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28 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/08/20(日) 10:50:51.85 ID:Rivj1jnh0.net
矢口: Yes. Yaguchi.

カヨコ: It's me. I'm arriving in five minutes. Secure a meeting with the acting prime minister.


里見総理: So, then you wish to provide us with something to assist in our fight, is that correct?

カヨコ: Yes. There is a movement centered on China and Russia, to take Godzilla from under the control of the Japanese government and put it under the control of international organizations.
Many countries are aligned with that opinion, too.
However, as for the US government, we strongly hope that Japan and the US can perfectly control Godzilla together.

赤坂: Okay. From the government's point of view, it is for that reason that we would agree to a 2-plus-2 cooperation.
However, as army experts will remain as the backbone of the government, we have to respectfully decline your offer to remain at the center of decision-making.
In place of that, we will...

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