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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

1 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:38:12.15 ID:P19sFDWe.net
( ´・ω・)  Let's have sweet mugi-cha and chat!
( つ旦O  
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190

Please try http://8ch.net/int/

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 192

2 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:41:02.38 ID:P19sFDWe.net
You're fucking welcome.

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/14(金) 18:29:15.81 ID:geFd7/KC.net
What are you doing?

4 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/14(金) 20:39:49.78 ID:hJsOm12h.net
oh my fucking GOD!

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/14(金) 20:42:29.59 ID:hJsOm12h.net
I'm thinking about world peace.

6 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/14(金) 21:40:35.79 ID:Aq+sBtvq.net
According to arms control chronicle, disarmament is no easy task, even if the United Nation and other international organizations are making their utmost efforts.

7 :Dreas:2015/08/14(金) 23:15:31.64 ID:AkWNIyhu!.net
Well sadly it appears I won't be able to
Read any further o barefoot gen. I was
Using an ebook, and they only have 3
Volumes. Oh well.

8 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 00:12:32.62 ID:VeMh2L/x.net
Do you guys watch 火垂るの墓 tonight?

I watched it and actually I've watched it so many times but every time I can't help but cry!

Watching this makes me so mad about imperialist Americans! I'll never forget what they did to us! Shame on them!

9 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 03:24:12.95 ID:HPRumGDI.net
I hope all these worthless right wing morons will fuckin' kill themselves soon.

10 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 05:24:45.50 ID:WZRSQjHN!.net
>>8 it never gets old to you does it?

11 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 05:38:04.87 ID:a98iPsoB!.net
Is 2ch gaijin friendly?

12 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 05:41:10.72 ID:UwjA0LCt.net
Japanese don't make anti-American propaganda movies.
Hotarunohaka is not anti-American movie,but only anti-war movie.
However,Americans made some like unbroken.

Okinawa? America made propaganda that the Okinawa war was Japanese fault.
A lot of stories as Japanese soldiers did were fabricated.
Americans killed a lot of Okinawa people.

An American makes an Okinawa documentary film.
He is leftist probably.
He can draw America was an invader,can't he?
He mentioned 琉球併合in the film.
Okinawa war cannot offset 琉球併合.
琉球併合 was not invade and killed a lot of civilians.

13 :anonymous:2015/08/15(土) 06:47:21.20 ID:rbYJ8U2h!.net
Are we really going to start talking about world war 2 again? We had like 1000 posts about it in the last thread.
And in those 1000 posts only about 5 points were ever made, with literally nobody arguing against any of those points.
Who are we still trying to convince and what are we even trying to convince them of? What thought still exists on this topic that hasn't been expressed?

14 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 07:29:59.60 ID:UwjA0LCt.net
Don't you know In Jpana the world war 2 doesn't end?
Japan has been suffering from false history for 70 years.
English wikis are very terrible.
American think the world war 2 has already become the past event
because you don't want to consider the American war crime,don't you?
If Americans want to say WW2 is the past event,they should fight against false history.
Japan and America are allies,but America won't help Japan from Nanking,Bataan,and so on.

15 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 07:32:02.01 ID:UwjA0LCt.net
And you can do スルー any time.
Here is 2ch.
You should learn the way.

16 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 07:58:15.89 ID:x22g6TX+!.net
is it anywhere here gaijin friendly thread?

17 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 08:27:01.94 ID:x22g6TX+!.net
yay finally can post here!
Maybe it is a bit wrong thread but idk where to post. Seems there is a lot of english speakers.
I googled a lot and still couldn't find answer. What are the MMO/MMORPG made in Japan ( i.e. Japanese developer)
which are good for PC player who dislikes consoles, not a browser trash, not an android/ios app ??
Aion Tera BnS - are not Japanese games - its Korean ones.
I know maybe 2 or 3. It is PSO2 and FFXIV and maybe onigiri online(however it is very consolish like)
What are the good ones except those 2 or 3 ?

18 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 11:08:19.76 ID:VeMh2L/x.net
Go fuck yourself

19 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 11:15:08.75 ID:VeMh2L/x.net
I agree. Japan has been suffering from groundless accusations from especially stupid two Koreans and China for freaking 70 years.

You know why?because Japan lost. Victorious countries always rewrite the history what they like! Unfair!

20 :anonymous:2015/08/15(土) 11:19:20.47 ID:rbYJ8U2h!.net
If you say so...
It's not Japanese but have you tried out TERA?
It's more on the actiony side and the community is very friendly.

21 :ダメリカ〜ン:2015/08/15(土) 11:29:49.12 ID:F0Gs2wz8!.net
English suffers from being a retarded hybrid of Anglo-Saxon and Norman French. Plus we have lots of lone words from other languages, mostly Greek and Latin, but others.

English actually does have Japanese loan words. There are obvious ones, like futon, tofu, etc. There are others that are not as obvious, like the word tycoon, which actually comes from 大君, or honcho, which comes from 班長.

I'm always amazed at how many English words modern Japanese borrows. It seems weird to me to keep borrowing English terms, when the kanji make synthesizing new words from native morphemes so easy.

22 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 11:44:56.90 ID:VeMh2L/x.net
Gaijin overload?

23 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 12:53:31.67 ID:UwjA0LCt.net
Yes.Victors make history has been valid yet.
The value is enemy against world peace.
America sticks to the value,so America doesn't wish for world peace.

24 :Dreas:2015/08/15(土) 12:58:50.44 ID:WZRSQjHN!.net
You might not believe it but I'm still
Working on the aviation pics. There were
Many of them. Sadly my camera was being a
Dick so I couldn't snag everything but
Regardless, there's still quite a few.
Any of you fellows big into aviation

25 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 13:03:32.87 ID:4oc+yKrk.net
This chat has been deleted

26 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 14:16:47.85 ID:WZRSQjHN!.net
Oh no, now how will I argue about atom bombs with angry shut ins

27 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/15(土) 15:00:18.53 ID:onOFNpyw.net
It's very easy.
44% of Americans think Atomic bombs were not justice.
All you have to do is tune in their mind logically.

28 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/15(土) 15:15:44.44 ID:3z07vG1X.net
The Meteorological Agency warns Sakurajima will erupt and recommend to evacuate the villagers from the nearby area before the predicted earthquake occurs

29 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/15(土) 20:31:03.76 ID:3z07vG1X.net
The opposition parties and some of the pacifists said that the Prime Minister's announcement was ambiguous about Japan's past conduct during World War II.
They denounced his attitude about Japanese Imperial Army's invasion in Asian countries as opposition for the sake of opposition.

30 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 00:18:33.11 ID:tU0I7yyG.net
I'm drunk. I want to have sex with a hot white gaijin.

31 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/16(日) 10:35:12.66 ID:hZHOvMnq.net
The high school in Akita Prefecture advanced to quarterfinals for the first time in 80 years in the High School Baseball Tournament.

32 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/16(日) 14:56:42.28 ID:hZHOvMnq.net
In Tianjin City, rescue workers and firefighters were still battling with residual heat, sporadic flames and piles of debris on August 15 for searching missing people.

33 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 16:57:25.24 ID:hh95CeXV.net
It's a karma. Chinese have been always looking down on Japanese so this happened.

34 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 17:58:55.00 ID:hh95CeXV.net
I'm studying right now! I'm such a nice student!

I'm just curious gaijins! I often hear on American drama or something. Getting straight A is difficult?

I have never gotten any Bs from gaijin teachers. Only A+ or A from them. On the other hand, Japanese teachers gave me Bs often.

35 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 18:57:36.78 ID:yTblwJr9!.net
It's not difficult.
We just have lower work ethic and it's common for students to neglect to do their work, or do it last minute. Therefore, motivation is often what students refer to when they say the class is "difficult". Not the actual workload.

36 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 20:15:26.60 ID:Z91cNPbD.net
Today,Japanese TV show "そこまで言って委員会NP" dealed with Nanking,Comfort women and 731.
Japanese have already know those are fabricated propagadas.
I hope foreigners evolve into logical mind having people in the future.
Japanese are too logical.

37 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/16(日) 21:23:44.27 ID:6sObX15I.net
The Prime Minister known as rightest will consider the legislation against armed attacks on Japan should be materialized although such attacks do not seem imminent.
And he intends to help evacuate the Japanese nationals in the war-torn areas by sending the SDF personnel abroad.

38 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/16(日) 23:26:21.29 ID:r3LUHEbL.net
>>34 That is because most Gaijin teachers in Japan are afraid of losing their jobs.

If their students are not satisfied, they are fired. If they are fired, they also lose their visa and have to go back to kaigai. English teachers in Japan are mostly low class citizens.

39 :臭い米国人:2015/08/17(月) 00:50:17.90 ID:K8OCOT2A!.net
What >>35 and >>38 said is true.

Also, from the Japanese I have met that study here, they say that college here is harder than back home.
Because here we constantly have assignments and tests throughout each semester, and then the final test or project.
While there it is just show up to class, take notes, and prepare for the finals.

Although the thing I find funny is that Japan and America have similar work culture.
Most people don't believe this, but I've recently come around to it.
What makes it funny is that Japan is straightforward with the culture.
That is, everybody knows to devote to the company before the family.
While in America, it's more subtle. Everyone is expected to devote themselves to the company before family.
The workers who don't are usually excluded from a lot of company things, and
may be ostracized by their coworkers. Or even let go from their job.

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 01:01:21.04 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
I know what you mean. Most of my gaijin teachers constantly gave us tons of assignments, small tests, presentation, final exams etc etc BUT! I had good grades from them!

But whatever Japanese people don't give a fuck about grades. We just care what university you graduated from. That's all.

41 :anonymous:2015/08/17(月) 01:27:37.00 ID:RZYjU4aB!.net
In America, it actually doesn't matter much which university you graduate from, just the fact that you graduated from one matters.
After that, the most important things to get promoted are your leadership ability and your competency at work (but it helps to be friends with the boss of course).
Honestly, this kinda sucks because almost any university can ask for your whole life savings in order for you to get a degree.
Some people get around this by joining the Army (I'm actually half way through joining the National Guard to pay for a degree, it's like an armed disaster cleanup team...kinda)
and others just go to a trade school to learn something like welding or mechanics. My friend actually joined a freight shipping company as a train driver.
After training, he will be making $45,000 per year or about 5,589,450.00 yen.
There are tons of ways to get a degree here and not be in debt for years but most people just don't see them for some reason.

42 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 10:07:01.00 ID:1kHG/J4F.net
A fire broke out in a ferry boat berthed at the port of the Philippines, was put out leaving no danger to passengers.

43 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 11:20:07.62 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
The many crew and passengers jumped out of the burning ship to escape from flames.

44 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 13:10:48.35 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
The Indonesian airliner lost radio control after takeoff. A witness says the plane might have crashed into a mountainside mainly due torrential rains and strong winds.

45 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 13:22:59.59 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
mainly due → mainly due to

46 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 14:35:34.08 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
What do you think of this guys!


47 :三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/17(月) 20:04:02.07 ID:8dOfzUwJ!.net
chinning : once (´▽`*)

even I, such a wimpy boy, can do it 10 times!

48 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 22:15:27.14 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
Because of the wage increase freeze and the rise in commodity price, the sluggish individual spending is hampering the nation's economic recovery.

49 :臭い米国人:2015/08/17(月) 22:46:50.72 ID:K8OCOT2A!.net
That poor man and his small penis.

50 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:02:52.19 ID:p1jTwNNp.net
I'd like to speak English well, how should be done?

51 :anonymous:2015/08/17(月) 23:27:11.20 ID:RZYjU4aB!.net
Speak in English more. You can do this by reading this thread a lot or going to American websites.
The best option though is to take English classes in a school. Remember that at some point you will have to start teaching yourself, though.

52 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:40:19.89 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
Well that is the average American size though?!

I think that is from this fitness magazine called muscle and fitness. It's American.

53 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:59:04.03 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
I think every man should have at least 18cm penis.

54 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 01:57:04.61 ID:kHTVQ1+h.net
>>53 Every man has a right to at least 18 cm of penis!

55 :三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/18(火) 03:35:29.21 ID:6tUxXvdq!.net
And how about yours?

I've met a guy with an over-20cm one, and I realized bigger is not always better.
14cm-18cm is best!

56 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 06:23:34.77 ID:AQTpeH5m!.net
The biggest thing that makes people stand out as non-native english speakers is leaving out words.
Usually foreigners can put everything in the right order, but they forget to put in all the little grammatical words and prepositions like "it", "a", "to", "the", "in", etc..

For example, you should have used "it" in your question:
>How should _it_ be done?

Don't be afraid to put those words all over the place, we use them a lot, and if you can master them you'll sound native.

57 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 09:37:24.71 ID:IH+06cS5.net
penis size differs widely depending on which measuring method you choose.
now is the right time for us human beings to erect one universal standard measuring method.

58 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/18(火) 10:13:35.45 ID:73YFDyri.net
A bomb suspected of being exploded by terrorists occurred in the marketplace in Bangkok, leaving at least 22 persons killed and 30 persons injured.

59 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 10:19:34.07 ID:mVdYzA5Y!.net
The Tianjin explosion was karma for China being anti-humanitarian nation.
They are collecting their just reward now.

60 :anonymous:2015/08/18(火) 12:58:51.72 ID:V69QtW+Y!.net
>erect one universal standard
I chuckled

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