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英検準一級スレ 第155回検定

852 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/25(木) 22:54:22.44 ID:lSlqc04Z0.net
the day that humans live on other planets will come soon
becase there are almost seven billions residents on
earth, which resources on earth are shortage, and technology
has enoughly been improved that humans are able to look for other planets and live.

Although, most of people in developed country are able to spend their days
comfortably, others in developing country cannot because of shortage of resources.
As long as this tendency keeps going on, these people who cannot live uncomfortably
will try to find other planets that has a lot of resources in order to have good lives.

Next, technology has improved more than we expect nowadays.
As study shown, newest spacecrafts has a capacity of ten more people, and it
will be possible that new-type of spacecraft will be able to take a few of hundreds
people to other planets. So people will easily be able to find other planets to live.

For these reasons mentioned above, a situation that people will live on other planets is
not so far.

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