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なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 9

156 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2016/01/10(日) 17:46:34.09 ID:SzTAxAFl.net
about your friend: To be honest I have no idea how looks relationship between two Japanese and what is important and what isn't important in their relationship.
How did you meet her? I understand that you don't know each other from school.
to be honest, I love this kind of question.
I have a male friend (but he is just a friend :P), who is like this ideal husband material (but I'll never tell him that XD)
and he is still a single and always when I meet him I ask him "what's wrong with you? Why you don't have a girlfriend?
There must be something wrong with you".
And I love commenting, when he tell me and my boyfriend about his date.
And I always tell him that it's good that he didn't stay with that specific girl or I don't like her ^^


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