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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

1 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:38:12.15 ID:P19sFDWe.net
( ´・ω・)  Let's have sweet mugi-cha and chat!
( つ旦O  
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190

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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 192

40 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 01:01:21.04 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
I know what you mean. Most of my gaijin teachers constantly gave us tons of assignments, small tests, presentation, final exams etc etc BUT! I had good grades from them!

But whatever Japanese people don't give a fuck about grades. We just care what university you graduated from. That's all.

41 :anonymous:2015/08/17(月) 01:27:37.00 ID:RZYjU4aB!.net
In America, it actually doesn't matter much which university you graduate from, just the fact that you graduated from one matters.
After that, the most important things to get promoted are your leadership ability and your competency at work (but it helps to be friends with the boss of course).
Honestly, this kinda sucks because almost any university can ask for your whole life savings in order for you to get a degree.
Some people get around this by joining the Army (I'm actually half way through joining the National Guard to pay for a degree, it's like an armed disaster cleanup team...kinda)
and others just go to a trade school to learn something like welding or mechanics. My friend actually joined a freight shipping company as a train driver.
After training, he will be making $45,000 per year or about 5,589,450.00 yen.
There are tons of ways to get a degree here and not be in debt for years but most people just don't see them for some reason.

42 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 10:07:01.00 ID:1kHG/J4F.net
A fire broke out in a ferry boat berthed at the port of the Philippines, was put out leaving no danger to passengers.

43 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 11:20:07.62 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
The many crew and passengers jumped out of the burning ship to escape from flames.

44 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 13:10:48.35 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
The Indonesian airliner lost radio control after takeoff. A witness says the plane might have crashed into a mountainside mainly due torrential rains and strong winds.

45 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 13:22:59.59 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
mainly due → mainly due to

46 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 14:35:34.08 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
What do you think of this guys!


47 :三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/17(月) 20:04:02.07 ID:8dOfzUwJ!.net
chinning : once (´▽`*)

even I, such a wimpy boy, can do it 10 times!

48 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/17(月) 22:15:27.14 ID:L5l9bG4y.net
Because of the wage increase freeze and the rise in commodity price, the sluggish individual spending is hampering the nation's economic recovery.

49 :臭い米国人:2015/08/17(月) 22:46:50.72 ID:K8OCOT2A!.net
That poor man and his small penis.

50 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:02:52.19 ID:p1jTwNNp.net
I'd like to speak English well, how should be done?

51 :anonymous:2015/08/17(月) 23:27:11.20 ID:RZYjU4aB!.net
Speak in English more. You can do this by reading this thread a lot or going to American websites.
The best option though is to take English classes in a school. Remember that at some point you will have to start teaching yourself, though.

52 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:40:19.89 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
Well that is the average American size though?!

I think that is from this fitness magazine called muscle and fitness. It's American.

53 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/17(月) 23:59:04.03 ID:0gqCRNTN.net
I think every man should have at least 18cm penis.

54 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 01:57:04.61 ID:kHTVQ1+h.net
>>53 Every man has a right to at least 18 cm of penis!

55 :三年英太郎 ◆3CZBjOt3.Y :2015/08/18(火) 03:35:29.21 ID:6tUxXvdq!.net
And how about yours?

I've met a guy with an over-20cm one, and I realized bigger is not always better.
14cm-18cm is best!

56 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 06:23:34.77 ID:AQTpeH5m!.net
The biggest thing that makes people stand out as non-native english speakers is leaving out words.
Usually foreigners can put everything in the right order, but they forget to put in all the little grammatical words and prepositions like "it", "a", "to", "the", "in", etc..

For example, you should have used "it" in your question:
>How should _it_ be done?

Don't be afraid to put those words all over the place, we use them a lot, and if you can master them you'll sound native.

57 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 09:37:24.71 ID:IH+06cS5.net
penis size differs widely depending on which measuring method you choose.
now is the right time for us human beings to erect one universal standard measuring method.

58 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/18(火) 10:13:35.45 ID:73YFDyri.net
A bomb suspected of being exploded by terrorists occurred in the marketplace in Bangkok, leaving at least 22 persons killed and 30 persons injured.

59 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 10:19:34.07 ID:mVdYzA5Y!.net
The Tianjin explosion was karma for China being anti-humanitarian nation.
They are collecting their just reward now.

60 :anonymous:2015/08/18(火) 12:58:51.72 ID:V69QtW+Y!.net
>erect one universal standard
I chuckled

61 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/18(火) 13:02:14.42 ID:73YFDyri.net
North Korea criticized that the military alliance between Tokyo, Seoul and Washington with the US as an axis.
On the other hand, South Korea has more than once made an overture for a summit meeting between North and South Korea.

62 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/18(火) 13:49:05.05 ID:K7pnbKsS.net
Commenting on the US air raids on IS strongholds, critics say that IS leaders would not give up their terrorism in various parts of the world.

63 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 15:27:23.49 ID:zD76XRFr.net
I'm eating pocky now! So many different and limited editions out there. But the regular one is the best! Go back to basic right?

64 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 17:53:12.88 ID:ijarbPhc.net
English is basically wrong. Anglo-saxon and Norman rule

65 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 18:30:24.42 ID:0/DfiEXX.net
A delivery guy just came and then I got a swimwear I ordered a few day ago! Yay!

Now I'm ready to go to the beach and then enjoy tanning and watching hot guys!

66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 19:21:03.02 ID:AH/zqgu7.net
Unko is not very delicious,I know.

67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/18(火) 20:01:25.81 ID:lNJzeMH0.net
i know you are the unko just itself

68 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/18(火) 22:00:53.25 ID:EuZU9Mhy.net
Police arrested the doctor on charges of reckless driving, killing and injuring some pedestrians although they admitted he was a mental handicapped person.

69 :オランダ人:2015/08/18(火) 22:18:40.92 ID:Vy65tRfL!.net
I'm a bit late to the party, but thanks for making the new thread!

70 :臭い米国人:2015/08/19(水) 00:06:30.33 ID:Y0Qgk7I2!.net
Well I'm 191 cm tall, so proportionate to that.

What made you want to talk about poop?

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 00:30:17.43 ID:ZcqegvOR.net
Omg! I'm drooling!

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 00:30:36.43 ID:bEABOizM.net
not very delicious means slightly delicious?

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 00:46:00.70 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Do you often get english people in these threads?

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 00:50:14.73 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
If I remember correctly, there was this British guy called イギリス人 here. But I've not witnessed him for some time.

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 00:53:04.25 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Are they nice people?

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 01:02:54.36 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
Some people are nice but some people are assholes.

77 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 01:07:25.92 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
I see. Everyone speaks pretty good english in here. Are you sure it is not just a lot of english people posting?

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 01:26:58.47 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
Yep! You can see ! in ID that means you're posting outside of Japan. Most posts don't have ! So mostly Japanese

79 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 01:38:38.21 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Ah I see. I'm not very familiar with how this website works, I'm sorry for asking stupid questions!

80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:11:45.99 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
It's ok unless if you let me suck your cock :P

81 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:17:33.04 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Whoa! We're progressing fairly quickly. Are you a boy or a girl? I won't pretend that it would matter.

82 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:19:01.54 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
I'm a boy. I love big gaijin cocks :P

83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:21:29.48 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
I dare you to say that in public!

84 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:24:00.83 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
I've only sucked gaijin cocks in my life. No Japanese ones yet.

85 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:26:08.33 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Howcome? Is there something wrong with japanese penises?

86 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:27:52.12 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
A lot smaller and so hairy! I don't like it.

87 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:33:28.56 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
I'm sure they could shave. I think there are japanese people with big dicks too aren't there?

88 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:35:30.69 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
I think there are. But I like gaijins in general. I'm sleepy. Good night!

89 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 02:38:01.61 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Good night! I feel guilty for having a conversation about such topics the first thing I do when I come here.

90 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 03:31:58.79 ID:2EnCIBbY!.net
What do you guys usually talk about?

91 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 03:32:37.93 ID:2EnCIBbY!.net
What do you guys usually talk about?

92 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 06:14:58.21 ID:BWfOxZ6I.net
as always chinko
imagine and feel someone cuts it off and let be thrown away

93 :anonymous:2015/08/19(水) 07:18:05.22 ID:uqi9ZbcZ!.net
Usually we talk about World War 2. We've taken a short break to talk about penises for a few days.
I have no complaints though, at least we're talking about something new.

94 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 08:05:02.61 ID:loOwDyKE!.net

Cocks, shit, WW2 vegetables, and why Koreans need to be put in death camps.

95 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 09:28:38.91 ID:8sY+IvTH!.net
Let's see what kind of ID I have.

96 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 09:46:24.70 ID:sUZ9LL84.net
All topics here are for the sake of world peace.

97 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 11:10:26.59 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
According to today's Nikkei, the working level talks between Japan and Iran will show that Japan will make investment in Iranian resources.
And the two countries will normalize a diplomatic relation after a long period of discord.

98 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 13:41:53.69 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Iranians are scary.

99 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 13:42:50.66 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
Police found the body of a junior high school girl, she was apparently stabbed and chocked to death. Her boyfriend is still missing.

100 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 14:34:25.72 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
The Prime Minister says it goes without saying that the Japan-US defense cooperation must be pursued within the framework of Japan's peace Constitution.
But he will not give up the plan that revising the war-renouncing Article 9 is indispensable.

101 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 14:43:30.17 ID:BWfOxZ6I.net
seems only a dictation training

102 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 15:03:58.70 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
chocked to death → choked to death

103 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 15:13:32.53 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
I have only translated Japanese articles of daily newspapers or news of the Japanese broadcasting into English.

104 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 15:44:43.44 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
Are you stable now? You got the serious surgery right?

105 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 15:55:41.59 ID:KeOrAY5z.net

106 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 16:00:32.79 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
Thank you.
I am recovering from the disease. But I am annoyed by a paralysis of my left leg slightly.

107 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 16:24:13.84 ID:BWfOxZ6I.net
take care 512
believe your recovery

108 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 16:34:49.63 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
Many thanks for your concern with me.

109 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 16:38:54.43 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
I hope you will recover soon! also thanks for giving us the latest news xoxo

110 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/19(水) 17:05:46.33 ID:KeOrAY5z.net
Thank you for your kindness.
I will tell the news to everyone in this thread.

111 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 17:37:30.67 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
It's going to be so cloudy all day! I got the new swimwear but won't have the opportunity to try it out!

It's a diesel one and excited!

112 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 18:24:16.05 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Wear it around the house at home, just for fun.

113 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 18:35:16.27 ID:JJ7s8BYE.net
Now I'm reading a masterpiece Wuthering Heights.
There're lots of unfamiliar words.
Plus, looks like grammer is a little different from what it is today.
Is this because of the author, or the time?

114 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 19:02:50.89 ID:DalqWvj8.net
it's cuz long distance of decades.

115 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 19:09:13.57 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
I am not thoroughly familiar with Wuthering Heights, but I think a lot of classic literature usually have fairly difficult english.

116 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 19:58:48.96 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
I know what you mean but I want to get some nice tan!

It was too much sun since the beginning of the month but seems like we're having a cloudy weather for some time :(

117 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 21:39:44.98 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
So Why did Japanese have to lose the war? You have to think about it.
It's basically a luck of Nordism, Anglo-Saxon and German. And every kind of upper chemical drugs.

118 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 21:43:31.49 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
If I were Alexander Skarsgard, I could kill many people.

119 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 21:51:53.58 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Huh? Why would you want to?

120 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 21:58:58.62 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
haha I just thought shooting people would be fun,

121 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 21:59:55.67 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
I'm not trying to encourage you to do anything illegal, but you don't need to be a swedish actor to shoot people.

122 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:03:24.33 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
right But, sometimes, I just wanna be a Teuton.

123 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:06:39.31 ID:TlWTwjem!.net
Follow your dreams! Or something... Being scandinavian really isn't all that interesting, I've been doing it for 22 years.

124 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:16:03.31 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
haha really? well, so who rule Scandinavian? maybe Alien.

125 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:18:54.76 ID:TlWTwjem!.net

126 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:26:22.47 ID:oTYt+UwQ.net
ah Oriberade. SVIVIVIVIKER.

127 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 22:26:39.84 ID:xoq/JqB/.net
Ok I'm so tired from studying...I'm watching some 心霊 videos on YouTube now...

128 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/19(水) 23:56:42.34 ID:2EnCIBbY!.net
Being scandinavian isn't all that great as someone mentioned, we're being washed away by liberals that love monkeys

129 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 00:01:19.23 ID:74zuRqtG!.net
In a way I guess we might actually be ruled by aliens. Illegal aliens. Haha!

130 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 01:10:59.17 ID:h8XfkqwK.net
Being white is always privileged. You can't deny this fact.

131 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 01:16:14.07 ID:74zuRqtG!.net
At the very least in white countries.

132 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 01:17:45.98 ID:h8XfkqwK.net
No. Anywhere in the world. Look at Japan.

If you're just white, people love you and you can fuck anyone.

133 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 02:03:34.44 ID:FllaRfdg!.net
I thougt most Japanese would want outsiders to go home, referring to "white pig go home" of course.

134 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 02:06:46.67 ID:74zuRqtG!.net
I wish I could fuck anyone...

135 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 02:17:48.99 ID:TLCc2otd.net
You should fuck yourself.

136 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 02:30:37.64 ID:dl2ZLJDI!.net
So, talk to me about the military bases in Japan/Okinawa

137 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/20(木) 02:34:39.68 ID:74zuRqtG!.net
I would if I could. I would never leave my home.

138 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/20(木) 06:36:30.97 ID:eaqMXLGV.net
Anti-US military base movement in Okinawa should not be underestimated.
It is feared that anti-US movement will spread over the nationwide.
But the Japan-US security treaty holds good unless one of the parties notifies the other of its intention to terminate it.

139 :512M ◆n0YSsccsgc :2015/08/20(木) 06:58:15.09 ID:eaqMXLGV.net
An explosion in Tianjin, China caused heavy losses of Japanese and other industrialized nations' auto manufacturers because they have extended their car-sales networks in China.

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