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日本語→英語スレ Part401

824 :OED Loves Me Not ◆5o7MC4F0bo :2015/01/29(木) 13:16:22.76 ID:KtihKjI5.net

★inspire という動詞を使わないでこの文章を訳すと、次のようなものが考えられると思う。

(1) A novel posted on a bulletin board in Japan 【fired my imagination,
prompting me to】 paint (OR drew) this illustration.

(2) 【My imagination fired by】 a novel posted on a bulletin board in Japan,
I painted (OR drew) this illustration.

★(2) は、独立分詞構文。"My imagination (having been) fired by" でもよい。

(3) My imagination fired by a novel posted on a bulletin board in Japan
incited me to paint (OR drew) this illustration.

(4) An inspiring novel posted on xxx incited me to paint this illustration.

(5) Stirred by a novel xxx, I painted xxx.
(6) A novel xxx stirred me to paint xxx.

(7) Motivated by a novel xxx, I painted xxx.
(8) A novel xxx motivated me to paint xxx.

motivate の代わりに、stimulate や rouse を使って (7) や (8) と同様に書ける。
さらに、stir, motivate, stimulate, rouse を使っただけだったら、その小説を

ということを明らかにしたければ、"a novel xxx" ではなく、"the plot and style of a novel xxx"

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