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499 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/01/18(木) 06:36:55.66 ID:0Urn4ml30.net
>We, DMM On Line English Conversation School, had not given you customers a lesson until 2015 during the Christmas season and the period before and after New Year's Day, but we have heard a lot of valuable and instructive advice from customers.

On Lineって何よ?
had not given you customers a lesson これも何?目的語が3つもあるの?って思う。
the period before and after New Year's Day, この回りくどい表現は何?しかもthe periodは副詞?名詞違うの?
have heard a lot of valuable and instructive advice  heardはおかしいでしょ。a lot of もカジュアル過ぎないか?


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