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1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/03/27(金) 00:42:07.24 ID:Aj50GlQq.net
文法ミスやBetter な表現など指摘しあいましょう。

53 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (エムゾネW FFff-AyKb):2017/07/22(土) 11:18:25.60 ID:v5ThiiP8F.net
TOPIC:Should minors who commit serious crimes receive the same punishments as adults?

I believe that minors are too young to receive the same punishments as adults.
I have three reasons to support this idea.

The primary reason why minors shouldn't be punished is because the environment they grew up in deeply affects their way of thinking.
Hence, it is more likely that they may commit crimes if they were raised in a dysfunctional family. In most cases, they have witnessed domestic violence even in their neighborhood on a weekly basis.
Young minds can be easily shaped, thus if given proper guidance, they can make wise decisions in the future.

In addition, several studies show that the decision making part of the brain continues to develop until individual's mid-20's.
This means that juveniles delinquency account for immature brain function, providing the evidence that there should be extenuating circumstances in minors' crimes.
Adults should play a role model on how to behave in order to prevent them from poor decision making.

Last, unless we provide minor convicts proper education and ethical guidance giving a basis to develop a strong moral compass, the likelihood of their crime relapse will remain in high.
In fact, two third of former convicts are arrested again within three years after being released from imprisonment.

In light of points mentioned above, minors are too young to receive the same punishments as adults and most importantly it's them who will be taking the lead in supporting our societies after all.

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