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The Economistを読むスレ4

610 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/12/30(日) 21:29:51.68 ID:XsW947HY0.net
TE: Again, it is through the screen. Take this one, in my hand. It is displaying Tapple, one of Japan’s most popular dating apps. It makes romance simpler.



TE: Many young people are shy, so the machine asks them questions to draw out information that lovers might want to know. You can search for someone who lives in the same area, or has the same hobbies.
LM: Can you find men who love “The Tale of Genji”?
TE: Here are ten of them.

The Economist で何人ヒットするか、だれか試してよ。

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