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英英辞典について語るスレ 5

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/08/15(金) 16:40:22.68 ID:yhTFbj/3.net
LDOCEに載っているけどOALD, Cobuild, CALD, MEDに載っていない単語を見つけました。

juggling [uncountable]

1 the skill of keeping three or more objects moving through the air
by throwing and catching them :
a display of juggling

2 the practice of changing things or arranging them in a way that
makes it possible for you to do something:
It took a lot of juggling and rearrangement of figures before the
loan was approved.

3 when someone who has a good job in a profession they have trained
for is also secretly involved in an illegal activity

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