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My Endless Soliloquy【隔離孤立】英文で独り言)

100 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/13(水) 04:59:25.52 ID:LNrhZ/5R.net
Well, that's a good one! Although I'm not much versed in English poetry,
much less in Shakespeare, I think you selected the right rhyming words
in your parody. I'm really glad I've read -- or rather, browsed --
"Hamlet" in the original just recently. It's because of that that
I can now appreciate your parody much better than I would have done before.

I'm a little bit into Shakespeare these days. As a nonnative speaker of English and
just a layman in English literature, particularly in its classics,
I can do nothing but struggle and inch forward in trying to appreciate
the Bard of Avon.

Although I still don't understand much of his
ancient turns of speech, I think I find his rhythm beautiful.
On YouTube, I find lots of public readings of Shakespeare. I've been
enjoying hearing readings of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Hamlet."

Of all the readings of "Hamlet" accessible free of charge on YouTube,
I love the following:


This reading is by Kenneth Brannagh, Judy Dench, Emma Thompson, and
many other talented actors.

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