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英検準1級スレ part154

203 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2017/10/24(火) 08:59:07.96 ID:shQtzDYl0.net

>I agree with the idea that the Japanese government should do more >to protect the environment.
>I have two reasons to support my opinion.
>First,today,pollution is a big problem in japan.
>As you know, many rivers and seas have been polluted by harmful >things discharged from factories.
>The problem cause not only damaging sceneries but also endangering >the ecosystem.
×cause → causes    −1点
×cause damaging sceneries → 不適格  −1点
×cause endangering the ecosystem → 不適格 ―1点 
>Therefore,the government should make a law to determine how much >harmful things the factories can discharge.
OK? can?
>Second,natural resources are deficient,which is a big problem in the world.×natural resources are deficient → 主語 are deficient in natural resources ―1点
>In Japan, there are a lot of wasteful things such as plastic bags.
>If Japanese people use ecobags instead of plastic bags,they can reduce >much the use of natural resources.
×reduce much the use of natural resources
much the use of 冠詞も表現もダメ −1点
>For these reasons,I think that the Japanese government should do >more to protect the environment.


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