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洋画・海外ドラマで英語のお勉強 Part15

849 :黒羊 :2018/06/12(火) 13:58:13.00 ID:4tggUeHf0.net
Sorry, I haven't got permission to go back to Japanese.
Why don't you try both ways? There is no telling which is better.
You should try all the things you come up with which you think
may help you improve your English.

All I can say is that you peole should expose yourselves to WAY more
English than you do now. "How" doesn't matter, it is the amount that
You should give every minute available to what is written and what is
said in English. No matter what kind of materials you use., that is, If you really
want to improve your English. You could learn from practically everything,
even though what you are reading is the ingredient label on a suppliment bottle.

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