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うわっ…私の文法力、低すぎ? (GIUが中学生レベルと言われて発狂したやつと英語で煽り合うスレ)

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ef3a-MM3T):2016/11/30(水) 02:26:28.80 ID:cGFkGH/z0.net
585 2 名前:iOS (ワッチョイ 87b2-3s55) Mail: 投稿日:2016/11/29(火) 09:38:40.19 ID:nj6HC2qV0

My choices of words are wired and looks middle school-level? I seems you've read my sentence with a dictionary..
You think so because you can't understand context or the actual meaning of words in the sentence.
A word of "perpetual beginner" sounds middle school level? Well, you really need to improve you writing and speaking skill and communicate with an actual native English speaker..

I can correct your sentences, by the way.
*As we expected, your English SOUNDS middle-schoolers' ONE/ LEVEL.
"is just like" instead of "sound" sounds very weird and looks too long for a native English speaker or an advanced speaker.
You can say I am like a middle school student or my English is like/sounds middle school-level but you CAN'T say my way of speaking is like A middle school student -
because A middle schooler, A middle school student, is NOT an adjective but a noun which is countable.
You know "my English is middle schooler" is grammatically wrong, don't you? This error is the very same type of error I've pointed out.
Ah, DON'T forget an article before noun;)
And "is just like" is not wrong but extremely SOUNDS English of beginners or Japanese people.

Good luck with your learning English;)

P.S. I think you should learn English more before criticizing other people's one.

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