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日本語→英語スレ Part401

724 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/28(水) 06:37:28.92 ID:X2p4AITq.net

  (1) Buddhism holds that animals must not be treated with greater care
  in a funeral than humans

  (2) Buddhist teaching holds that. . . .

  (3) Buddhism teaches that. . . .

  (4) with greater care の代わりに carefully でもよい。

  (5) must の代わりに should でもよい。

  (6) Buddism holds that better funerals must not be held
    for animals than for humans.

  (7) According to Buddhism, animals are not supposed to be
   treated with greater care in funerals than humans.

  (8) Buddhism teaches believers not to treat animals
  more carefully in funerals than they do humans.

  (9) Buddhism teaches believers not to hold
   better funerals for animals than for humans.

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