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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

1 :GOD:2015/08/14(金) 17:38:12.15 ID:P19sFDWe.net
( ´・ω・)  Let's have sweet mugi-cha and chat!
( つ旦O  
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread: Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 190

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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 192

426 :Dreas:2015/08/29(土) 00:27:48.97 ID:JOpBGIU7!.net
Guys can we please drop the atom bomb arguments, they go nowhere.

427 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 00:38:30.50 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Japan know the fact,but foreigners don't know them.


428 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 00:42:36.51 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Most people around the world hate Americans.
Most Europeans hate Americans.
When I hear British speaking badly of Americans, I feel Britain create Americans.
However, if I speak badly about Americans, I can make many friends.
To make many foreign friends, speaking ill of Americans is a very good choice.

429 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:00:00.51 ID:Ef2FZta+.net

430 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:03:28.39 ID:pOala1OO.net
So what topics do you want to talk about? Sex?

431 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 01:09:23.27 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
We could talk about baseball. Does anyone have a team they like?
My local team, the Atlanta Braves, are getting a new stadium soon. Their old one was in the city but all their fans are in the suburbs so they're moving.
Their last season was pretty good too, they only lost maybe 3 or 4 games.

432 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:09:37.40 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
You're a big guy

433 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 01:14:47.91 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
(why is everyone baneposting?)

434 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:16:33.81 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
because the fire rises.

435 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:26:35.32 ID:pOala1OO.net
I want to have sex with white gaijins who speak English. Preferably American or Canadian.

436 :オランダ人:2015/08/29(土) 01:29:04.24 ID:a/Q8wuFG!.net
Aw, I am too late for the discussion. I don't think I would've had anything to say anyways though..

I don't know much about baseball. As far as I know, it's not really popular in Holland. It seems to be only popular in North America and Japan?

437 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:29:31.23 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
only if ur a girl.

438 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:30:54.31 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
and by girl i mean qt girl.

439 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:32:34.04 ID:pOala1OO.net
Unfortunately I'm a boy :(

440 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 01:33:28.37 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
It's never too late to start complaining about another country here.

441 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:43:29.38 ID:pOala1OO.net
I'm a bit drunk and sleepy so I'm gonna listen to Sheena Ringo's newest song and sleep...

442 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 01:46:33.07 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
I'm listening to this right now.

443 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:49:00.81 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net

The Japanese Government presented a letter of protest as stated below,
to the Government of the United States through the Government of
Switzerland on August 10, 1945.

August 10, 1945

A New-Type, Cruel Bomb Ignoring International law; Imperial Govern-ment
Protest to the Government of the United States.
With regard to the attack by a new-type bomb on the city of Hiroshima
by a B-29 bomber on the 6th inst. the Imperial Government filed the
following protest on the 10th inst. to the Government of the United
States through the Government of Switzerland, and gave instructions
to the Japanese Minister to Switzerland, Kase, to make the explanation
of explanation of the same effect to the Inter-national Committee of
Red Cross.

444 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:50:01.96 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Protest against the Attack of a New-Type Bomb by American Airplane:

On the 6th of this month, an airplane of the United States dropped
a new-type bomb on the urban district of the city of Hiroshima, and
it killed and wounded a large number of the citizens and destroyed
the bulk of the city. The city of Hiroshima is an crdinary local city
which is not provided with any military defensive preparations or
establishments, and the whole city has not a character of a military
objective. In the statement on the aerial bom-bardment in this case,
the United States President “Truman” asserts that they will destroy
docks, factories and transport facilities

445 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:51:29.05 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
However, since the bomb in this case, dropped by a parachute, explodes
in the air and extends the destructive effect to quite a wide sphere,
it is clear to be quite impossible in technique to limit the effect of
attack thereby to such specific objectives as mentioned above; and the
above efficiency of the bomb in this case is already known to the United
States. In the light of the actual state of damage, the damaged district
covers a wide area, and those who were in the district were all killed
indiscriminately by bomb-shell blast and radiant heat without dis-tincon
of combatant or non-combatant or of age or sex. The damaged sphere
is general and immense, and judging from the most cruel one that ever

446 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:52:58.70 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
It is a fundamental principle of international law in time of war that
a belligerent has not an unlimited right in chosing the means of injuring
the enemy, and should not use such weapons, projectiles, and other
material as cause unnecessary pain; and these are each expressly stipulated
in the annex of the Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on
Land and artices 22 and 23(e) of the Regulations respecting the Laws and
Customs of War on Land. Since the beginning of the present World War,
the Government of the United States has declared repeatedly that the use
of poison or other inhumane methods of warfare has been regarded as
illegal by the pubic opin-ion in civilized countries, and that the
United States would not use these methods of warfare unless the other
countries used these first.

447 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:54:22.63 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
However, the bomb in this case, which the United States used this time,
exceeds by far the indiscriminate and cruel character of efficiency, the
poison and other weapons the use of which has been prohibited hitherto
because of such an efficiency. Disregarding a fundamental principle of
international law and humanity, the United States has already made
indiscriminate aerial bombardments on cities of the Empire in very wide
areas, and it has already killed and injured a large number of old
people, children, and women and collapsed or burned down shrines, temples
, schools, hospital and ordinary private houses. Also, the United States
has used the new bomb in this case which has indiscriminate and cruel
character beyond comparison with all weapons and projectile of the past.
This is a new offence against the civilization of mankind.
The Imperial Government impeaches the Government of the United States
in its own name and the name of all mankind and of civilization, and
demands strongly that the Government of the United States give up the
use of such an inhumane weapon instantly.

Note: Japan Branch of the International Law Association, Japanese
Annual of International Law, 8, pp.251-2. (Tokyo: 1964)

448 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 01:55:41.92 ID:pOala1OO.net
Mine is this...

449 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 01:57:35.92 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
It says it's not available in the US.

450 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:11:55.81 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
If there are Americans who justifying nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is the
same as justifying Nazi's Genocide.

451 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:15:05.34 ID:Ef2FZta+.net
56% of Americans don't have logical mind,so they can't understand the logic.

452 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:15:11.65 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Rear Admiral R. Ichimaru of the Japanese Navy sends this note to Roosevelt. I have one word to give you upon the termination of this battle.
Approximately a century has elapsed since Nippon, after Commodore Perry's
entry to Shimoda, became widely affiliated with the countries of the world.
During this period of intercourse Nippon has met with many national crises
as well as the undesired Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, the World
War, the Manchurian Incident, and the China Incident. Nippon is now,
unfortunately, in a state of open conflict with your country. Judging
Nippon from just this side of the screen you may slander our nation as
a yellow peril, or a blood thirsty nation or maybe a protoplasm of
military clique.

453 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:16:16.96 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Though you may use the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour as your primary
material for propaganda, I believe you, of all persons, know best that
you left Nippon no other method in order to save herself from self-destruction.
His Imperial Highness, as clearly shown in the "Rescript of the Founder of
the Empire" "Yosei"(Justice), "Choki"(Sagacity) and "Sekkei"(Benevolence),
contained in the above three fold doctrine, rules in the realization of
"Hakko-ichiu"(the universe under His Sacred Rule) in His Gracious mind.

The realization of which means the habitation of their respective
fatherlands under their own customs and traditions, thus insuring
the everlasting peace of the world.
Emperor Meiji's "The four seas of the world that are united in
brotherhood will know no high waves nor wind"(composed during the
Russo-Japanese War) won the appraisal of your uncle, Theodore Roosevelt
as you yourself know.

454 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:17:43.76 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
We, the Nippon-jin, though may follow all lines of trade, it is through
our each walk of life that we support the Imperial doctrine. We, the
soldiers of the Imperial Fighting Force take up arms to further the
above stated "doctrine".
Though we, at the time,are externally taken by your air raids and
shelling backed by your material superiority, spiritually we are
burning with delight and enjoying the peace of mind.
This peacefulness of mind, the common universal stigma of the Nippon-jin,
burning with fervour in the upholding of the Imperial Doctrine may be
impossible for you and Churchill to understand. I hereupon pitying your
spiritual feebleness pen a word or two.
Judging from your actions, white races especially you Anglo-Saxons at
the sacrifice of the coloured races are monopolizing the fruits of
the world.

455 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:19:46.80 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
In order to attain this end, countless machinations were used to cajole the
yellow races, and to finally deprive them of any strength. Nippon in
retaliation to your imperialism tried to free the oriental nations from
your punitive bonds, only to be faced by your dogged opposition. You
now consider your once friendly Nippon an harmful existence to your
luscious plan, a bunch of barbarians that must be exterminated. The
completion of this Greater East Asia War will bring about the birth of
the East Asia Co-Prosperity Area, this in turn will in the near future
result in the everlasting peace of the world, if, of course, is not
hampered upon by your unending imperialism.
Why is it that you, an already flourishing nation, nip in bud the
movement for the freedom of the suppressed nations of the East. It is no
other than to return to the East that which belongs to the East.
It is beyond our contemplation when we try to understand your stinted
narrowness. The existence of the East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere does not
in anyway encroach upon your safety as a nation, on the contrary,
will sit as a pillar of world peace ensuring the happiness of the world.
His Imperial Majesty's true aim is no other than the attainment of this
everlasting peace.

456 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:20:43.89 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Studying the condition of the never ending racial struggle resulting from mutual misunderstanding of the European countries, it is not difficult to feel the need of the everlasting universal
Present Hitler's crusade of "His Fatherland" is brought about by no
other than the stupidity of holding only Germany, the loser of the World
War, solely responsible for the 1914-1918 calamity and the deprivation
of Germany's re-establishment.
It is beyond my imagination of how you can slander Hitler's program and
at the same time cooperate with Stalin's "Soviet Russia" which has as
its principle aim the "socialization" of the World at large.
If only the brute force decides the ruler of the world, fighting will
everlastingly be repeated, and never will the world know peace nor
Upon the attainment of your barbaric world monopoly never forget to
retain in your mind the failure of your predecessor President Wilson at
his heights.

457 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:21:51.06 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
are you autistic?

458 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 02:25:50.21 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
Here comes the shit storm

459 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:29:26.48 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
You are the same of all the creatures, You should have been born to be a Cockroach。

460 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:31:45.00 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
You are the shame of all the creatures, You should have been born to be a Cockroach。

461 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 02:42:59.40 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net

462 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 09:20:42.99 ID:knVnncEa.net
>>424 えっ? 駄目じゃん。まあ事実だけど。

463 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 09:24:42.33 ID:knVnncEa.net
Today, shit is going on. I hafta fix it.

464 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 09:45:35.40 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
People around here sound very nationalist. What do you all think about Japan rebuilding its army?

465 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:06:58.43 ID:knVnncEa.net
>>464 It is stupid that they want to rebuild daitoakyoeiken. They want to cope with korea and chosen including Kazakh. And it is an intention of the U.S. government or that Jewish.
I personally think Japan should go with Russia and the good North people of US. can't go with politikel people. There are various thing we can do with Russia with or without US effect.

466 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:17:01.19 ID:knVnncEa.net
I mean the direction of Japanese chosen army will be easily destroyed by Russia. (again)
That was all a waste of money. Japanese army can not attack Moscow.

watch the truth


467 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:29:01.66 ID:knVnncEa.net
Japanese army may help to defend from greedy China. That is what all about.

468 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 11:30:54.82 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
I'm worried that China or Korea might attack if Japan built an army, though.
Do you think that could happen?

469 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:38:11.52 ID:knVnncEa.net
Well, I don't know. They will be. But, usually their job is press those country that they can't do that.

470 :I came from VIP:2015/08/29(土) 11:45:24.95 ID:VoEaXkxf.net
Hi! This is the first time I came to "ENGLISH" board. Very deserted. HAHAHA!

471 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:47:43.14 ID:knVnncEa.net
and Mongolia will be a key country with Japan. But, hey, you can't do that.
The most of the enemy is KANKOKU inside of Japan. Thus, Japanese army can't do anything.
Japanese army will not move to remove KANKOKU effect inside of Japan.

472 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:49:30.19 ID:knVnncEa.net
Japanese army with KANKOKU (including CHOSEN) so, they are stupid. 南無

473 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:52:12.99 ID:knVnncEa.net
that's why better with Russia to press them.

474 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:54:04.80 ID:knVnncEa.net
all 帰化人 soldier who like war should die with war right?

475 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 11:59:00.33 ID:knVnncEa.net
It's a honourable thing.

476 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:00:52.68 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Your intelligent level is too low.

477 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:05:44.57 ID:knVnncEa.net
ok, things will be fixing.

478 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:06:27.08 ID:knVnncEa.net
something was wrong with today's morning.

479 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:07:50.82 ID:knVnncEa.net
Their was certainly a KANKOKU effect to make people slow.

480 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:11:14.90 ID:knVnncEa.net
like there should be a penalty who make people slow.

481 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 12:24:27.04 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
If you don't like arguing about history with people who won't even read your posts, don't waste your time here.
They can't even make proper points, they just use insults.

482 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:37:56.75 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Go home to kindergarten from unemployment.

483 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:40:29.69 ID:i3sqKUUc.net
I think those who don't know history continue to insult Japanese.
Japanese people have been insulted since WW2.

484 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:43:24.38 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net



485 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:53:01.87 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
It is time you went back to Europe.
Americans officially insist Puritans moved to America and founded their nation,
but the reality is that , like Australia, criminals were sent to America.
In America they massacared native Americans and abducted Africans to make them
exploited as slaves, and founded a nation. This is America, a shameful nation.
That’s why America is despised.

486 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 12:53:41.04 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
It is a pity that you are justifing such a shameful nation here.
Japan is not a new barbarous nation which started just a few years ago like your nation.
Japan is a nation with long history and sophisticated culture.

Go back to Europe to fight Muslim.

487 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:01:52.90 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net
je pense que tu es con. pourquoi est-ce que tu parle japonais dans
le fil "Chat in english". Tu penses que tu sois plus intelligent que
les gaijins? Pourquoi est-ce que tu continues de poster, bien qu'il n'y
ait personne qui te reponds? Parce que tu as un petit pénis?

488 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:08:22.16 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
Shut up, Phimosis

489 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 13:09:25.13 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
We had this conversation yesterday.
Love you too, France. Best Ally.

490 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:11:17.88 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
What American solders did in France was raping French girls,
Don't you know this history?

491 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:13:19.16 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net


492 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 13:14:26.31 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
Was this before or after we invented HIV and beheaded the queen of England?

493 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:21:08.40 ID:knVnncEa.net
well, Japan has a history and culture, but that was all of it like tomb culture. We don't even have to argue about it.
The roots are perverted Slavs and North German. That's why I think there's some confusion with Americans which are Irish.

494 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:31:27.32 ID:i3sqKUUc.net
Americans rapped a lot of Japanese women after WW2.

495 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:35:11.45 ID:c2YQnbk+.net
What kind of mental disorder does "ID:fJ+7/HTk" have?

496 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 13:39:06.07 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
Autism (自閉症) is a safe bet.

497 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:42:10.89 ID:/Tm2C6Fd!.net

I bet they was all like

Fuck the police coming straight from the underground
A young nigga's got it bad cause i'm brown

and shit like that.
fucking americans and their rapping.

498 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:46:39.66 ID:knVnncEa.net
I soaked Scythian for a roots of Japanese tribe, but that was a printed image.

Printed images are everywhere nowadays of Japan. All media is fake.






TELETO Hungarian

all medias are nothing related to Japanese origin.

Japanese origin is in Russia. We must stop watching TV.

499 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 13:53:33.67 ID:i3sqKUUc.net
I don't understand your native English.

私は 断言する 彼らはみんなそのようだった。

English is too difficult...

500 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 13:57:27.27 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
That was all slang. He was making a joke about a word you misspelled.
You meant to say "raped" but you said "rapped."
"Rapped" is the past tense of "rap," which can be a noun or a verb.
Rap is a kind of music and he was copying the slang that people usually use in it.

501 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 14:01:34.64 ID:i3sqKUUc.net
OH,thank you very much.
It is very funny.

502 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 14:12:37.67 ID:yztDepwa.net
I think you should make up your mind whether to act cool or fight with them head-on.
They have been doing this for years, and nothing will cure them of the illness. Threads getting
occupied by sick inhabitants is not uncommon and there are worse places on 2ch, one of which
is VIP (from what I heard). Always keep in mind that you came to this notoriously filthy site
by your own will.

503 :anonymous:2015/08/29(土) 14:17:40.91 ID:lrK0ZW53!.net
Honestly, I would go to another board if I could find a proxy that wasn't blocked.
>notoriously filthy site
“Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.
I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”

504 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 14:21:52.97 ID:knVnncEa.net
when people make mistake, it's not your intention. An evil thought of your enemy.

505 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 15:50:44.67 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
The only place you have to return is Europe.
America is land for native Americans.

506 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 15:55:15.78 ID:pOala1OO.net
So many gaijins here! I want to suck so many gaijins big cocks!

507 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 17:55:05.22 ID:5TE3V/6i.net
Japan is very (in)famous for being a hentai country.

This is a Japanese TV program.


508 :I came from VIP:2015/08/29(土) 18:02:20.22 ID:mYFhZ29B.net
Ok. I understood.
/E/tards are fuckin' racists!

509 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 19:09:04.22 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
It is American culture.

510 :臭い米国人:2015/08/29(土) 23:35:02.86 ID:pGcCHFy0!.net
That is a very inefficient way to eat a popsicle.

511 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 23:50:05.69 ID:pOala1OO.net
I want to eat your popsicle.

512 :anonymous:2015/08/30(日) 01:23:59.67 ID:rphf8F6L!.net
That guy's face makes me laugh.

513 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 03:22:56.86 ID:iCxK9/MC.net
I just happened to drop in this thread.
From the title, I assume that this thread is providing an opportunity
to improve my English writing skill by chatting with friends in this thread.
I am middle aged businessman, living in Yokohama. I am involved in
trading business at manufacturing company located in Tokyo. As a
part of my dairy job, I am exchanging Emails with some of overseas
partners every day, but I feel necessity to improve my writing skill more
to proceed my business more efficiently.

Any comment is welcomed. Feel free to response !

514 :anonymous:2015/08/30(日) 03:42:50.06 ID:rphf8F6L!.net
Welcome to the thread. You seem to be very good at English, have you been speaking it long?

515 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 03:56:37.35 ID:OQ5v3xXH.net
Welcome aboard. One thing you need to remember. This thread is not for the faint-hearted.
It's about stabbing or being stabbed here. This thread is not for kids and women.
Feminists may have a different opinion, though. From my experience, you need to be a real tough guy
to survive here. Only women who can survive here would be the ones with iron nipples, if you
know what I mean. Anyway, always watch your back and enjoy the ride.

516 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:20:31.71 ID:rwLAL8by.net
Any commnet?

What do you think about Netouyo?

517 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:37:37.49 ID:ceNeyOtc.net
It is time you went back to Europe.
Americans officially insist Puritans moved to America and founded their nation,
but the reality is that , like Australia, criminals were sent to America.
In America they massacared native Americans and abducted Africans to make them
exploited as slaves, and founded a nation. This is America, a shameful nation.
That’s why America is despised.

518 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:38:09.45 ID:ceNeyOtc.net
It is a pity that you are justifing such a shameful nation here.
Japan is not a new barbarous nation which started just a few years ago like your nation.
Japan is a nation with long history and sophisticated culture.

Go back to Europe to fight Muslim.

519 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:39:41.08 ID:iCxK9/MC.net
Thank you for your message.

I was born and raised up in a local area in Japan.
I almost had no chance to communicate with native speakers in English
until I joined English conversation class when I was a University student.
After studying basic English conversation at that class, I got an opportunity
to participate one month of home staying program in Seattle, United States
by introduction of my uncle. Immediately after I arrive at host family's house,
I got homesick because I could not understand their speaking English at all.
Furthermore, I could not come across my intention by speaking because of
my poor speaking. I also tried to pass my intension by writing, but not working at all.
It was just a culture shock for me because I had never experienced communication
problem as long as I speak in Japanese. This experience made me study English
seriously after I returned to Japan. It has passed more than 20years since then, but
I still feel necessity to learn English more to communicate well with overseas friends.

520 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:49:24.19 ID:ceNeyOtc.net
the guy you are speaking to is a real bull shit.
It is better for you to go to another place.

521 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 04:55:28.16 ID:iCxK9/MC.net

Thanks for encouraging me. I try to be a tough to survive.

522 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 05:13:19.52 ID:iCxK9/MC.net
I don't think so. I stayed at 3 families. Each of the family were so kind.
They treated me as a friend. I just could not catch up native American's
speaking speed. Even now........

523 :I came from VIP:2015/08/30(日) 06:03:59.40 ID:Q+wGNsYG.net
So, do you guys use 4ch too?
/b/, /int/, etc.

524 :anonymous:2015/08/30(日) 06:18:47.20 ID:rphf8F6L!.net
I'm from /int/. I also hang out sometimes on /fit/ and /wsg/.
Once in a while I go by 8chan but that's only for webm threads.

You will get there eventually if you just keep practicing. You are already better than most Japanese ever get.

525 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/30(日) 07:42:26.88 ID:iCxK9/MC.net
Thank you. I will keep working !

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