2ちゃんねる スマホ用 ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    


52 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/06/16(土) 00:53:06.23 ID:2ABpQmJ20.net


53 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/07/31(火) 15:17:40.33 ID:+SvLg4PsM.net


54 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/25(土) 18:57:30.10 ID:vcaADO+Q0.net

55 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/08/19(月) 21:38:50.98 ID:I5nK0fFz0.net

56 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/09/30(月) 12:34:42.55 ID:RQCSZBfsM.net

57 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ee2e-7HT4):2019/11/17(日) 04:23:00 ID:7anRGL0i0.net
ということで知人とかで助言されたのですが宮沢花の情報とかで英会話を上達した人がいるとも伺いました。[英会話 宮沢花]をインターネットさがしてみると知ることができるので上達したいなら探すしたらいかがでしょうか。


58 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/11/17(日) 04:53:16.98 ID:7anRGL0i0.net
ということで知人とかで助言されたのですが宮沢花の情報とかで英会話を上達した人がいるとも伺いました。[英会話 宮沢花]をインターネットさがしてみると知ることができるので上達したいなら探すしたらいかがでしょうか。


59 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/11/17(日) 05:46:52.57 ID:7anRGL0i0.net
余談ですが体験者から耳にしたそうだが宮沢花の何かなどで英会話に上達が可能なんです。[英会話 宮沢花]でinternetさがすと見られるのために上達したいなら探すすることをお勧めします。


60 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 62a2-A78j):2020/01/19(日) 06:47:42 ID:z87+N4HG0.net

61 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ae6c-4vOW):2020/01/19(日) 08:22:15 ID:Ra1/yDR10.net

62 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f72e-XxmN):2020/02/06(木) 22:48:12 ID:l9RAMvEV0.net


63 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW ff53-eRQ3):2020/02/23(日) 09:13:20 ID:YSmhDMnj0.net


64 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/06/23(火) 22:48:28.40 ID:23AkPaywa.net

65 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/18(日) 02:23:45.22 ID:0/DgQmvy0.net
■■ 中学レベル総合 ■■

【最強の】DUO3.0 part60【単語集】
最強の英単語集 18冊目 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

■英文法書総合スレ Chapter39■
英文法ってどうやって勉強するんや? [転載禁止]©2ch.net

英語の発音総合スレ Part53
【瞬間英作文ドリル】Part 2
英語上達完全マップで勉強してる奴集合 part55

英会話 英語勉強系Youtuber Part4
英会話は洋楽とドラマ映画で勉強するに限る [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net

66 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/11/29(日) 19:53:10.34 ID:GxRdJHzg0NIKU.net


67 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/11/29(日) 19:56:27.16 ID:GxRdJHzg0NIKU.net


68 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/21(月) 19:40:58.27 ID:U7qWsF4D0.net

69 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/21(月) 19:42:57.68 ID:U7qWsF4D0.net

70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/22(火) 00:08:54.73 ID:Z5x/9vaS0.net

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/22(火) 00:17:02.26 ID:dzGHlFiV0.net

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/23(水) 17:22:56.64 ID:swt+xdooH.net

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/29(火) 09:17:02.10 ID:A0IgL/oea.net

映画で 「スピーキング」 を伸ばすチャンスです。

無理に 「瞬間英作文」 しなくても、


ガラパゴス English からの脱出!

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/15(金) 18:56:05.83 ID:N5OdnwuO0.net

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/15(金) 19:36:46.34 ID:N5OdnwuO0.net

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/17(日) 14:18:22.71 ID:/RKMMmjvd.net

77 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/17(日) 20:23:03.83 ID:LXRN4Uz20.net

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/18(月) 16:08:49.83 ID:WNIaJQJw0.net

79 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/01/15(土) 19:06:39.49 ID:eMDxoA7i0.net

80 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/07/24(日) 00:32:23.47 ID:mwIMIXPja.net
ガラパゴス English からの脱出!




81 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/11/12(土) 23:57:48.67 ID:T7oj6EUTa.net


82 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/11/13(日) 01:39:47.82 ID:HjSbLBLca.net

83 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2022/12/01(木) 11:19:29.30 ID:3t6sJ2+U0.net
kids englishだらだら見てるのいいよ
英語できるつもりでもbounce a ballという表現を教えられたり

84 :S&G :2023/01/02(月) 14:17:40.80 ID:jT0fUYPz0.net
hello darkness my old friend
ive come to talk with you again
because a vision softly creeping
left its seeds while i was sleeping
and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains
within the sound of silence
in restless dreams i walked alone
narrow streets of cobblestone
neath the halo of a street lamp
i turned my collar to the cold and damp
when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
that split the night
and touched the sound of silence

85 :S&G :2023/01/03(火) 09:10:38.54 ID:LSctVxxO0.net
and in the naked light i saw
ten thousand people maybe more
people talking without speaking
people hearing without listening
people writing songs that voices never share
and no one dare disturb the sound of silence

86 :S&G :2023/01/04(水) 12:01:34.53 ID:2ajt1nOr0.net
the sound of silence 続き
fools said i you do not know
silence like a cancer grows
hear my words that i might teach you
take my arms that i might reach you
but my words like silent raindrops fell
and echoed in the wells of silence

87 :S&G :2023/01/05(木) 04:29:42.89 ID:b0OJNZCl0.net
and the people bowed and prayed
to the neon god they made
and the sign flashed out its warning
in the words that it was forming
and the sign said the words of the prophets are written
on the subway walls and tenement halls
and whispered in the sound of silence

88 :S&G :2023/01/06(金) 08:56:45.01 ID:M4Wiz50Z0.net
people writing songs that voices never share

89 :S&G :2023/01/07(土) 10:59:29.23 ID:j2je5rSG0.net
hear my words that i might teach you
take my arms that i might reach you

90 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/01/07(土) 12:56:13.53 ID:llqEFCmt0.net

91 :S&G :2023/01/07(土) 20:57:58.58 ID:WIKYZ6Wy0.net
and the sign flashed out its warning

92 :S&G :2023/01/08(日) 08:19:50.22 ID:KQq6AmA/0.net
and the sign flashed out its warning
in the words that it was forming

93 :S&G :2023/01/08(日) 22:41:25.79 ID:fXpgleCL0.net
let us be lovers well marry our fortunes together
ive got some real estate here in my bag

94 :S&G :2023/01/09(月) 13:34:42.69 ID:bMyAGwEp0.net
let us be lovers well marry our fortunes together
ive got some real estate here in my bag
so we bought a pack of cigarettes and mrs wagners pies
and we walked off to look for america

95 :S&G :2023/01/10(火) 09:19:22.12 ID:n9iTl81i0.net
let us be lovers we ll marry our fortunes together
ive got some real estate here in my bag
so we bought a pack of cigarettes and mrs wagners pie
and walked off to look for america
kathy i said as we boarded a greyhound in pittsburg
michigan seems like a dream to me now
it took me four days to hitchhike from saginaw
ive gone to look for america

96 :S&G :2023/01/11(水) 09:08:24.53 ID:xfLfH/4M0.net
laughing on the bus
playing games with the faces
she said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
i said be careful his bow tie is really a camera

97 :S&G :2023/01/12(木) 10:08:05.35 ID:TmrrjdYG0.net
toss me a cigarette i think theres one in my raincoat
we smoked the last one an hour ago
so i looked at the scenery she read her magazine
and the moon rose over an open field

98 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/01/12(木) 15:24:39.80 ID:/rYWzo7q0.net

99 :S&G :2023/01/13(金) 09:35:43.07 ID:TicSLWcS0.net
hear my words that i might teach you
take my arms that i might reach you
but my words like silent raindrops fell
kathy im lost i said though i knew she was sleeping
im empty and aching and i dont know why

100 :S&G :2023/01/14(土) 11:25:15.03 ID:8nBCkuLa0.net
kathy im lost i said though i knew she was sleeping
im empty and aching and i dont know why
counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike
theyve all come to look for america
all come to look for America
all come to look for America

101 :S&G :2023/01/15(日) 09:08:07.35 ID:EhfXyifC0.net
are you going to scarborough fair
parsley sage rosemary thyme
remember me to one who lives there
she once was a true love of mine

102 :S&G :2023/01/16(月) 09:44:21.86 ID:1ZlIBKAO0.net
on the side of a hill in the deep forest green
tracing a sparrow on snow crested ground
blankets and bedclothes a child of the mountains
sleeps unaware of the clarion call

103 :S&G :2023/01/18(水) 08:25:03.97 ID:TA48+lKJ0.net
are you going to scarborough fair
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
remember me to one who lives there
she once was a true love of mine
tell her to make me a cambric shirt
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
without no seams nor needlework
then shell be a true love of mine

104 :S&G :2023/01/19(木) 08:48:38.26 ID:/LWk85DY0.net
tell her to find me an acre of land
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
between the salt water and the sea strand
then she ll be a true love of mine
tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
and to gather it all in a bunch of heather
then she ll be a true love of mine

105 :S&G :2023/01/20(金) 08:37:44.23 ID:W8YZsjJN0.net
tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
and to gather it all in a bunch of heather
then she ll be a true love of mine

106 :S&G :2023/01/21(土) 11:07:16.80 ID:gnmIfLHL0.net
tell her to make me a cambric shirt
on the side of a hill in the deep forest green
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
tracing of sparrow on snow crested ground
without no seams nor needlework
blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountains
then she ll be a true love of mine
sleeps unaware of the clarion call

107 :S&G :2023/01/22(日) 09:15:36.99 ID:UCN2pFz00.net
tell her to find me an acre of land
on the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
washes the grave with silvery tears
between the salt water and the sea strand
a soldier cleans and polishes a gun
then she ll be a true love of mine

108 :S&G :2023/01/23(月) 08:36:02.44 ID:pnqn9YTi0.net
tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
war bellows blazing in scarlet battalions
parsley sage rosemary and thyme
generals order their soldiers to kill
and to gather it all in a bunch of heather
and to fight for a cause theyve long ago forgotten
then she ll be a true love of mine

109 :S&G :2023/01/24(火) 09:06:18.69 ID:On60vfDA0.net
canticle, canticle...
on the side of a hill
a sprinkling of leaves washes the grave
with silvery tears
a soldier cleans and polishes a gun

110 :S&G :2023/01/25(水) 08:05:11.70 ID:tsklFCNz0.net
war bellows blazing in scarlet battalions
generals order their soldiers to kill
and to fight for a cause theyve long ago forgotten

111 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/01/26(木) 07:42:01.90 ID:4EMKy+MZd.net

112 :S&G :2023/01/26(木) 08:35:38.15 ID:JqVKoyF80.net
and heres to you mrs robinson
jesus loves you more than you will know
wo wo wo
god bless you please mrs robinson
heaven holds a place for those who pray
hey hey hey
hey hey hey

113 :S&G :2023/01/27(金) 08:37:26.99 ID:8MwJCoQx0.net
wed like to know a little bit about you for our files
wed like to help you learn to help yourself
look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes
stroll around the grounds until you feel at home

114 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/01/27(金) 14:00:34.66 ID:DTeclabr0.net

115 :S&G :2023/01/28(土) 22:01:03.50 ID:8DJhQqAi0.net
hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
put it in your pantry with your cupcakes
its a little secret just the robinsons affair
most of all youve got to hide it from the kids

116 :S&G :2023/01/29(日) 07:39:55.95 ID:wyBRz6H40.net
coo coo cachoo
mrs robinson
jesus loves you more than you will know
wo wo wo
god bless you please mrs robinson
heaven holds a place for those who pray
hey hey hey
hey hey hey
sitting on a sofa on a sunday afternoon
going to the candidates debate
laugh about it shout about it
when youve got to choose every way you look at it you lose

117 :S&G :2023/01/30(月) 07:25:23.85 ID:CB+6SlI40.net
where have you gone joe dimaggio
a nation turns its lonely eyes to you
wo wo wo
whats that you say mrs ronbinson
jostling joe has left and gone away
hey hey hey hey hey hey

118 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/01/30(月) 21:56:17.04 ID:+/zhOxzWd.net

119 :S&G :2023/01/31(火) 07:41:42.81 ID:o6/qW+760.net
hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes
put it in your pantry with your cupcakes

120 :S&G :2023/02/01(水) 09:33:06.93 ID:529TBVE80.net
最初はshe loves you yeah yeah yeahから
you think youve lost your love
well i saw her yesterday
its you shes thinking of
and she told me what to say

121 :S&G :2023/02/02(木) 09:05:52.77 ID:9h32B8wg00202.net
she says she loves you
and you know that cant be bad
yes she loves you
and you know you should be glad

122 :S&G :2023/02/03(金) 08:35:11.97 ID:yyCvrCdM0.net
she said you hurt her so
she almost lost her mind
but now she said she knows
youre not the hurting kind

123 :S&G :2023/02/04(土) 10:51:40.93 ID:XveQlduV0.net
she says she loves you
and you know that cant be bad
yes she loves you
and you know you should be glad

124 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/04(土) 13:58:14.20 ID:k3ZTpQnz0.net




125 :S&G :2023/02/05(日) 07:12:01.94 ID:+YFmaP1F0.net
you know its up to you
i think its only fair
pride can hurt you too
apologise to her
because she loves you
and you know that cant be bad
yes shes loves you
and you know you should be glad

126 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/05(日) 22:02:31.01 ID:drnbAUin0.net

127 :S&G :2023/02/06(月) 08:43:57.52 ID:FDFUB1Qe0.net
this happened once before when i came to your door
no reply
they said it wasnt you but i saw you peep through
your window
i saw the light i saw the light
i know that you saw me cause i looked up to see your face

128 :S&G :2023/02/07(火) 08:49:08.06 ID:e3IWtKOP0.net
i tried to telephone
they said you were not home
thats a lie
cause i know where youve been
and i saw you walk in your door

129 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/07(火) 12:55:59.01 ID:rhpFizTn0.net
No reply は名曲。歌うのは難しいけど。

130 :S&G :2023/02/08(水) 09:05:59.78 ID:E4d6OCJ20.net
i nearly died i nearly died
cause you walked hand in hand with another guy
in my place
if i were you id realise that i
love you more than any other guy
and ill forgive the lies that i heard before
when you gave me no reply

131 :S&G :2023/02/09(木) 08:27:02.22 ID:SKQwopqs0.net
well she was just seventeen
you know what i mean
and the way she looked
was way beyond compare
so how could i dance with another
oooh when i saw her standing there

132 :S&G :2023/02/10(金) 07:52:29.12 ID:SyZU19zO0.net
well she looked at me
and i i could see
that before too long
id fall in love with her
she wouldnt dance with another
oooh and i saw her standing there

133 :S&G :2023/02/11(土) 10:30:33.18 ID:pAEISiW70.net
well my heart went boom
when i crossed that room
and held her hand in mine
well we danced through the night
and we held each other tight
and before too long i fell in love with her

134 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/12(日) 08:39:34.94 ID:FeayM35V0.net

135 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/12(日) 14:32:21.52 ID:fI3ts60Q0.net

136 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/13(月) 07:19:58.11 ID:37cx4Q0b0.net


137 :S&G :2023/02/13(月) 09:34:08.60 ID:CiKLzo6z0.net
only you youre the only thing i ll see forever
in my eyes in my words and in everything i do
nothing else but you ever

138 :S&G :2023/02/14(火) 06:47:05.55 ID:9tJtsxzr0.net
and theres nothing for me but maria
every sight that I see is maria
tony tony
always you every thought i ll ever know
everywhere i go youll be
all the world is only you and me
tonight tonight it all began tonight
i saw you and the world went away
tonight tonight theres only you tonight
what you are what you do what you say
today all day i had the feeling a miracle would happen
i know now i was right for here you are
and what was just a world is a star tonight

139 :S&G :2023/02/15(水) 08:27:56.25 ID:TFvzu+Qb0.net
tonight tonight the world is full of light
with suns and moons all over the place
tonight tonight the world is wild and bright
going mad shooting sparks into space
today the world was just an address
a place for me to live in no better than all right
but here you are and what was just a world is a star tonight

140 :S&G :2023/02/16(木) 08:14:06.08 ID:XJdc1Gwk0.net
oh where have you been my blue eyed son
and where have you been my darling young one
ive stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
ive walked and ive crawled on six crooked highways
ive stepped in the middle of seven sad forests
ive been out in front of a dozen dead oceans
ive been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
its a hard its a hard its a hard and its a hard a hard rains a gonna fall

141 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/16(木) 21:45:14.20 ID:tsNbAIOZ0.net

142 :S&G :2023/02/17(金) 07:46:15.19 ID:fh3th5y20.net
oh what did you see my blue eyed son
and what did you see my darling young one
i saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
i saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
i saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping
i saw a room full of men with their hammers a bleeding
i saw a white ladder all covered with water
i saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
i saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children

143 :S&G :2023/02/18(土) 07:30:23.08 ID:Hjb8KwNw0.net
and what did you hear my blue eyed son
and what did you hear my darling young one
i heard the sound of a thunder that roared out a warning
i heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world
i heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a blazing
i heard ten thousand whispering and nobody listening
i heard one person starve i heard many people laughing
i heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter
i heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley

144 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/18(土) 10:59:13.35 ID:ocvP5YsA0.net

145 :S&G :2023/02/19(日) 08:04:29.00 ID:7nckSBmv0.net
oh what did you meet my blue eyed son
and who did you meet my darling young one
i met a young child beside a dead pony
i met a white man who walked a black dog
i met a young woman her body was burning
i met a young girl she gave me a rainbow
i met one man who was wounded in love
i met another man who was wounded in hatred

146 :S&G :2023/02/21(火) 10:53:15.67 ID:R0TlYTUB0.net
and what will you do now my blue-eyed son
and what will you do now my darling young one
im a going back out fore the rain starts a falling
i ll walk to the depths of the deepest dark forest
where the people are many and their hands are all empty
where the pellets of poison are flooding their waters
where the home in the valley meets the damp dirty prison
and the executioners face is always well hidden
where hunger is ugly where the souls are forgotten
where black is the color where none is the number
and i ll tell it and speak it and think it and breathe it
and reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it
then i ll stand on the ocean until i start sinking
but i ll know my song well before i start singing

147 :S&G :2023/02/22(水) 08:30:34.57 ID:PWOd9g7t0.net
once upon a time you dressed so fine
threw the bums a dime in your prime didnt you
people call say beware doll youre bound to fall
you thought they were all a kidding you
you used to laugh about everybody that was hanging out
now you didnt talk so loud
now you didnt seem so proud
about having to be scrounging your next meal
how does it feel
how does it feel
to be without a home
like a complete unknown
like a rolling stone

148 :S&G :2023/02/23(木) 10:01:30.80 ID:GxRgQsrd0.net
aw youve gone to the finest school all right miss lonely
but you know you only used to get juiced in it
nobodys ever taught you how to live out on the street
and now youre gonna have to get used to it
you say you never compromise
with the mystery tramp but now you realize
hes not selling any alibis as you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
and say do you want to make a deal
how does it feel
how does it feel
to be on your own with no direction home
a complete unknown like a rolling stone

149 :S&G :2023/02/24(金) 08:15:16.03 ID:t6bU8Jsm0.net
aw you never turned around to see the frowns
on the jugglers and the clowns when they all did tricks for you
never understood that it aint no good
you shouldnt let other people get your kicks for you
you used to ride on a chrome horse with your diplomat
who carried on his shoulder a siamese cat
aint it hard when you discover that he really wasnt where its at
after he took from you everything he could steal
how does it feel
how does it feel to hang on your own with no direction home
like a complete unknown
like a rolling stone

150 :S&G :2023/02/25(土) 21:34:38.40 ID:4g2epL8H0.net
aw princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
theyre all drinking thinking that they got it made
exchanging all precious gifts
but youd better take your diamond ring you better pawn it babe
you used to be so amused at napoleon in rags and the language that he used
go to him now he calls you you cant refuse
when you aint got nothing you got nothing to lose
youre invisible now you got no secrets to conceal
how does it feel
aw how does it feel
to be on your own
with no direction home
like a complete unknown
like a rolling stone

151 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/02/26(日) 10:53:42.62 ID:LIJeIg080.net
Like a Rolling Stone

152 :S&G (ワッチョイ fa3f-+Vzh):2023/02/27(月) 09:46:33.07 ID:yFAcNJjC0.net
april come she will
when streams are ripe and swelled with rain
may she will stay
resting in my arms again

153 :S&G (ワッチョイ fa3f-+Vzh):2023/02/28(火) 09:21:48.42 ID:S0Jnsbp20.net
june she ll change her tune
in restless walks
july she will fly
and give no warning to her flight

154 :S&G (ワッチョイ fa3f-+Vzh):2023/03/01(水) 09:26:01.24 ID:M0arw0OX0.net
april come she will
when streams are ripe and swelled with rain
may she will stay
resting in my arms again
june she ll change her tune
in restless walks she ll prowl the night
july she will fly
and give no warning to her flight
august die she must
the autumn winds blow chilly and cold
september i ll remember
a love once new has now grown old

155 :S&G (ヒッナー fa3f-+Vzh):2023/03/03(金) 08:34:26.83 ID:nA7BpfmB00303.net
i am just a poor boy
though my storys seldom told
i have squandered my resistance
for a pocketful of mumbles
such are promises

156 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ヒッナー 6929-ZYAP):2023/03/03(金) 11:24:40.96 ID:7ApVo1FF00303.net

157 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ヒッナー aa34-ZYAP):2023/03/03(金) 12:02:34.94 ID:01QbTyGp00303.net
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.
We extort and pilfer, we filch and sack.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle and even highjack.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.

158 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ヒッナー aa34-ZYAP):2023/03/03(金) 12:03:54.65 ID:01QbTyGp00303.net
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me.
We kindle and char and enflame and ignite.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we’re really a fright.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.

We’re rascals and scoundrels, we’re villains and knaves.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.
We’re devils and black sheep, we’re really bad eggs.
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, you ho, a pirate’s life for me.
We’re beggars and blighters and ne’er do-well cads,
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we’re loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up me ‘earties, yo ho.

159 :S&G (ワッチョイ 533f-4fLd):2023/03/04(土) 08:04:30.88 ID:XJCJwEMd0.net
i am just a poor boy
though my storys seldom told
i have squandered my resistance
for a pocketful of mumbles such are promises
all lies and jest
still a man hears what he wants to hear
and disregards the rest

160 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 13b8-QeO8):2023/03/04(土) 10:02:03.34 ID:1QkLyroW0.net

161 :S&G (ワッチョイ 533f-4fLd):2023/03/08(水) 08:21:57.98 ID:9lvXOJn30.net
when i left my home and my family
i was no more than a boy
in the company of strangers
in the quiet of the railway station
running scared laying low
seeking out the poorer quarters where the ragged people go
looking for the places only they would know

162 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9344-c30e):2023/03/09(木) 02:22:59.27 ID:tKsbzlsX0.net

163 :S&G (ワッチョイ 533f-4fLd):2023/03/09(木) 08:38:53.47 ID:lQDsb6h+0.net
asking only workmans wages
i come looking for a job but i get no offers
just a comeon from the whores on seventh avenue
i do declare there were times when i was so lonesome
i took some comfort there

164 :S&G (ワッチョイ 533f-lF85):2023/03/19(日) 09:29:04.07 ID:r5mL02hr0.net
now the years are rolling by me
they are rocking evenly
i am older than i once was
and younger than i ll be thats not unusual
nor is it strange
after changes upon changes
we are more or less the same
after changes we are more or less the same

165 :S&G :2023/03/21(火) 00:39:35.04 ID:ji4HIsQJ0.net
and im laying out my winter clothes and wishing i was gone
going home
where the new york city winters arent bleeding me
leading me
going home

166 :S&G :2023/03/22(水) 07:47:55.07 ID:C/YnP3kW0.net
in the clearing stands a boxer
and a fighter by his trade
and he carries the reminders
of every glove that laid him down
or cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame
i am leaving i am leaving but the fighter still remains

167 :S&G :2023/03/25(土) 09:52:33.30 ID:ssm9bzat0.net
what a dream i had
pressed in organdy
clothed in crinoline
of smoky burgundy
softer than the rain

168 :S&G :2023/03/26(日) 10:12:14.18 ID:9JlMfN/e0.net
i wandered empty streets
down past the shop displays
i heard cathedral bells
tripping down the alleyways
as i walked on

169 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/03/28(火) 15:17:42.57 ID:ZkGisYlY0.net

170 :S&G :2023/03/29(水) 08:00:30.30 ID:Bc1E/yMt0.net
and when you ran to me
your cheeks flushed with the night
we walked on frosted fields
of juniper and lamplight
i held your hand

171 :S&G :2023/03/30(木) 07:36:19.99 ID:FcOBXK+Y0.net
and when i awoke
and felt you warm and near
i kissed your honey hair
with my grateful tears
oh i love you girl
oh i love you

172 :S&G :2023/04/03(月) 07:31:26.11 ID:tQgTSv4v0.net
a winters day
in a deep and dark december
i am alone
gazing from my window
to the streets below
on a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow
i am a rock
i am an island

173 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/04/03(月) 09:37:43.53 ID:iWPv7OVm0.net
We have a new bulletin board.
The format is similar to 2ch".
The manager is a foreigner, but anybody can speak Japanese or English.
Foreign users can study Japanese
Japanese users can study English
Please take a look.^^
I can't paste the URL, so please google with this keyword

174 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/04/03(月) 10:14:38.00 ID:iWPv7OVm0.net
掲示板の導入ページが出てきます。よろしくお願いします m(--)m

175 :S&G :2023/04/07(金) 07:49:32.13 ID:f5yMk9ks0.net
ive built walls
a fortress steep and mighty
that none may penetrate
i have no need of friendship
friendship causes pain
its laughter and its loving i disdain
i am a rock
i am an island

176 :S&G :2023/04/13(木) 07:31:38.34 ID:VyHr+V6Y0.net
dont talk of love
well i ve heard the word before
its sleeping in my memory
i wont disturb the slumber
of feelings that have died
if i never loved i never would have cried
i am a rock
i am an island

177 :S&G :2023/04/14(金) 07:04:29.20 ID:HdzOJfIW0.net
i have my books
and my poetry to protect me
i am shielded in my armor
hiding in my room
safe within my womb
i touch no one and no one touches me
i am a rock
i am an island
and a rock feels no pain
and an island never cries

178 :S&G :2023/05/06(土) 06:49:26.72 ID:eUMEbJWF0.net
you climbed the stairs till they gave out
and then continued the rest of the way up a ladder
i saw your valise there
you stretched out on the low bed
in the small warm stone cell at the top of the house

179 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/07(日) 11:47:41.83 ID:Jn140k55d.net
1 まず歌詞を普通に読みなさい
2 次にそれに少しずつメロディを足していきなさい。
3 声を張り上げないで普通に歌いなさい。

180 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/05/08(月) 11:38:06.01 ID:SqViG6kH0.net

ぬぁあツの うぅーわぁーり゛ぃーーー!


181 :S&G :2023/05/09(火) 09:34:10.32 ID:QNsTbB+f0.net
i also wished somebody would die
and leave me everything
this was sure bad
for who could benefit me by dying
that i shouldnt love and want to keep on earth

182 :S&G :2023/05/13(土) 11:37:52.06 ID:IxGsFGEr0.net
i rubbed lightly and with greatest care
lest my big thick fingers do the slightest harm
oh god
oh my god
i ll tell you why

183 :S&G :2023/05/20(土) 07:08:07.21 ID:y+/+j4V60.net
i crawl out and thrum on the wet stone
with congested, emotional throat
and blink with my peculiarly marbled eyes
red and green white

184 :S&G (ワッチョイ 2a3f-nvsI):2023/05/23(火) 10:15:22.47 ID:ax/IuMPs0.net
the gnats are spinning over the cistern
sloshing around
it is an old dhow
not to say precariously
i am completely tuckered out
the dust has worked up into my nose

185 :S&G :2023/05/25(木) 08:26:19.29 ID:y15+ew730.net
it so happened that this was something
i could probably do
and it was the least
that i could undertake under the circumstances

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