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英文法・語法に関する質問はここでしろ! Part 7

707 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/04/20(金) 18:00:14.74 ID:cJ9BwU1c0.net
Thompson was announced Monday as the fifth head coach in Virginia women's basketball history.
Her only previous coaching experience has come as an assistant the past three seasons at
Texas. But Ryan believes Thompson will benefit from her other basketball experiences.
"Tina was one of the best players to every play the game," Ryan said. "She's someone who has
played for some of the best coaches in the world. She'll surround herself with good people.

上の文章のなかの、"Tina was one of the best players to every play the game," にあるto every play the
to everyone who plays the game じゃないですよね。意味もわかったようでわからない。

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