ふざけていい加減にやる」

HAMLET: Come for the third, Laertes. You do but 【dally】.
I pray you pass with your best violence:
I am sure you make a wanton of me.
("Hamlet," 5.2.298)

Get ready for the third hit, Laertes. You’re just 【playing around】.
Come on, give me your best shot. I sense you’re treating me like a child.

24 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 07:12:07.73 ID:bblHmzl8.net
>>23 の続き 【"Hamlet" における "dally" という単語の意味】

次に、OED での定義と例文を示す。

3. a. To trifle with a person or thing under the guise of serious
action; to play with mockingly.

●1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxxv,
But the Duke of Burgoyne 【dalied】, and dissimuled with all parties..geuyng them faire wordes.
●1579 L. Tomson tr. J. Calvin Serm. Epist. S. Paule to Timothie & Titus 440/1
We see a great number yt wold 【dallie】 thus with God.
●1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. ii. xxiii. 59 a,
Then thought the people..they were mocked and 【dallied】 withall [eludi].
●1613 Bp. J. Hall Holy Panegyrick 22
If wee fear'd the Lord, durst we 【dally】 with his name?
●1706 J. Addison Rosamond iii. iii,
Why will you 【dally】 with my pain?
●1722 D. Defoe Relig. Courtship i. i. 19
Why do you trifle and 【dally】 so long with a Thing of such Consequence?

(OED Online)

25 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 07:13:06.14 ID:bblHmzl8.net
【「リーダーズ英和」などではなく、あくまで OED を苦労して参照することの意味】

ところで、わざわざ OED を引かなくても、「リーダーズ英和」でも、Shakespeare 時代の

とてもしんどい作業だけど、OED を引いて、それぞれの単語がどのような語源を持ち、その

26 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 07:25:26.00 ID:bblHmzl8.net
>>24 の続き --- 【dally という単語の語源など】

Forms: ME–15 daly(e, dayly(e, (ME dallyn), 15 dalie, dallye,
15–16 dallie, 15– dally.
Etymology: < 【Old French】 ●dalier● to converse, chat, pass one's time
in light social converse, etc.; common in Anglo-Norman: see Glossary
to Bozon (ed. P. Meyer). Godefroy has an instance of dallier transitive to ‘chaff’.
(OED Online)

上に示した通り、dally という単語は、Old French の "dalier" から来ているそうだ。
この dalier は【おしゃべりする】という意味だというわけだ。そのような意味は、
その Old French の単語が英語に入ったときには本来の意味に忠実に従って使われていた
という "Hamlet" における意味になっていったり、現代英語における
【act or move slowly; have a casual romantic or sexual relationship (with somebody)】

さて、Old French である ●dalier● が、英語の中に入った当初の、英語としての定義を

27 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/07/30(水) 07:26:09.82 ID:bblHmzl8.net
>>26 の続き 【dally という単語の14,15世紀における意味】

†1. intr. To talk or converse lightly or idly; to chat. Obs.

●c1300 K. Alis. 6991
Dysers 【dalye】, reisons craken.
●c1400 (▸?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 1253
To 【daly】 with derely your daynte wordeȝ.
●c1400 (▸?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 1114
Þay dronken & 【daylyeden】 & dalten vntyȝtel.
●c1440 Promptorium Parvulorum 112
【Dalyyn】 or talkyn, fabulor, confabulor, colloquor.
(OED Online)

しかし、14世紀から15世紀の "Sir Gawain" のあたりの時代の英語になると、僕には
ほとんどわからない。せっかくのこういう OED の例文を、いつかはしっかりと理解できるように

28 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/01(金) 19:37:17.18 ID:K3lJV8Up.net
【"by and large" (on the whole, usually)】

"by and large" の意味が "on the whole, usually" という意味だということが

仕方なく、"by and large" の語源またはそれに近いものを探るしかない。

by and large
(1) 全般的に、どの点からも、概して、だいたい (on the whole)
(2) [海事] <帆船が>風を受けたり受けなかったりで

by and large
1. Naut. To the wind (within six points; cf. by prep. 9) and off it.

●1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. 17
Thus you see the ship handled in fair weather and foul, 【by and learge】.
●1833 Fraser's Mag. 8 158
They soon find out one another's rate of sailing, 【by and large】.
●1961 F. H. Burgess Dict. Sailing 42
【By and large】, with the wind near the beam.
(OED Online)

29 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/01(金) 19:43:47.03 ID:K3lJV8Up.net
>>28 の続き 【by and large】

"by and large" の意味を、一般の辞書を引いただけでは、その本来の意味から徐々に
OED の定義や例文を丹念に見ていくと、よくわかる。さすが OED だ。

by and large
2. 【In one direction and another, all ways;】
now esp., in a general aspect, without entering into details, on the whole.

●1707 E. Ward Wooden World Dissected (1708) 35
Tho' he tries every Way, both 【by and large】, to keep up with his Leader.
●1769 in Southern Lit. Mess. XVII. 183/2
Miss Betsey, a charming frigate, that will do honour to our country,
if you take her 【by and large】.
●1833 J. Neal Down-Easters I. 23
A man who feels rather perplexed on the whole, take it 【by and large】.
●1869 ‘M. Twain’ Innocents Abroad v. 47
Taking it ‘【by and large】’, as the sailors say, we had a pleasant..run.
●1929 P. G. Wodehouse Mr. Mulliner Speaking viii. 248
Taking it 【by and large】―Australia seemed to him a pretty good egg.
●1955 Times 23 May 9/2
The virtue of sound broadcasting was that, 【by and large】,
the content mattered more than anything else.
(OED Online)

30 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/01(金) 19:54:21.33 ID:K3lJV8Up.net
>>28 【by and large】

そこで、by の意味を調べる。by は towards という意味があるんだそうで、その by が
be- に変わって、before, beside, behalf, below, behind などという言葉が

9. a. In the region or general direction of, towards. by the head:
see head n.1 Phrases 1d. by the stern: see stern n.3 2b. by the board:
see board n. 12b 【by the wind】: (see quot. 1867).

★(Hence in many adverbs and prepositions; as be-east, be-fore, be-half,
be-hind, be-low, be-north, be-side, be-south, be-west; †be-mong, etc.)★

●c893 tr. Orosius Hist. i. i. §7
Caucasus se beorg is 【be norþan】 and Indus seo ea be westan, and seo Reade Sæ be suþan.
●a1225 Leg. Kath. 591
Þe alre wiseste þe wuneð 【bi westen】.
●1393 Langland Piers Plowman C. ii. 117
Hit is sykerer by southe þer þe sonne regneth Þan in 【þe north】.
●a1400 (▸a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) l. 12131
Who herde euer suche ferly Of any mon 【bi norþ or souþ】.
●1556 J. Heywood Spider & Flie lx. 101
One sort 【by east】, an other 【by west】, did rise.
●1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 43
Lay the ship 【by the Lee】 to trie the Dipsie line.
●a1665 K. Digby Jrnl. Voy. to Mediterranean (1868) 46
In smooth water, and 【by a wind】, was her best way.
●1867 W. H. Smyth Sailor's Word-bk.,
【By the wind】 is when a ship sails as nearly to the direction of the wind as possible.
(OED Online)

31 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/01(金) 20:01:42.67 ID:K3lJV8Up.net
>>28 【by and large】

そこで、large の意味を調べてみる。large は、「リーダーズ英和:によると、

14. Naut. Said of 【a wind that crosses the line of the ship's course
in a favourable direction】, esp. on the beam or quarter.
(Cf. French vent largue; also free adj. 13.)

●1591 in Hakluyt's Voy. (1600) III. 491
When the wind came 【larger】 we waied anchor and set saile.
●1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 44
When a ship sailes with a 【large】 wind towards the land.
●1694 Narbrough's Acct. Several Late Voy. 8
As we got Southerly and the Wind grew large, we might alter our Course when we would.
●1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. vii. 215
As we had the wind 【large】, we kept in a good depth of water.
●1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine (1780) K k 3 b,
The ships..have the wind six points 【large】, or more properly on the
quarter; which is considered as the most favourable manner of sailing,
because all the sails co-operate to increase the ship's velocity.
●1851 in R. Kipping Sails & Sail-making (ed. 2) 185.
(OED Online)

32 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/09(土) 06:35:07.32 ID:8aBEa+9D.net
【knot(船や飛行機の速度の単位)は、なぜ knot と言うのか?】

他の人にとってはどうでもいいことかもしれんけど、気になったので調べてみた。knot はもちろん、
もともとは紐の「結び目」。そして、長い紐に一定間隔でいくつもの knot(結び目)を入れた
リールから紐がどんどんほぐれていく。船乗りは、どれくらいの時間あたりに knot(結び目)が
現れるかを観察する。それによって、船の速度を knot という単位で測ったそうだ。

(1) 速度の単位としての knot という言葉についての Wikipedia の記事

(2) 結び目 (knot) のついた紐に板をつけたもののイメージ図 (diagram of a chip log)

(3) chip log の実物の写真

33 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/09(土) 06:38:35.09 ID:8aBEa+9D.net
以上、日本語で僕がまとめた内容を述べた Wikipedia にある英文記事を、抜書きしてみる。

All nautical instruments designed to measure the speed of a ship
through water are known as 【log】. This nomenclature dates back to
days of sail when sailors tossed a log attached to rope knotted at
regular intervals off the stern of a ship. The sailors would count
the number of knots that passed through their hands in a given period
of time. (中略)

A chip log consists of a wooden board attached to a line
(the log-line). The log-line has a number of knots tied in it at
uniform spacings. The log-line is wound on a reel to allow it to
be paid out easily in use. (中略)

In order to ensure that the log submerges and is oriented correctly,
the bottom of the log is weighted with lead. (中略)

When the navigator wished to determine the speed of his vessel,
a sailor dropped the log over the stern of the ship. The log would
act as a drogue and remain roughly in place while the vessel moved
away. The log-line was allowed to run out for a fixed period of time.
The speed of the ship was indicated by the length of log-line passing
over the stern during that time.

34 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/09(土) 09:35:47.53 ID:8aBEa+9D.net
【What do you see being different?】


When your business is successful, what do you see 【being different】
in your life in 1 year?


そのような英文の see を hear に変えたものも見つかる。(実は、hear を使った次の英文が
YouTube に出ているそうで、その英文の文型を尋ねる質問が別のスレで出ていたのだ。

Can, can't. What do you hear 【being different】?
Let's not even limit ourselves to just the sounds, but anything.
Can, can't. Can you tell that the first word is longer?

Something about the speed with which you can read something,
and the speed at which 【you hear something being different】,
and hence it jars in your head and makes it difficult to absorb.
Frankly I think it's way more obvious.

わかってきたのだけど、最初に "What do you hear being different?" を

35 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/09(土) 16:31:25.47 ID:8aBEa+9D.net
★★ I've made yet another thread ★★

I've just made a thread for my own soliloquy in English. If anyone
is interested in reading any of my endless monologue, I'll welcome them.

My Endless Soliloquy【隔離孤立】英文で独り言)

36 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/11/15(土) 11:28:41.80 ID:w+CQXUYT.net

上記のスレが、たった今、一杯になってしまった。512kB を超えたので、もう書き込めないのだ。

ともかく、上記の前スレの、>>777 の続きを、ここに【臨時に】書き込んでおく。


さらには、上記の CD だけでは足りないので、YouTube 上で、Scots やイングランド北部



37 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/02(金) 20:24:45.58 ID:KAvvWAn2.net
●●● 次のスレを立ててください !!!! ●●●
洋書を読んで英語の勉強 42   
上記のスレが、たった今、512 kB を超えたのでこれ以上は書き込めなくなった。

       ★★★★★  警告  ★★★★★

このスレは、"OED Loves Me Not" が書き込み過ぎるということで一部の
人が嫌っています。もしも OED があまり立ち入らず、たくさんの人が短文を

洋書総合スレ Part 37 (別名「避難所」)

●●● なお、上記の前スレ Part 37 は、まだ 456 番までしかコメントがついていない
のですが、すでに 512 kB を超えたので、これ以上は書き込めなくなりました。●●●



前スレ: 洋書を読んで英語の勉強 42

38 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/02(金) 20:28:11.08 ID:KAvvWAn2.net


【補語が文頭に来る例 --- D. H. Lawrence's "Women in Love," Chapter 2】

'I'm all for the old national hat,' laughed Gerald.
'And 【a fool you look in it】,' cried Diana, his pert sister who was just
in her teens.

("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 2, Everyman's Library, p.24)

39 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/02(金) 20:37:00.81 ID:KAvvWAn2.net
【accidentally on purpose という面白い言葉
  --- D. H. Lawrence's "Women in Love," Chapter 2】


'Did I do it by accident, or on purpose?' he asked himself. And
he decided that, accoridng to the vulgar phrase, he had done it
'【accidentally on purpose】'.

("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 2, Everyman's Library, p.24)

40 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/03(土) 15:24:25.69 ID:2oDcXU9v.net
【someone を his/her/their で受ける代わりに、that person で受けた例】

lip service の項目
support for someone or something that is expressed by 【someone】
in words but that is not shown in 【that person's】 actions

(Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary)

41 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/04(日) 06:48:46.93 ID:pwpUDZE7.net
【She spoke her r's like w's. --- 英作文のためのメモ】

'He doesn't know I'm back. He'll be 【terwified】 when he sees me here.'
She 【spoke her r's like w's】, lisping with a slightly babyish
pronunciation which was at once affected and true to her character.

("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 6 冒頭近く
  Everyman's Library, p.57)

42 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/04(日) 07:27:15.97 ID:pwpUDZE7.net
【"Shall you"? 】


文法書などで確かめてはいないけど、"Shall you. . .?" という形は現代
D. H. Lawrence の "Women in Love" や、その前に読んだ "The Rainbow"
にもこれがときどき出てきたが、アイルランド人である Samuel Beckett には

  'I don't intend to do anything,' she replied. 'I shall look for some
sittings to-morrow.'
  'Who 【shall you】 go to?' asked Birkin.
  'I shall go to Bently's first."

   ("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 6 冒頭近く、
     Everyman's Library, p.57)

43 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/04(日) 07:40:50.98 ID:pwpUDZE7.net
"Shall you?" という形は方言か何かかと思っていたら、違っていた。
以下は、Wikipedia の記事なので完全に信頼できないかもしれないけど、

In questions, the traditional prescriptive usage is that the auxiliary used
should be the one expected in the answer. Hence in enquiring factually
about the future, one could ask: "【Shall you】 accompany me?" (to accord
with the expected answer "I shall", since the rule prescribes shall as
the uncolored future marker in the first person). To use will instead
would turn the question into a request. In practice, however, shall is
almost never used in questions of this type. To mark a factual question
as distinct from a request, the going-to future (or just the present
tense) can be used: "Are you going to accompany me?" (or "Are you
accompanying me?").

44 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/04(日) 08:37:31.23 ID:pwpUDZE7.net
【She must have the seeing him and knowing him. という語法】


   (1) the + 動名詞(-ing の形) + その動名詞の目的語または補語


   (2) the + 動名詞 + of + 目的語


He (= Gerald Crich) felt, she (= Miss Darrington) was compelled
to him, she was fated to come into contact with him,
must 【have the seeing him and knowing him】.

("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 6, Everyman's Library, p.61)


いま読んでいる箇所では、Miss Darrington という美しく若い女性が
Rupert Birkin とレストランで話をしている。そこには、Gerald Crich が
同席している。Gerald が元兵士であり、こないだの戦争にも参戦したし、
アマゾンを探検したこともあるということを Rupert が紹介すると、
美しき Miss Darrington は興味津々で Gerald を飽きもせず見つめ続ける。
Gerald は、自分がそこまで美女から興味を持たれていることがうれしくてならない。

45 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/05(月) 12:33:48.77 ID:eSfUA//A.net
【sarcasm は「嫌味」という意味ではない】

sarcasm が日本語の「嫌味」と似たような意味だと思い込んでいた。

● sarcasm

● 嫌味
人を不快にさせる言葉。 「 −を並べる」 「 −たっぷりに話す」

● sarcasm
a way of using words which say 【the opposite】 of what you mean,
in order to upset or mock someonee
(Pocket Oxford English Dictionary, 2013)

46 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/05(月) 13:40:22.72 ID:eSfUA//A.net
【You are your father's daughter.】


'How do you do? I'm making the punt water-tight. Tell me if
you think it is right.' (中略)
'【You are your father's daughter】, so you can tell me if it will do,'
he (= Rupert Birkin) said.
I am sure I am my father's daughter,' she (= Ursula Brangwen) said,
fearful of having to judge.
("Women in Love," D. H. Lawrence, Chapter 11, Everyman's Library, p.117)

ここで男性の Rupert が大工仕事をしていたのだが、教会建築に長いあいだ
従事してきた父親を持つ Ursula に、自分の仕事の出来栄えを評価して

  You are your father's daughter.

47 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/13(火) 14:06:06.62 ID:tQrE//yr.net
【I knew it! (やっぱりか!)】

翻訳のときのコツめいた話題だが、"I (just) knew it!" という台詞を「やっぱり(か)!」

(1) ある映画での台詞
  I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!

(2) I just knew it was Heaven.

(3) I knew it"
これは、"The Untouchables" という Hollywood movie に出てくる台詞。
イタリア系アメリカ人が自分の出自を明らかにすると、Sean Connery が
"I knew it!" と言っている。イタリア系アメリカ人をわざと挑発して、
という意味で "I knew it!" と言っている。

● "I (just) knew it!" は、「やっぱり!」、「やっぱりか!」、「やっぱりそうか」と
● "I (just) knew (that) + 節" は、「ぜったい〜だろうと思ったよ」とでも

48 :OED LMN ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 12:33:33.75 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
【映画 "About Time" の予告編の英語書き取り(第1回)】


TIM: My name is Tim. This is the year that changed my life for ever.
CROWD: Happy New Year!
MAN: Happy New Year!
TIM: I just didn't know it yet.
TIM'S FATHER: Tim, my dear son, it's kind of sounds strange, but this family
secret: the men in the family can travel in time.
TIM: Is this such a weird joke?
FATHER: It's not a joke.
TIM: It is a joke. ???
FATHER: Although it is. . . .
TIM: But, if it was, which is not, . . . .
FATHER: which it is. . . .
TIM: How would I actually. . . ?
FATHER: You go into a dark place, clinch your fists, think of the moment you're
going to, and you'll find yourself there.
CROWD: Happy New Year!
TIM: It's going to be a complicated year.
FATHER: It's going to be a complicated life.
TIM: For me, it was always going to be all about love.
TIM: I'm Tim.
MARY: I'm Mary.
TIM: It's my mother's name.
MARY: I remind you of your mother? (続く)

49 :OED LMN ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 12:34:11.24 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
[1:00] TIM: ??? Could you wait one second?
TIM: I'm Tim.
MARY: I'm Mary.
TIM: I love your eyes.
MARY: Do you?
TIM: I love the rest of your face too. Having looked ..., I'm sure it's all fantastic.
TIM: I'm sure it'll be better next time.
MARY: Well done. I only ??? musfit for the first time.
TIM: I admit it.
[1:27] TIM: Some day you'll want to relive it forever.
TIM: Will you marry me?
MARY: You can't go for. . . yes.
TIM: Some day, you only want to live once.
MOTHER(?): I am so uninterested in your life like your father.
TIM: It never occurred to me ???
FATHER: I never said you could fix everything -- not without consequences.
TIM: ??? could see you.
MARY (with glasses on): We never met before.
TIM: Oh, no! What do I do?
[1:54] FATHER: You have to use it. Make your life the way you want it to be.
TIM: I never know what the future holds -- just like everyone else.
FATHER: Time catches up to all of us. My son!
TIM: My dad! It's like to lead every day -- as if it were the final day.
My extraordinary, ordinary life.
MARY: That was you again!
TIM: You will! My whole like depends on it. (End of trailer)

50 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 12:41:55.11 ID:oDw3BhSe.net

51 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 13:22:54.20 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
>>48 を修正する。【改訂後(前半)】

"About Time" という映画の trailer

TIM: My name is Tim. This is the year that would change my life forever.
CROWD: Happy New Year!
MAN: Happy New Year!
TIM: I just didn't know it yet.
TIM'S FATHER: Tim, my dear son, this is going to sound strange, but
there's this family secret: that the men in the family can -- travel in time.
TIM: Is this such a weird joke?
FATHER: It's not a joke.
TIM: It is true, which it isn't.
FATHER: Although it is. . . .
TIM: But, if it was, which is not, . . . .
FATHER: . . . which it is. . . .
TIM: How would I actually. . . ?
FATHER: You go into a dark place, clinch your fists, think of the
moment you're going to, and you'll find yourself there.
CROWD: Happy New Year!
TIM: It's going to be a complicated year.
FATHER: It's going to be a complicated life.
TIM: For me, it was always going to be all about love.
TIM: I'm Tim.
MARY: I'm Mary.
TIM: It's my mother's name.
MARY: I remind you of your mother? (続く)

52 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 13:57:47.35 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
>>49 の修正版 【改訂1回目(後半)】
どうしても聴き取れないところがある。その部分には ??? をつけてある。悔しい。

[1:00] TIM: ??? Could you give me one second?
TIM: I'm Tim.
MARY: I'm Mary.
TIM: I love your eyes.
MARY: Do you?
TIM: I love the rest of your face too. Haven't even looked further
down ..., I'm sure it's all fantastic.
TIM: I'm sure it'd be better next time.
MARY: Well done. I only ??? musfit for the first time.
TIM: I admit it.
[1:27] TIM: Some day you'll want to relive forever.
TIM: Will you marry me?
MARY: I think I'll go for. . . yes.
TIM: Some day you'll only want to live once.
MOTHER(?): I am so uninterested in the life of your father.
TIM: It never occurred to me I might lose you.
FATHER: I never said you could fix everything -- not without consequences.
TIM: ??? could see you.
MARY (with glasses on): We never met before.
TIM: Oh, no! What do I do?
[1:54] FATHER: You'll have to use it. Make your life the way you
want it to be.
TIM: I never know what the future holds -- just like everyone else.
FATHER: Time catches up to all of us. My son!
TIM: My dad! It's like to lead every day -- as if it were the final day.
My extraordinary, ordinary life.
MARY: That was you again!
TIM: You will! My whole like depends on it. (End of trailer)

53 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 15:03:40.18 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
【映画 "About Time" のラストシーンの台詞の書き取り】

About Time Last Scene (3'14")

TIM: And in the end, I think I've learned the final lesson from my travels in time.
And I've even gone one step further than my father did.
MARY: Okay, I'll do the kids.
TIM: No, don't worry. I'll do it.
MARY: ???
TIM: The truth is, I now don't travel back at all -- not even for the day.
I just try to live every day as if I've (I'd?) deliberately come back to this one day
-- to enjoy it, as if it was the full, final day, with my extraordinary,
ordinary life.
SONG: I don't get many things right the first time.
In fact, I am told then alone. Now I know all the wrong turns and troubles
that brought me here.
[1:15] TIM: Hello, you're down already. Yeah, that's great! Thanks so much for that.
Hosey, Hosey.
SONG: Who was there for the day? ??? your face. Now I see it every day.
TIM: That's fine.
SONG: And I know that I am, I am, I am the luckiest.
[1:50] TIM: ??? again this evening.
[2:10?] TIM: We're all traveling through time together, every day of our lives.
All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable right.
[2:50] WOMAN: Yes, yes, yes, ???
MARY: Okay, see you then.
TIM: Bye bye. See you later. (End of video)

54 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/14(水) 17:53:47.32 ID:oDw3BhSe.net
【映画 "About Time" にて、Tim が Mary に電話番号を尋ねる場面の書き取り】

"About Time": Tim Asks Mary For Her Phone Number 2013 Movie Scene

TIM: Hi.
MARY: Hi. Where, where is. . .?
TIM: Ah, there she changes. She took him to. . . I have. . . .
MARY: Right. Well, I guess. . . I'd better. . . .
TIM: Would it be very wrong if I asked you for your number?
TIM: Just in case I have uh, you know, have to call you about. . . .
MARY: . . . stuff. . . .
TIM: Hmm.
MARY: Okay (giggles). It's Mary.
TIM: Mary.
MARY: Okay.
TIM: I thought this phone number would be my most valuable possession.
MARY: You really like me? Even my frock?
TIM: I love your own frock.
MARY: But then, my hair? It's not too. . . brown?
TIM: I love brown.
MARY: The fringe is new.
TIM: The fringe is perfect. The fringe is the best fit.
WOMAN: We have to go. I've got to call my dodgy friend. He's about to assault me.
MARY: Okay, okay, I'm coming! Two seconds. I hope I'll see you again.
TIM: You will. (End of video)

55 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/02/10(火) 17:52:54.75 ID:cPO7ufz9.net
常用している「英和中辞典」はどこのでしょうか おしえてください

56 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/02/10(火) 19:20:54.99 ID:c+Ub6x58.net

57 :OED に片思い ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/02/10(火) 19:22:58.02 ID:c+Ub6x58.net

58 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/20(月) 18:00:43.50 ID:QBUtvXnt.net

Visual Latin; Sample Lesson 1A; Being Verb Basics -- To Be and Not To Be


Okay, we're back. And we're getting into the lesson. We're getting into Latin actually,
no more concepts, no more talking about what Latin's going to do for you. Let's get started.

We're going to start with a verb -- an important verb. Ah, I'm not going to say the most
important verb, but it's way up there. This is the verb "to be" in English. Now, if I were
to conjugate that in English. When I say "conjugate," what I mean is I take that verb
and I attach all the pronouns to it that we use all the time. Let me give you an example.
I say we're going to conjugate the verb "to be", this is what it would sound like. I am;
you are; he, she, or it is; we are; you all are; they are.

That's an English verb conjugated in a very simple form: present and we'll talk about
that later.

In Latin, that same verb is "sum": s-u-m. Sum. When we conjugate "is," this is how
it's going to sound. Sum, es, est, sumus, estes, sunt. Now, we'll talk about "sum" and
"est" -- "sumus" and "estis" later. Not a whole lot later, but later. They are going
to take a back seat because we're going to talk about "est" and "sunt" today. These
are two of probably the easiest verbs to begin using immediately.

59 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/20(月) 18:03:21.74 ID:QBUtvXnt.net
ラテン語ビデオの書き取り (2)

Now, this verb before we go on in Latin -- this verb in English and in Latin, I guess,
it doesn't matter -- this verb is the verb that shows existence or state of being you
may have heard. English teachers talk about that. You may have come up with that in
English literature class. This is the state of being -- or state of existence. So we're
not doing anything with this verb. You're just saying, "There I am."

All right, let's use it in some sentences. "Est" translates into English as "is." "Sunt"
is "are." So, I have some sentences here on the board. Britannia est insula. "Britannia"
is the name, the ancient name for Britain. It's almost the same. Britannia est insula.
Since I've told you that it's Britain or England we're talking about, you can probably
figure out what the word "insula" means. It's "island." Britannia est insula. See
how easy that is. It's a breeze. Britain is an island. That's easy. By the way, "insula"
is the word where we get the English "peninsula." "Paena" means in Latin "almost."
So "paeninsula" (peninsula): almost an island. Florida is a peninsula. Italy is a peninsula.

Look at the next sentence: Silva est magna. "Silva" means "forest." "Magna" means
"big". That's where we get "magnificent". "Silva," by the way, is where we get the word
"Pennsylvania," which means "Penn's Woods." If you know the story of Pennsylvania,
you know what I'm talking about. Silva est magna. Easy. The forest is big. Very easy.

60 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/20(月) 18:05:51.72 ID:QBUtvXnt.net
ラテン語ビデオの書き取り (3)

The next sentence: Puella est bella. "Puella" means "girl." I think we've done that before.
"Est" means "is." And "bella" means "beautiful." So the girl is beautiful. Easy. "Est"
means "is."

In the plural, "est" turns into "sunt." It now means "are." So, if we take these same
sentences and move them around a little bit, we're going to change "Britannia" --
we're going to add a friend for Britannia and we're going to get "Britannia et
Madagascar." "Et" you see on the screen, is "and." "Britannia et Madagascar
sunt insulae." We'll talk later about why it changed to "insulae." We'll talk about
that another time.

Silva est magna. That's singular. Let's change it. Let's add some. . . let's add another
word in there. So, "silva et insula." Now we have two words. So we have to have a
singular verb to go with our singular subject. Ah, I'm sorry. That was all wrong, kids.
We have to have a plural verb to go with our plural subject. Because we have
"Silva et insula." So "silva et insula sunt magnae." They are big. Puella et mater
(The girl and her mom) sunt bellae (they are beautiful). "Est" means "is." "Sunt"
.means "are." Very easy to use.

61 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/20(月) 18:07:31.67 ID:QBUtvXnt.net
ラテン語ビデオの書き取り (4)

Now, to turn these into questions is also very simple. All you do is to take the little word
-- the very ending "-ne." This is inflexion again. Remember we talk about that. An "-ne"
to either of those words and then take those words and move them to the front of the
sentence. So "Estne" (Is), I could say "Estne Britannia insula?" Is Britain an island?
Yeah. Britannia est insula. Estne silva magna? (Is the forest big?) Hmmm. Silva est
magna. Estne puella bella? (Is the girl beautiful?) Ita. (Yes.) Ita. (Yes.) Puella est bella.

You can do the same thing with "sunt." Take "-ne", slam it into the end of "sunt,"
move it to the front of the sentence, and ask the question. Suntne Britannia et
Madagascar insulae? (Are they islands?) Yes. Suntne Britannia et Madagascar
puellae? (Are they girls?) No. Suntne silva et insula magnae? (Are the forest
and the island big?) Ita. (They are.) Suntne puella et mater bellae? (Are the mom
and the girl beautiful?) Ita. Sunt bellae. (They are beautiful.) Easy verbs to use.
We're going to use them from now on. Do not forget them.


62 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/22(水) 10:35:26.15 ID:jg9etdY7.net


My technique, the technique that was handed to me. . . . It's a technique from the past,
from a great tradition and a future as well. Never push it outward. The point is not
down out, but internal. The chest is always open. The principal organ for singing
is the larynx. If your larynx is sick, don't sing. If your vocal is just sick, it's to
learn just fine. The larynx just colors your voice. The nuances. The beauty and
the tamper are all the ritual games, the two sounds. The vocal cord's job is just to
produce the resonance. All the rest is the larynx. The larynx the couple is the sound.
The lowest one to the highest. The higher you go, more to larynx, more the mean into
the larynx. Never go to the head because the sound is lost. So all you must do is to
find this hook up to the little larynx and then distribute the sound to the various
resonating spaces. The resonating chambers are flat. The chest. The neck. The mask.
The forehead. And the head. ??? from one resonating chamber to another. The lower
?? also are deeper than the chest. The central ??? neck and mask base. And the
higher ??? are mask and forehead. The highest part up in the head. All this must be
done in percentages. That's your voice. That's 100 percent. So I have to ?? lower
?? 50-60 percent down here. 40 and then 10. Central notes, 60 percent in the middle,
30, 10 below, highest notes, 100 percent high. You don't have to think of it having
happened. ??? I never want to see you breathe out like that even when ??? when
you walk, when you talk, on stage.


63 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/22(水) 10:36:13.09 ID:jg9etdY7.net
>>62 からの続き

Who will start? Actually, . . . you go ahead. You
want to start? You have a question? [Yeah.] Okay, listen, the question is, when
we take a rest, do we stick the stomach out or in? There are three ??? breaths.
Let's say two in reality. That's the first in ?? and then you bring it up. So the
diaphragm is half way up from the ???. The voice expands from here to here,
not below. Here. The thorax stays always open. So you work like doing that
kind of ???. There's also a kind of breathing that you do with love. People with
a lot of experience ??? so you have ??? it's as though all you are breathing wild.
You're signing. . . expansion. And if I'm doing that, you continue to use the
inside of ???, but you cannot do if you breathe down. ??? is the middle like
Barbarian Germans. Because they sing (笑い). You don't have the variation
pitches that ??? like ???. We need this trampoline to be able to get ???.
That was a hustle.


64 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/04/22(水) 11:38:24.38 ID:jg9etdY7.net


Hey, guys, here it is Creg. And today I will be showing you how to do 3D motion tracking in the Adobe Aftereffect
CS. CS6. Uh, this ??? CS 5.5 and it doesn't involve boujou or 40 either of these programs.
It's just all ??? aftereffects, so it's a perfect full 3D tracking. There'll be no twitching kind of thing, you know, strict
move tracks, so we're going to be tracking this clip here. As you can see, it's cinematic Dome 1/3 and
goes through. And yeah, so what we're going to do is and aftereffects and I'm just going to
track that right and there. Perfect, okay, so now that's ??? like I'm by no means like a pro of
aftereffects by any means. Like uh, very kind of, I know, I know what I need to know, I guess. So. . . .

65 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/05/07(木) 21:32:18.19 ID:qkYTLtwm.net
nice thread actually

66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/05/08(金) 19:24:54.70 ID:3jUzeKrh.net

「シンプルな語彙だけを用いてとても感動させる英文を書ける詩人 小説家」

そしてその対局の、「レトリック、押韻や 珍しい語彙を駆使してテクニカルな

読書家の方よろしくお願いします! 英語の歌詞lyricsでもいいです。

67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/10/02(金) 11:22:30.96 ID:liCZdEc1.net

68 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/22(金) 14:31:55.83 ID:IgeRLWm1.net
【a one】

"a one" なんて、あまり見たことがないような気がしていた。しかし、一応はちゃんと

(1) such a one (これについては、安藤貞雄「句動詞・イディオム辞典」の one

   The crimes of these men are of course relative and varied;
   for the most part they seek in very varied ways the destruction
   of the present for the sake of the better. But if ●such a one● is
   forced for the sake of his idea to step over a corpse or wade
   through blood, he can, I maintain, find within himself, in his
   conscience, a sanction for wading through blood—that depends
   on the idea and its dimensions, note that.
     (Crime and Punishment, translated by Constance Garnett;
       Part 3, Chapter 5)

(2) a one (これについては、「ジーニアス、第5版」に解説がある)

   "Why don't you put the sugar in your tea, Nastasya Nikiforovna?"
   "You are ●a one●!" Nastasya cried suddenly, going off into a
   giggle. "I am not Nikiforovna, but Petrovna," she added suddenly,
   recovering from her mirth.
     (Crime and Punishment, translated by Constance Garnett;
       Part 2, Chapter 3) (上記の例は、「面白い人だわねえ」というような意味)

(3) Google Books や Corpus of Contemporary American English で "a one"

69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/18(木) 09:31:35.35 ID:qY4jXwdr.net
【literally という言葉の口語的な用法】

本来の literally とは違った意味での口語的な意味合いについて、OED Second Edition
ではまったく解説も何もなかったが、Third Edition (2011) では、実に詳しく定義して、

c. colloq. Used to indicate that some (freq. conventional)
metaphorical or hyperbolical expression is to be taken in the
strongest admissible sense: ‘virtually, as good as’; (also)
‘completely, utterly, absolutely’.

Now one of the most common uses, although often considered irregular
in standard English since it reverses the original sense of literally
(‘not figuratively or metaphorically’).

1769 F. Brooke Hist. Emily Montague IV. ccxvii. 83
  He is a fortunate man to be introduced to such a party of fine
  women at his arrival; it is ●literally● to feed among the lilies.
1801 Spirit of Farmers' Museum 262
  He is, ●literally●, made up of marechal powder, cravat, and bootees.
1825 J. Denniston Legends Galloway 99
  Lady Kirkclaugh, who, ●literally● worn to a shadow, died of a broken heart.
1863 F. A. Kemble Jrnl. Resid. Georgian Plantation 105
  For the last four years..I ●literally● coined money.


70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/18(木) 09:32:09.41 ID:qY4jXwdr.net
>>69 からの続き
1876 ‘M. Twain’ Adventures Tom Sawyer ii. 20
  And when the middle of the afternoon came, from being a poor
  poverty-stricken boy in the morning, Tom was ●literally● rolling
  in wealth.
1906 Westm. Gaz. 15 Nov. 2/1
  Mr. Chamberlain ●literally● bubbled over with gratitude.
1975 Chem. Week (Nexis) 26 Mar. 10
  ‘They're ●literally● throwing money at these programs,’ said a Ford
  Administration official.
2008 Herald-Times (Bloomington, Indiana) 22 Oct. a8/1
  ‘OMG, I ●literally● died when I found out!’ No, you figuratively
  died. Otherwise, you would not be around to relay your pointless anecdote.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, September 2011).

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/18(木) 09:41:01.74 ID:qY4jXwdr.net
【totally という言葉の口語的な用法】

ついでに、totally という言葉の口語的な用法についても、OED の解説を引用しておく。
totally という言葉も、アメリカ人の若者の会話にやたらに出てくる。

Draft additions January 2005
colloq. (orig. and chiefly U.S.). In weakened use, as an intensifier:
(modifying an adjective) very, extremely;
(modifying a verb) definitely, absolutely.

1972 Screw 29 May 33/2 (advt.)
  A ●totally● dominant English massage by a lovely female,
  in your home or office.
a1978 J. Carpenter Halloween (film script) 20
  You ●totally● never showed up.
1981 Washington Post 8 Oct. b1/1
  Scott Wallace is padded and pumped... Awesome, man,
  ●totally● awesome.
1994 A. Heckerling Clueless (film script) Green Revised Pages 1,
  I live in Beverly Hills with my father, who's a ●totally● prominent
2004 Chicago Tribune (Midwest ed.) 11 Jan. xiii. 3/1
  Dude, I had to give her my seat. She ●totally● reminded me of my mom!
出典:OED Second Edition に付け足された資料
Third Edition に向けての改訂が進行中なので、それが完成したときのこの

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/19(金) 20:52:15.52 ID:z+7G1HQ5.net
Pascal の "Les Pensees" の一節  クレオパトラの鼻に関する一節の前後
改めて Pascal を拾い読みしてみたくなった。しょっちゅう彼の言葉は思い出す。

He who will know fully the vanity of man has only to consider
the causes and effects of love. The cause is a je ne sais quoi
(Corneille), and the effects are dreadful. ★This je ne sais quoi,
so small an object that we cannot recognise it, agitates a whole
country, princes, armies, the entire world.★

★Cleopatra's nose: had it been shorter, the whole aspect of the world
would have been altered.★

Le nez de Cleopatre s’il eust esté plus court
toute la face de la terre auroit changé.

★Vanity.—The cause and the effects of love: Cleopatra.★

He who does not see ●the vanity of the world● is himself very vain.
Indeed who do not see it but youths who are absorbed in fame,
diversion, and the thought of the future? But take away diversion,
and you will see them dried up with weariness. They feel then their
nothingness without knowing it; for ★it is indeed to be unhappy to be
in insufferable sadness as soon as we are reduced to thinking of self,
and have no diversion.★

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/19(金) 23:00:26.64 ID:6UxvLXbe.net

Japanese, literally ‘your house,’ alluding to the reluctance of such young people to leave the house.(NOAD3)

Japanese, literally ‘your house’, in formal speech also meaning ‘you’, used by some anime and manga
fans as an affectedly formal way of addressing others with similar interests.(ODE3)

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/19(金) 23:17:37.78 ID:6UxvLXbe.net

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/21(日) 14:45:09.60 ID:9wqhhbbn.net
たとえば Liverpool の訛りのうち、k が片っ端から /χ/ となり、たとえば book が
ドイツ語の Buch そっくりになって /bːχ/ そっくりになっているのが面白い。

   Funny liverpool accent of this amazing girl

England の諸方言、Wales の方言、Scotland の方言、Ireland の方言、
Australia, New Zealand, North America の諸方言をすべて聞き分ける

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/24(水) 13:43:29.91 ID:iRgF+GpX.net
【the amount of forest】


They found that between 1976 and 2000 at the national level,
■the amount of forest■ lost to deforestation and degradation was
four and six times higher, respectively, than ●the amount of forest●
gained through revegetation and old-forest regrowth (table 1).
  Source: Academic paper, bioscence, 2009,
       Corpus of Contemporary American English

77 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/02/26(金) 20:28:50.39 ID:FTcSsWlP.net
【the blankets, whose number I increase and diminish】


I am naked in the bed, in 【the blankets, whose number I increase】 and
diminish as the seasons come and go.

   Samuel Beckett "Malone Dies"

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/01(火) 10:29:09.45 ID:mDFUMlwW.net
【Thirty days hath September】

Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes に載っているこの言葉。ネイティブのあいだでは

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November.
All the rest have 31,
Except for February,
Which got the short stick because it's cold and no one likes it.

79 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/02(水) 13:14:17.53 ID:4CVEFuuH.net

芥川龍之介 「歯車」

80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/02(水) 14:49:50.08 ID:4CVEFuuH.net
Emile Cioran の "De l'inconvenience d'etre ne" の日本語版は、38年も
ただし僕は、Emile Cioran の全著作を集めたフランス語版 (Pleiade 版) を持っている。

Trois heures du matin. Je perçois cette seconde, et puis cette autre,
je fais le bilan de chaque minute.
Pourquoi tout cela? — Parce que je suis né.
C'est d'un type spécial de veilles que dérive la mise en cause de la
« Depuis que je suis au monde » — ce depuis me paraît chargé d'une
signification si effrayante qu'elle en devient insoutenable.


81 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/12(土) 21:24:02.31 ID:8iZOhdHs.net

オーストラリアとニュージーランドとが共同で作った番組で、50分 x 8回で完結する。

HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1 Birth of a Language doc series 10Youtube com

82 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/13(日) 11:51:58.96 ID:YiqCo9+/.net
英詩には、僕にとってわかりやすいものと難しいものがある。Wordsworth や Emily
Bronte は比較的わかりやすく感じる。Samuel Beckett の詩は、最初はまるでちんぷん
かんぶんだったが、最近になって少し面白く感じるようになってきた。Shakespeare の
Sonnets も、辞書をしっかり引きながら読めば一応は面白いと感じる。

Seamus Heaney も高い評価を受けているから、ちょっと読んでみたが、今のところは
辞書を丹念に引きながら読んでもわからない。Old English の学習書の最初のあたり

Bone Dreams - Seamus Heaney

White bone found
on the grazing:
the rough, porous
language of touch

83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/14(月) 09:26:47.22 ID:PO0Aqtln.net
続いた。下記のスレの >>948 から最後まで、そして新しいスレにも1回だけ


多読のすゝめ 4冊目 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

84 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/22(火) 08:11:17.51 ID:WlCBuuFR.net



85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/03/22(火) 16:19:22.72 ID:FKbBB4P0.net


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