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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

1 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:38:12.15 ID:P19sFDWe.net
( ´・ω・)  Let's have sweet mugi-cha and chat!
( つ旦O  
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190

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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 192

318 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 05:03:07.54 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
You should learn history from the basic.


319 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 05:08:43.05 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Though it is true that there were Catholics doing immoral things (like they always tend to do), that does not justify massacring them.
They should have been deported or criminally tried but mass killing are barbaric.

I live in the southern half of the US and we have a somewhat different way of speaking here. I always try to simplify it into ways I think Japanese might understand better but I usually just end up sounding funny.
Do you think my meaning would get across better if I just wrote it down the way I thought?

Please give me some time to watch all those videos. They're a little long.

320 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 05:09:38.25 ID:lORejf/1!.net
Woah, somebody get these hotheads outta here.

321 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 05:11:44.66 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Are you crazy?
They tried to steal the nation like they did in other Asian nations.
They were banned to preach, but they did it.
They are much more dangerous than IS at that time.

You should learn American history.
Why don't you go back to Europe where you should belong?

322 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 05:33:09.04 ID:lORejf/1!.net
You're a big guy.

323 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 05:53:57.88 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I have already said that Americans do not have any ill will towards Japan over WWII. However, I am aware that we knew about the Pearl Harbor attack.
I read a book on that subject and American knew only an hour or two before the actual attack because we got the information by spying on the Japanese embassy and decoding the messages it received before they did.
The State department tried to contact Pearl Harbor but the commander could not be reached in time.
As best I can tell from researching the Indonesian revolution, Japan merely opportunistically conquered a Dutch colony that couldn't be defended because the Dutch were being occupied by Germany at the time.
Instead of tearing the place apart like every other place Japan took, they turned it into their own colony and when they lost it at the end of WWII, Japan repainted history to say that they liberated it.
That's not to say that it didn't become a better place but it is no different than the colonization that the UK did: Claiming a place, treating it well, and then using it as a source of income and soldiers.
Australia served a similar role for the UK during WWII, though it had been claimed for a while before.
The Philippians seem to be the same thing.
America did a similar thing with Cuba once. We drove out the Spanish during a war, with popular Cuban support and took it for our own. The difference is America stayed around long enough to be hated and Japan didn't get the chance to do so.
Maybe we disagree on how serious it was but when you tell me a small group of Catholics (relative to the population of Japan) was going to conquer the entire place I find it hard to believe.
Besides all that, you still haven't answered or even addressed my question: Why are white people responsible for the misdeeds of their ancestors while Japanese are not?

324 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 06:37:29.20 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Was >>323 too hard to understand or did you go to bed?

325 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 07:51:21.65 ID:lORejf/1!.net
I made english ascii art
// //
][ []
__ __

It is a helicopter

326 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 08:31:29.77 ID:EemafmjA!.net
By the way, what is it that Japanese don't like about Koreans?

327 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 09:11:12.58 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Australia should be land for Aboriginal.
Why don't you go home to Europe?

328 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 09:36:58.97 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
America massacred many Filipinos after the independence war from Spain.
The person who massacred them was Arthur MacArthur. He had massacred so many
native Americans.
This is American history.

329 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 10:03:26.69 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
I have already told you that if you want to bash Japan using history
you should go back to Europe first. If not, I will tell you
you are Korean.

330 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 10:10:24.04 ID:rPhkuWMn!.net
What the fuck happened to the thread

331 :Dreas:2015/08/28(金) 11:18:18.85 ID:rPhkuWMn!.net
All right so to get off the bullshit topics at hand can any of you
Reccomend a good japanese-orgin ww2 film?

332 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 11:18:43.49 ID:lORejf/1!.net
somebody crashed this plane.
with no survivors

333 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 11:30:33.76 ID:EemafmjA!.net
You did not respond to any of my points and you did not answer my question.
Did you even read what I wrote?

334 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 11:43:10.73 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Do you want a documentary or did you just want to see a different perspective?

335 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 12:12:32.92 ID:u+KGSCIS.net
You can see what always happens to this thread every time baka illogical gaijins come here.

336 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:05:04.39 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
It's a waste of time to spend time for trash like you.

I have already shown examples.
If you can't understand me, it means you are stupid.

You need to review what I wrote before.
You have to find answers you are looking for.

337 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/28(金) 13:10:09.54 ID:3yBy1sri.net
The eligible voters for the LDP presidential election scheduled for next month include associate party members.

338 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:11:10.65 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Caucasians or Christians have no right to bash Japan.
If you are Korean disguising yourself as American, and it is possible,
you are so sill.
Westerners are just invaders. You colonized Asia, America, Oceania.
This caused troubles and so many people were killed.

Westerners have no tight to bash Japan.
If you bash us, it is based on racism.
Go home to Europe, and if you want to fight , fight against Muslim there there.

339 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:15:00.07 ID:EemafmjA!.net
So you read it, couldn't understand it, gave up, and decided to blame it on me.
The "question" I mentioned was asking for your opinion, something I cannot look up.
You also never once refuted any argument I made and just talked shit about America despite the fact that my initial post admitted that the US has done bad things.
To sum it all up one more time in a way that cannot be misunderstood, my points are:
1) Japan has done bad things in the past as well
2) Why do you believe that it is okay to hold all white people responsible for things that our ancestors did when you do not believe it is okay to hold all Japanese responsible for things your ancestors did?

All you have done in this entire conversation is use insults and ignored the actual points we are discussing.
If anyone is wasting time here, it is you.

340 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:18:12.68 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
You should apologize me now for what Americans did to the world.

341 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:19:59.95 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
>I made and just talked shit about America despite the fact that my initial post admitted that the US has done bad things.

This writing is not sincere attitude
You should apologize and go back to Europe.

342 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:20:34.38 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Again you dodge the entire point of the argument we have been having and go right back to slinging shit.
It is an insult to your beliefs for someone like you who will not defend them to hold them.

343 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:22:53.59 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
>1) Japan has done bad things in the past as well

I have already told you that Japan had fought for the liberation of Asia.
So Japan has good relationships with 95% of Asian nations.

5% are crazy.
They are China, North Korea, and South Korea.
Japan should ignore them.

344 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:24:35.87 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Are you Korean?
Japan fought for Free Asia.

Why do you think about North Korea, South Korea, and China only?

345 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:27:20.19 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
About WW2
America massacred innocent Japanese civilians in almost all cities including
Okinawa, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Tokyo, and so on

America performed genocide.
You are crazy if you bash Japan using history.
So I am saying you are Korean.

346 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:29:45.19 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I am aware that Japan has done good things as well, I am not saying that Japan is some nation of demons trying to destroy the world, merely that Japan has done bad things in the past.
I do not care about Korea or China. I am not talking only about World War Two when I say Japan has done "bad things"

347 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:31:30.11 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
You should study history by your self.
You are so stupid in the level of home-run.

348 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:33:05.10 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Japan fought in Asian nations against invaders like Americans, Dutch, British,
and French. All were invaders.

349 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:33:05.72 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Are you trying to say that Japan has never done anything bad in its entire existence?

350 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:35:46.37 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
The fact that Caucasians took over land beyond Europe should be bashed, isn't it?
Asia, Africa, and Oceania were so peaceful before they invaded them.

Yankee go home to Europe.

351 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:37:42.68 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
I understand you are Korean.
You talked about Koreans saying Koreans are discriminated
Go home.

352 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:38:42.08 ID:EemafmjA!.net
That is a different argument and one I don't particularly care about.
I don't hold myself responsible for things other countries were doing hundreds of years ago.

353 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:43:36.71 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
You should go to Pearl Harbor to visit two museum there.
In both museums the Japanese Military is highly respected.

You have a different view like you are Korean.

354 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:45:45.70 ID:0FmmoGR6.net

355 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:48:31.70 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Why should I care what other countries did just because they share my skin color?
Do you hold Japan responsible for the Mongolian invasion of Europe?

356 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:49:41.50 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Watch this from 26:00 to be disappointed, Korean.


357 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 13:55:22.72 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I really have to ask. What is your point? What are you trying to prove in this conversation?
You have complained a lot about other countries but what is it you are trying to convince me of?

358 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 13:58:15.04 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Watch the film, Korean.

359 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:07:19.00 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I had really hoped you wouldn't be so boring. If you are afraid to talk about your beliefs then why have them?

360 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:09:12.70 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
Oh that guy is Korean. Now everything makes sense now.

361 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:09:56.40 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Watch the film, racist Korean.
Don't pretend to be American.

362 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:15:15.79 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Yeah, he is Korean.
Read this.

310 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 04:41:17.37 ID:EemafmjA!
Japan has been against several minorities in the past. The first few that come to mind are Christians and the Ikko.
Both of which were once driven out of Japan by killing. It is also no secret that while the Japanese government does not have racist policies,
many Japanese hate both Chinese and Koreans.

363 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:16:11.70 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Here is a picture of my American driver's license. I am literally this bored right now.

364 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:22:26.73 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
Ok you're white.
But you should take down that photo. 英太郎 will be so horny because he loves white gaijins.

365 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:24:00.91 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
I request you to cover the photo until the place of your nose by the same paper.

366 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:28:08.81 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Sure. Is it that hard to believe I'm white?

367 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:33:59.82 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
It shows you are the same as Korean.
How stupid are you!

If you want to bash Japan, you should go back top Europe
America is not land for Caucasions.

Anyway, when Africans in America get human right in America?
When did they began to be allowed to vote for election?

It was in 1968.
What for America fought during WW2?

Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhTwRbMVI5A

368 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:42:32.16 ID:EemafmjA!.net
>It shows you are the same as Korean
Ok, I had to laugh at that one.

>African Americans
They're not all bad. I work with some of them and they do their jobs very well.
Mostly, the bad ones are unemployed and live in big cities. Even then, that's only in some places.
Missouri (the whole state) is pretty bad overall as well as the city of Detroit, and a few other places.

>What for America fought during WW2?
Besides the stuff with Japan, we fought to help our friends, the UK and the countries in that area.

>watch this video
I already did. Remember? We talked about it before.

369 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:44:43.37 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
When were they allowed to get a right to vote?

370 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:46:24.44 ID:EemafmjA!.net
"The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson (1908-73) on August 6, 1965,
aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote under the 15th Amendment (1870) to the Constitution of the United States."

The short answer is 1965.

371 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:47:44.85 ID:EemafmjA!.net
By the way, you should try the English version of Wikipedia.org some time.
I bet you could read it. Your English seems pretty good.

372 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:48:45.15 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Europeans invaded America and massadcared native Americans because they
weren't able to use as slaves, and kidnapped Africans from Africa
to use slaves.
Even 23 years after WW2 ended, the American government didn't give them
basic human right.

What for America fight during WW2?

Japan fought to defeat such an evil to kick it out if Asia.

373 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 14:53:39.39 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
America made Filipino fight Spain, promising that America would admit
they could be independent.
But after the war, American began to massacre Filipinos.
The country that saved them is Japan, and officially Japan protested against
America during the Paris Conference.

You should learn history from the basic.


374 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:57:40.73 ID:EemafmjA!.net
>Europeans invaded America, etc.
>kidnapped Africans
African slaves were actually bought from other Africans. The slaves were usually prisoners of war. They were still slaves of course, though.
>even 23 years after WW2 ended, the American gov...
That is true.

The average American does not like the American government or most of our past.

375 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 14:58:50.52 ID:EemafmjA!.net
We talked about all that before and you showed me those links before. We talked about it already.

376 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:00:54.43 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
>African slaves were actually bought from other Africans. The slaves were usually prisoners of war. They were still slaves of course, though.

It is the same. Americans ordered Africans to kidnap other Africans to
make them slaves.

377 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:03:06.85 ID:0FmmoGR6.net

378 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:03:35.16 ID:EemafmjA!.net
We didn't actually order the Africans to do it.
In most parts of Africa, the losers of tribe wars become slaves to the winners, or they are sold to other tribes.
America just came and bought them all. The same thing is still happening today just without Americans.

379 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:04:45.58 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
Watch the film " Roots"

380 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:04:51.84 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I've seen that movie before. I never said slavery was a good thing.

381 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:07:34.42 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
KKK, go back to Europe
Since racists like you are in America, still African Americans are killed .

382 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:11:18.02 ID:3HypAI8P!.net
>pop by on 2ch to check out the English thread
>argument about Japanese war crimes and "but you are lynching Negroes"

Hahaha, every time. Shine on you crazy Japanese.

383 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:12:53.97 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
KKK,remember what you did to native Americans, Africans, and Asians.

384 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:13:44.03 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
KKK,remember what you did to native Americans, Africans, and Asians.

385 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:17:14.34 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
KKK, you should remember what you did to native Americans.


386 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:17:30.65 ID:EemafmjA!.net
If you're going to talk about America, you might need to do some research first.
42% of people who kill cops are black.
Blacks are also responsible for nearly half of all murders, robberies, prostitution, and illegal gambling.
Blacks are also responsible in nearly every category for having a larger share of crime than their population percentage.
Keep in mind, blacks are only 13.1% of the American population and look at RATE. "White" also includes Hispanics.

387 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:19:16.86 ID:3HypAI8P!.net

I don't care and neither do you, if you're honest.
And it's okay, most people are racist.

From the one minute I spent reading recent posts, this is apparently the best topic you can think of in response to some dude pointing out that Japan has done shitty things just like every other country.

388 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:20:12.70 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
they are slaves.


389 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:21:35.64 ID:EemafmjA!.net
This video was copyright blocked.
I'm going to need a source for that. Maybe in the Phillipians or something

390 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:22:02.85 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
All Japan did was trying to kick Westerners out of Asia for freedom.

Watch the history.

they are slaves.


391 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:23:01.90 ID:u+KGSCIS.net
Black people commit a lot of crimes. That's true. But you have to wonder why they have to be engaged with crimes.

Because white people exploit them so much.

392 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:28:13.56 ID:3HypAI8P!.net
Whoops, see >>387.

393 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:28:54.78 ID:EemafmjA!.net
They stopped being exploited in 1865, when the civil war ended. At this point the enemies they fight are imaginary.
All the black people I have ever met will tell you this. The problem is that for no real reason, in large cities, black people just don't feel like doing more for themselves.
It's sad really, nobody likes seeing the Black people having such bad time. There have been tons of programs built and expanded upon for black people.
Things like affirmative action to help get them into schools, programs to help poor black families eat, etc.
For some reason they just can't get it together, not as a whole group anyway.

394 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:29:13.57 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
KKK, go home to Europe.


395 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:30:55.96 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
when did you give civilian right?
It was in 1968, 23 years after WW2 ended.

I said why America fought Japan during WW2.

396 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:34:39.61 ID:EemafmjA!.net
It was 1965. You really don't know much American history do you?

>Why America fought Japan during WW2
We talked about this like six times.

397 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/28(金) 15:38:23.00 ID:3yBy1sri.net
Consumer spending last month dropped 0.2 percent compared with the corresponding period of last year in Japan.

398 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:40:21.18 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
It doesn't matter. Black people and other races save white people in America are second citizens. That's for sure.

399 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:43:46.12 ID:EemafmjA!.net
We're about to hit 100 posts since this argument began and I don't think anyone has changed their mind at all.
We could go on all day about this but nobody's opinion would change and it's almost 3AM here.
Let's argue about something else.

400 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:46:45.23 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
I think you really need to go to bed...

401 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:49:13.67 ID:EemafmjA!.net
I don't have work tomorrow. Or I guess it's today now. I'm also taking a rest day from the gym.

402 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 15:53:02.96 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
I'm going to Starbucks now!

403 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 15:53:23.06 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Have a good time. Bring me back something.

404 :anonymous:2015/08/28(金) 16:01:12.17 ID:EemafmjA!.net
Well it's actually 3 now so I'm going to go to sleep before I pass out.

405 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 16:04:11.15 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
Thanks. But I only order Frappucino. Good night!

406 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 16:28:10.70 ID:0FmmoGR6.net
You should review American history from the basic. If not, you are a shame of America.

407 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 16:36:08.90 ID:FBu+ophx.net
"how to kill English people"

First, every Japanese people go with Russian side. US will help this action.
Let Norman press UK. Iceland and Ireland will help.

and get Tatar people inside of UK.

then It finishes.

408 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 19:07:51.00 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
I recommend 火垂るの墓 aka grave of the fireflies.

409 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 19:15:35.63 ID:yIr9BpD7.net
Do you happen to be a russian? Why do you like Normans so much?
I can't die until I know who you are and for what reason you post these
meaningless things once in a while.

410 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 20:55:56.41 ID:FBu+ophx.net
>>409 well, your comment shows Normans are better. I don't like particular. Just Normans are in better position.
They don't harm anyone else.

411 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:13:24.84 ID:yIr9BpD7.net
I'm not into WW2, but I've seen some south east asians on the internet who had grudge against Japan.
Since you are so into WW2, I'm sure you are aware of them. If you are, I think you should be more
careful about what you say.

By the way, it's you who sound like a korean. If you think you are better than koreans, I suggest you
make some effort to not sound so much like a korean.

412 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:26:34.28 ID:yIr9BpD7.net
That's not japanese. It's a korean. The one with bad english is japanese.

413 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:41:26.59 ID:yIr9BpD7.net
Anonymous sounded like a white american to me from the beginning, because he criticized Japan
for our internal wars and problems. It's something whites tend to do. That is my baseless theory
based on my uncertain experience.

414 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:42:55.10 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
Prove it I'm Korean if you can.

Well you can't because I'm 100% Japanese.

415 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:43:47.20 ID:wmNRqZBT.net
People say 嘘つきは朝鮮人のはじまり…

416 :Dreas:2015/08/28(金) 21:45:26.42 ID:xu5qGUrQ!.net

Both, or either. Ive sadly been unable to find an example for either
Of those as the ones I've found have been poorly acted or executed

417 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/28(金) 21:55:46.23 ID:lORejf/1!.net
So what are you niggas doing right now?
I had some cereal earlier, what about you?

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