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Chat in English (英語で雑談):シリアスVer PART1

88 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/02/12(月) 00:40:32.65 ID:2T8pImyS0.net
The unform is for protecting poor students (obviously encouraging every students there to be in the same attire and by doing so, no one would be able to assume one's ecomomic situation, poor or rich, by what they wear anymore)
If that's really what they are attempting to accomplish, the uniform shouldn't be expensive.
Poor households couldn't even afford them in the first place.
If adopting first-end extravagant piece of brand clothes just for trying to be in harmonious with the area is more important, this whole uniform idea would be rendered meaningless.
If the school was established as private school, then I would just say find another school, but it's a public school that we are talking about here.

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