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69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/11(月) 13:12:08.18 ID:mAMauXZe.net
"The Real Downton Abbey" Servants: The True Story Of Life Below Stairs 1/3

A century ago, one and a half million of us worked as servants. Astonishingly, that's
more than worked in industries or on the land. My great-grandmother was a servant.
And coming from this background, I want to find out about the reality of their lives.
Country houses like these simply wouldn't have been able to function without a whole
army of staff working away above and below stairs. [SUBTITLE: Dr. Pamela Cox, Essex
University] When I come to places like this, my first instinct isn't to go through the
formal entrance. But find the servants' door, and going that way. In this series, I want
to dispel the nostalgia and fantasies that we have around domestic service and reveal a
much more complex world. I'm going to tell a very different sort of history. One of
suppressed passions, strict hierarchies, and an obsession with status and class.
Digging through the archives, I'll track down the lost lives of real servants whose voices
have largely been forgotten. Who's this? Not bad-looking. Yes, very good-looking. We
were underdogs. We weren't on the same level of ??? We had to know our place. I'll visit
the homes of the super-rich and anxious middle classes in order to understand how
servants actually lived and worked. (1 minutes 30 seconds まで)

総レス数 93
88 KB

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