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My Endless Soliloquy【隔離孤立】英文で独り言)

121 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2014/08/14(木) 09:47:48.04 ID:G4ItPRx0.net
Since you're interested in the Germanic roots of English, I guess
Scots interests you as well. I've recently picked up some poems of
the Scottish poet Robert Burns and read them, looking up every Scots
word in my Scots-English dictionary.

I've also been trying -- although only little by little and occasionally,
not intensively at all -- to learn some basic expressions and words
of the language by reading a coursebook in the language and watching
YouTube videos posted by Scottish people teaching us the basics of the language.

Scots is very, very interesting when you view it in connection with English
and other Germanic languages, especially the Scandinavian ones.

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