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Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 194

865 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2015/09/16(水) 05:52:02.83 ID:vAnB/edP!.net
isn't it like a required subject or something?

anyhow, i wish schools took foreign language teaching more seriously here (in america).
like, it was a graduation requirement, and the school didn't really give a shit if
the kids actually learned something about the language or not, just that
they had it on their credits. for real, i'd say about half the kids that had
to take a class passed with the lowest passing grade.

It also doesn't help that there wasn't much variety in the options available.
where i went, we could only choose one of two languages: Spanish, or French.
some other schools in the district offered things like German and Japanese in addition, but
our school was poor so we only had french and fucking spanish.

in my freshman year, it was super relieving when i took 3rd year french and
saw that there were others who actually liked learning the language and using it.
it was super comfy, because my class only had about 12 people in it,
most of the class being super qt grills. also the teacher was a total bro.

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