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On Chinese Wushu (English only)

1 ::2017/09/24(日) 02:15:23.69 ID:ryrBOOgk0.net
I hit your quicks, you give way!
I poke the spot lightly, you burst out to pieces!
"You are a zombie now!"(`・ω・´)

2 ::2017/09/24(日) 02:20:25.30 ID:ryrBOOgk0.net
My style is Taichi Quan. But I practice Xingyi Quan sometimes.

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/09/24(日) 11:33:56.16 ID:ZZ/VEiLFK.net
Shaping?Sure HAND.THAK

4 ::2017/09/24(日) 20:47:11.18 ID:ryrBOOgk0.net
I cannot understand what you are saying.

It has roughly two styles in appearance: Northern Style and Southern.Style.

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2017/09/25(月) 22:02:40.57 .net

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6 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/27(火) 13:49:07.17 ID:BVOS+cBPd.net
みかん語でウンコは XIT なんちゃって

7 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/06/16(土) 06:22:30.16 ID:2ABpQmJ20.net


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