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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

182 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/21(金) 13:18:27.35 ID:xG9Y3s1M!.net
Goddamn I remember when I was the only gaijin not living in Japan on this thread. Now we've taken over like dirty stinking Koreans, with our withered claws and fangs, our shriveled up wings and multiple pulsating cocks
undulating in an orgy of near- constant ejaculation.
We swoop into the virtual hibachi shops, shouting at the little Asian folks just trying to learn an inferior cave-kid language while eating their disgusting sea animals.
Then we shit on EVERYTHING the greatest tradition of the white man.
Not in the metaphorical sense I mean literally encrusting everything in a thick crusty coating of fecal matter.
Our screams filling the air like sirens in the distance; the smell of our gross sweaty bodies nearly blotting out the sun,
enough to knock a buzzard off a shitwagon.
Our rat-like tails drag in the constant stream of urine we expel, leaving a traceable trail, if you have the right equipment.
Our hidden ESP keeps us in constant communication with other gaijins.
One day we will return to our home planet, but until that day, we run this shit.
I am a white male feminist college professor.
I cut my cock open every month to simulate menstruation.
I like to watch other men fuck my wife.

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