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うわっ…私の文法力、低すぎ? (GIUが中学生レベルと言われて発狂したやつと英語で煽り合うスレ)

13 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Saab-oviR):2016/12/01(木) 01:37:54.36 ID:McWz/WmKa.net

I've been studying history for a month. It's interesting to me but was much information, and I have to overuse my brain to memorize them, even so I believe that it's worth leaning no matter how long it takes.
Anyway I'm studying ancient times now, so I found some interesting historical facts, the one thing in them is the word "Cosmopolitanism". This word exists in 4 century B.C. already! Isn't this a surprising fact? Because we human beings have never made the idea come true, although about no less than 24 centuries have passed since then.
We might have got to it pretty nearly. Western countries accepted many immigrants from where they used to call "Third World" even if their true purpose isn't beautiful things like a word "coexistence", however that's likely to end in failure.
UK exited from EU, and in America, Trump, who is well known for racist, sexist or something like shit, became president to our surprise, by democracy. It's true that some people hoped and tried to realize the world without borders but also some people rejected that.
We've been changed since ancient in various points, but never changed at all in a sense. We may not be so smart, since human beings are nothing but an animal.

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