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日本語→英語スレ Part401

598 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/24(土) 22:22:15.20 ID:KVERjDjs.net
(1) ×年でもまだ
  (1-1) As recently as xxxx,
  (1-2) As late as xxxx,

(2) ビーチサイドまで車では入れた(乗り入れできた)よ。
  (2-1) you had access to the beach side by car.
  (2-2) you were given access to the beach side by car.
  (2-3) you were allowed to drive up to the beach side.
  (2-4) the beach side was accessible to cars.

総レス数 1010
362 KB

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