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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

1 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:38:12.15 ID:P19sFDWe.net
( ´・ω・)  Let's have sweet mugi-cha and chat!
( つ旦O  
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190

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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 192

163 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 00:22:34.44 ID:worEqLFU!.net
The jews run the world.

164 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 00:31:13.23 ID:cyl0fjrT.net
You're wrong. Koreans control the world. You mark my words.

165 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 00:32:04.55 ID:worEqLFU!.net
South koreans or north koreans?

166 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 00:35:24.91 ID:cyl0fjrT.net
Both. But South Koreans are more annoying.

167 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 01:04:32.75 ID:COK6vq6G.net
i mean, in japan, hamburger is two pieces of bread with ground meat in between.
hambaagu is oval shaped ground meat with no bread.
they are completely different in japan.

168 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 01:12:31.82 ID:Uga4ec3z.net
Tell me how to get money w/o job.

169 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 01:59:05.62 ID:GZlgN4Q1!.net
Go to town, suck dick for bus change then walk home

170 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 02:06:05.98 ID:cyl0fjrT.net
How much can I get for sucking one dick?

171 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 02:17:37.58 ID:lw7OyqO6.net
Hey guys! What you guys hanging up so late for?

172 :anonymous:2015/08/21(金) 03:39:10.47 ID:Zhr1zMnl!.net
Oh, it seems I misunderstood. We call that hamburger just because it's the type of meat we put in hamburgers.
It can also be called ground beef but technically, the only difference between ground beef and hamburger is that hamburger can have added cuts and fat from other animals but ground beef can not.

173 :三年英太郎@Amsterdam ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/21(金) 04:42:57.03 ID:gl30tSn/!.net
I was talking with my friend's friend, who's Dutch, gay, and a bit kinky I think.

I said I had a small biz here in Holland to make travel expenses,
then guess what he said ; if you need some money why don't you do prostitution?
He said so with a sobor face :-O

174 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 05:09:48.72 ID:worEqLFU!.net
Just go to the red light district, It's famous. Or infamous.

175 :三年英太郎@Amsterdam ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/21(金) 05:15:40.92 ID:gl30tSn/!.net
Hmmm, in A'dam's RLD I've never seen ones for gay....

176 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 07:39:51.17 ID:worEqLFU!.net
That just means you have that whole market demographic to yourself!

177 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 10:19:56.95 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
As for sharks, loans sharks in Japan earned windfall benefits causing many salaried men were suffering from huge accumulated debts about three decays ago.
As a result of that, the problem of an increasing number of suicides was gravely.

178 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 10:20:47.62 ID:xPR+D0b2.net

179 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 10:22:00.60 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
loans sharks → loan sharks

180 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 10:39:57.03 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
The Chinese government was annoyed by the decrease in car production and other heavy industrial products.
So, they called on the world's industrial nations to make investment in the country.

181 :臭い米国人:2015/08/21(金) 12:12:47.02 ID:/4XE9KAu!.net
North Korea is best Korea.

I'm confused 512Mさん、are you recovering at home or in the hospital?
A lot of people will say they feel as though they recover quicker at home,
but that's only because they dealt with the harsher recovery at the hospital already.

182 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 13:18:27.35 ID:xG9Y3s1M!.net
Goddamn I remember when I was the only gaijin not living in Japan on this thread. Now we've taken over like dirty stinking Koreans, with our withered claws and fangs, our shriveled up wings and multiple pulsating cocks
undulating in an orgy of near- constant ejaculation.
We swoop into the virtual hibachi shops, shouting at the little Asian folks just trying to learn an inferior cave-kid language while eating their disgusting sea animals.
Then we shit on EVERYTHING the greatest tradition of the white man.
Not in the metaphorical sense I mean literally encrusting everything in a thick crusty coating of fecal matter.
Our screams filling the air like sirens in the distance; the smell of our gross sweaty bodies nearly blotting out the sun,
enough to knock a buzzard off a shitwagon.
Our rat-like tails drag in the constant stream of urine we expel, leaving a traceable trail, if you have the right equipment.
Our hidden ESP keeps us in constant communication with other gaijins.
One day we will return to our home planet, but until that day, we run this shit.
I am a white male feminist college professor.
I cut my cock open every month to simulate menstruation.
I like to watch other men fuck my wife.

183 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 13:47:01.05 ID:yrZm9SF1.net
    l:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::// ヽ::::::::::::::l
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184 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 13:58:15.61 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
Fortunately the brain surgeon says my illness is described as not serious.
I am slowly recovering from a paralysis of my leg at home, taking a medicine every day.
Thanks to my doctor's efforts, the delicate operation was in the process of success.

185 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 15:13:28.02 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
The communist delegate grilled the Prime Minister on the controversy over the role of the Self-Defense Forces in the international community in the Upper House today.

186 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 15:58:39.36 ID:cyl0fjrT.net
Omg! I want to have sex tonight! But I'm not turned on by Japanese anymore!

187 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 17:11:50.20 ID:xPR+D0b2.net
At issue in the Asian crisis is the increased military tension between North and South Korea.

188 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 17:19:35.00 ID:worEqLFU!.net
You should have sex with as many japanese women as you can, to fix the issue with birth rates.

189 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 18:54:44.70 ID:By7vAjrF.net
Who wants to a fucking baby in this day and age?!

My big brother has a fucking retarded baby and its fucking disgusting!

190 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 19:19:56.03 ID:lw7OyqO6.net
Watch out with your language.
Be nice to your nephew.

191 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 19:44:53.98 ID:By7vAjrF.net
Fuck that! I almost spitted at its ugly face! Fuck fuck fuck!

192 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 20:09:21.68 ID:worEqLFU!.net
You know what they say, children look like their parents. And you and your brother have the same parents. And your brothers child is ugly.

193 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 20:12:54.78 ID:By7vAjrF.net
That maybe true. But you know what? Me and my fucking brother are totally different. I am baka but he is a natural.

He went to the university of Tokyo without any efforts and then went to grad school of it. But I'm a F-ranked university graduate lololol

So funny!

194 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 20:25:27.36 ID:By7vAjrF.net
Life is so unfair! Fuck

195 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 20:54:53.71 ID:worEqLFU!.net
Maybe you'll win in the end. Don't give up! Maybe it's not even his child.

196 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 22:19:19.34 ID:cyl0fjrT.net
I just went to Lawson and got some odens because they're on sale!
I was super excited on my way home because I like them so much!

However I opened a lid and then found a hair in it wtf...here is the proof.
By the way this is not my hair. My hair is really thick.

What is your favorite oden?

197 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 22:44:33.34 ID:49bxWD3Z.net
Prime Minister Abe will be a winner in the ruling LDP's presidential election scheduled for next month.
Prime Minister Abe will be reelected to his second term of office because of the LDP's majority strength in Parliament.

198 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/21(金) 23:34:50.48 ID:49bxWD3Z.net
In the near future, the LDP will win an overwhelming victory in the general election because the Premier's political and economic policies are supported by many voters.
In the background, job openings to seekers improved and many people are satisfied with the status quo.

199 :anonymous:2015/08/22(土) 00:46:53.59 ID:3biNGZP9!.net
Are you going to be okay, man?

200 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 01:15:32.25 ID:9afp5Qyt.net
Somehow the cold air from my aircon is kinda stinky...

I think it needs a checkup...

201 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 02:18:54.52 ID:yv5rNGcT.net
Pleased to meet you.

202 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 03:14:52.79 ID:TTsws00y!.net
Hello, pleased to meet you too!

203 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 08:54:52.92 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
The Chinese economy is staggering recently.
Even now, China's modernization plans are largely dependent on foreign investments.

204 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 09:46:53.26 ID:bgnCO6Dk!.net
To me, money is like sex;

I don't have either.

205 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 10:36:08.06 ID:TTsws00y!.net
Ha! I feel you. I have some money though but sex is like the deserts of sahara.

206 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 11:24:30.32 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
A withdrawal of US troops from South Korea would tip the military balance substantially in Asia because of North Korea's hostile policy toward South Korea.

207 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 14:07:49.40 ID:LWjoJvRH.net
(I want a fami-chickii....)

208 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 14:53:22.63 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
A leading aide of the IS leader was killed by the US air raids on IS hideout.

209 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 15:42:28.69 ID:n8wXfp/H.net
>>206 I think Russia will rule North Korea. I don't mind.

210 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 15:44:38.45 ID:n8wXfp/H.net
I don't have to work for stupid Japanese Korean,

211 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 15:48:34.11 ID:9afp5Qyt.net
I'm going to コメダ coffee now because there is no Starbucks shops near my house. So inconvenient.

212 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 16:06:18.31 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
The broadcast said the move toward the resumption of dialogue between North and South Korea is an encouraging atmosphere.

213 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 16:34:32.53 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
The Tokyo Stock Exchange was dampened by speculation that the Chinese economy is staggering recently.

214 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 16:44:15.39 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
And on the ground, the Federal Reserve Board will raise the official discount rate.

215 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 20:22:19.59 ID:Ju6Vegrh.net

216 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 22:44:25.95 ID:n8wXfp/H.net
Please tell me your no way story. I don't hear much of no way story in Japan.
That's sad. Because there is a distance. We Caucasian love no way with pleasure.

217 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 22:44:58.54 ID:n8wXfp/H.net
Maybe only Norman

218 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 22:46:35.54 ID:TTsws00y!.net
What's a no way story?

219 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/22(土) 22:52:35.26 ID:9afp5Qyt.net
I want to hear no way stories! Sounds fun!

220 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/22(土) 23:59:51.79 ID:Wx8y7c39.net
Daily newspapers described both pros and cons of the controversial issue about the role of SDF in the international community.

221 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 01:33:03.88 ID:QubJthdd.net

222 :三年英太郎@Amsterdam ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/23(日) 02:46:01.49 ID:lCjdwn92!.net
I've never met FF lovers in Japan, but there are tons of them here.
Not Final Fantasy, btw...

223 :三年英太郎@Amsterdam ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/23(日) 02:52:26.14 ID:lCjdwn92!.net
I learned something.
State on your profile that you can be FF active, that means you can give a fist,
you'll be asked out more often ... :-)

224 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 10:04:17.30 ID:Fecire4h.net
i don't know why, but that reminds me of puppet muppet

225 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/23(日) 10:47:24.73 ID:tGPlfYqN.net
The price of foodstuffs is gradually increasing although the wage increase is a nominal one.
According to an economic forecast, the inflation rate will rise slightly for this year.

226 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/23(日) 11:04:57.97 ID:tGPlfYqN.net
Japan has pledged to abandon war potential for good as a means of settling international conflicts.
But the ruling LDP will partially revise the war-renouncing article of the Constitution.

227 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 12:23:50.63 ID:P4dpSLoB.net

228 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/23(日) 14:01:15.72 ID:tGPlfYqN.net
Both the North Korean leaders and the South Korean leaders seem to be grouping for a political solution to their skirmishes at the borderline.

229 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/23(日) 14:25:03.65 ID:tGPlfYqN.net
Show the imitated sentences in any newspapers or magazines.

230 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 17:08:57.17 ID:no57NE9C.net
I'm hungry...maybe go to 一蘭 or 一風堂…

231 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 18:44:29.50 ID:yCCJCspE.net
I'll go to 山頭火 today.

232 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 19:04:42.55 ID:no57NE9C.net
So I tried going to 一風堂 but people are lining up so I'm at はなまるうどん and slurping some udon now.

233 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 23:25:11.40 ID:P4dpSLoB.net
No gaijins today...so peaceful...

234 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 23:26:20.12 ID:i9KIH2Pi.net
There are made up mental disease like Schizophernia. BUT, you and doctors have to be aware that there are group of Evenki people who use strange magic.
These Evenki's are probably in Kanagawa area. you have to be careful.

235 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 23:32:19.25 ID:i9KIH2Pi.net
>>218 well, when you get 10 million by lotto, your friends will say "No way"

236 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 23:34:06.65 ID:i9KIH2Pi.net
>>233 I know you are gaijin pretending Japanese.

237 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/23(日) 23:48:17.01 ID:P4dpSLoB.net
I'm 100 percent Japanese! No nasty gaijin blood in my body!

238 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/24(月) 00:15:48.12 ID:iwe8Iy4N.net
The typhoon is approaching Okinawa and its vicinity, packing strong winds and torrential rains.
Road traffic has been disrupted by the torrential downpour.

239 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/24(月) 01:41:19.79 ID:iwe8Iy4N.net
According to the broadcast, a fire broke out at the warehouse in the US base in Sagamihara, leaving no casualties.
Firefighters are still battling residual heat and sporadic flames.

240 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 08:11:28.84 ID:7tRYN32s.net
I gotta take a shit.

241 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 08:42:53.22 ID:Iao2gnFw!.net
Good luck!

242 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/24(月) 10:43:01.75 ID:iwe8Iy4N.net
The delegate pointed out that the Governor of the Bank of Japan failed to attain its goal of inflation rate of 2 percent per annum in the Upper House budget committee.

243 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 14:42:04.92 ID:0s3vgt2a.net
I'm at the beach now.

244 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 15:20:53.21 ID:csboRzPp.net
That's nice!

245 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 17:38:35.34 ID:wyPMFoWM.net
Japan is getting to be stupid because of Shiomura.

Japan should be a country of part of pervert

246 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 17:48:18.17 ID:vxqw+wYd.net
I want to sex with her.

247 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/24(月) 18:04:26.13 ID:iwe8Iy4N.net
The aim of sending Self Defense Forces personnel abroad seems to be expanding their role in the international community, especially in the war-torn district.

248 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:19:23.68 ID:JX1oimVr.net
自民党 is very baka.
They are racists, sexists and love discriminating against socially minority people like women, disabled people, gay people etched etc

They are the Japanese version of the Republican Party I guess.

249 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:23:05.79 ID:vxqw+wYd.net
民主党 is more baka than 自民党www

250 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:25:14.68 ID:JX1oimVr.net
自民党 is all netouyo which is a shame of Japan.

251 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:34:27.32 ID:wyPMFoWM.net
>>246 yeah

252 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:41:48.04 ID:wyPMFoWM.net
>>248 No. The problem of 自民党 is they are happy with stupid 改革。
They don't solve any problems. They just love totalism. The totalism is as same as talking of chosen turk.
you know what I mean? you will know how bad it is. People are all brainwashed like having men's bra. literally.
how terrible.

253 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:45:11.71 ID:wyPMFoWM.net
>>249 But, Hatoyama is genius type of baka.

254 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 18:46:40.22 ID:JX1oimVr.net
I've been seen so many baka scandals and comments from 自民党 over the past a few years like the financial fraud and two stupid 自民党 politicians boasted about bulling stuff etc etc

They are so baka but people who vote for them are also baka.

255 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 21:54:42.21 ID:gYTjumGX.net
it is absolutely so funny
Tokyo Olympic's designer is now called,
"Sano Connery" "Ko-ne" means "connection" in Japanese
It is like "Mission too impossible" yeah why not? dah?
It seems so like copy

Bond without brain but Bond of connection
What was he thinking anyway? No brainer

His relatives are the public survants and we all know that
is why he had cheated many things like that
It is so humiliating for many Japanese citizens

256 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/24(月) 22:22:20.08 ID:yOuwitfV.net
Don't Korea.
You are very baka.

257 :Dreas:2015/08/24(月) 23:58:48.01 ID:vmO7jQg+!.net
Well a new year of school just started for the high school kids in
America, the college students have a little ways longer to go.

258 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/25(火) 00:13:56.33 ID:4v6hAIEO.net
GPA 3.9 is enough to get into UCLA? Just curious

259 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/25(火) 00:17:11.74 ID:4v6hAIEO.net
Ok just googled it and found out 4.2 is necessary but how do you get this number? Because the highest is 4.0 right?

260 :臭い米国人:2015/08/25(火) 00:59:05.69 ID:JMiwF+Hd!.net

By being black.
If you're black, you get a soft bump to your GPA.
While if you're Asian, you are judged more harshly.


261 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/25(火) 01:23:15.64 ID:93qmr6OL.net
ay waking?
i'm sleepy incredibly!

262 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/25(火) 01:24:54.80 ID:4v6hAIEO.net
I read somewhere that if you're Asian you need higher scores to get into Harvard. On the other hand, it's okay to have lower scores for white black Latin...

Is this racist or what?

I believe only writing test makes sense.

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