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My Endless Soliloquy【隔離孤立】英文で独り言)

102 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/13(水) 09:05:13.97 ID:LNrhZ/5R.net
Thanks for yet another post.

Only about a month ago I saw a modern version of "Hamlet" on YouTube.
The entire film is there free of charge.

Hamlet - David Tennant, Patrick Stewart, Penny Downie. Act 1, Scene 1.

As for a performance of "Romeo and Juliet," I love the version
made by LibriVox.

Romeo and Juliet Audiobook by William Shakespeare

In the above recording, the actor as Romeo and the one as Juliet
are fantastic. They are both talented actors with splendid,
fascinating voices. It is no one but these people who inspired
me to read and listen to the entire "Romeo and Juliet."

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