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229 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/09/13(水) 00:37:34.46 ID:uhCQm1t40.net
Nuclear biological and chemical response teams are being deployed throughout the city for decontamination and rescue. A government spokesman stated that these teams will arrive in all of the...

(The) Prime Minister, Cabinet Secretary and five ministers are still missing at this hour, and presumed dead after the helicopter was blown from...

Police headquarters and two ministries still remain intact. Other government buildings didn't...

The best word I could use to describe what I'm looking at right now is "the Apocalypse". It's almost like looking at the historic photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the bombs were dropped.
But then you realize what you're staring at is actually right in...

(U) decontamination 「浄化、汚染の除去」
state that 「that以下のことを述べる」
(be) presumed dead 「生存が絶望視されている、死亡したものと推定される」
presume O 「Oを事実と推定する」
remain C 「Cのままである」
remain intact 「元のままである」
intact 「(形) 無傷で、完全で」
the Apocalypse 「この世の終わり・終末、ヨハネの黙示録」

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