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593 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/24(土) 21:45:16.86 ID:KVERjDjs.net

This matter (OR project?) requires only to be inspected
or permitted under the Plant Protection Act
because it is irrelevant to many of the acts such as
the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act
in connection also with the provisions Article 70 of the Customs Act
to the effect that "Concerning any cargoes that need permission, approval,
or other disposition by an administrative agency, or anything similar
in relation to exportation or importation as per the provisions of
another act, anyone about to make an export declaration or
import declaration thereof shall prove to the customs house
that the said cargoes have undergone the said permission, approval,
and/or other disposition."

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