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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

455 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/08/29(土) 02:19:46.80 ID:fJ+7/HTk.net
In order to attain this end, countless machinations were used to cajole the
yellow races, and to finally deprive them of any strength. Nippon in
retaliation to your imperialism tried to free the oriental nations from
your punitive bonds, only to be faced by your dogged opposition. You
now consider your once friendly Nippon an harmful existence to your
luscious plan, a bunch of barbarians that must be exterminated. The
completion of this Greater East Asia War will bring about the birth of
the East Asia Co-Prosperity Area, this in turn will in the near future
result in the everlasting peace of the world, if, of course, is not
hampered upon by your unending imperialism.
Why is it that you, an already flourishing nation, nip in bud the
movement for the freedom of the suppressed nations of the East. It is no
other than to return to the East that which belongs to the East.
It is beyond our contemplation when we try to understand your stinted
narrowness. The existence of the East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere does not
in anyway encroach upon your safety as a nation, on the contrary,
will sit as a pillar of world peace ensuring the happiness of the world.
His Imperial Majesty's true aim is no other than the attainment of this
everlasting peace.

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