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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

750 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/09/11(金) 01:40:52.72 ID:0nRN2b7l.net
I read this thread for the first time.
I have to say you guys are very very good at English.

I started studying English about two months ago,
and I found that speaking English is a very hard thing to do.
Of course I took some English classes in junior high and high school
so I can understand basic grammar, I sometimes enjoy English movies or books.
But expressing my feelings or thoughts is a whole other thing.
Whenever people talk to me, I freeze like a complete moron.
My brain stops. My vision becomes all white, I even can't see the person's face.
Only simple word (or broken sentence) is coming out from my mouth,
it is impossible to form a dicent sentence, not mention my poor pronunciation.

You guys seem so fluent, but only in writing?
Or can you speak English as good as you can write?
If you can pleeeease give me some advice!
I know there is a lot work to do, but I don't know where to start.

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