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69 : :2018/11/11(日) 10:46:43.09 ID:WkZh8hfrp.net

70 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ dfbb-AFO5):2020/01/09(木) 22:41:43 ID:MvCv2t7p0.net

71 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/09/21(月) 20:13:52.03 ID:/f65zue7d.net

72 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/12(月) 19:24:05.87 ID:DlQAcxCTd.net

73 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/27(火) 19:32:11.46 ID:JlkrNN7bd.net
Is overpopulation a threat? (1/100)

Thanks to the technologies, the world has witnessed an unprecedented growth of population. However, overpopulation presents serious problems for humans in various ranges of geographical scale.
I have three reasons to support my views.

First, our luxurious standard of living is well beyond the sustainable level. Wealthy nations alone currently consume resources faster than the speed the Earth can regenerate and other countries are likely to follow this trend. At the global scale, resource depletion literally poses a great threat to every living thing including us.

Second, locally overpopulated areas are also subject to objectionable issues. British was used to be the epitome of import-dependance in which most of foods and oil came from overseas. It resulted in massive expenditures on sea lane defense during WWll. Also, air pollution exposure in a heavily densed area could cause severe respiratory problems.

Third, overpopulation also leads to many types of environmental degradation, some of which are typically irreversible in a long run. Climate change and global warming are very controversial topics among specialists, most of whom agree that they are indeed transforming the earth into an inhaitable one.

In light of the points made above, overpopulation is a threat. More should be done to tackle with the issues it carries and we can virtually solve them by investing money to new technologies.

74 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/27(火) 21:27:43.61 ID:JlkrNN7bd.net
Infectious diseases will become a bigger problem in the coming decades? (2/100)

Infectious diseases are natural killing machines with no sense of remorse. They replicate themselves exponentially entailing a constant mutation until there's no more hosts. In this respect, they will become a bigger problem in the coming decades.
There are three reasons to support this idea.

First, our modern world has become ever smaller due to the globalization, making every part of the globe easier to access.
In addition, our highly efficient tools such as machines have driven humans to thrive, resulting in overpopulation. This in turn has put us in a vulnerable situation where our societies themselves are transforming into a hotbed for infectious diseases.

Second, several evidence suggest that most diseases used to be or are indigenous to dense forest areas in which human contacts with those viruses were rare. However, recent deforestation and exploitation of domestic animals have led to our more frequent exposure to those viruses. Wild animals that used to be their hosts are now replaced with us.

Third, antibiotics and medicine always have a role to play good for humans but the reality is not necessarily so, especially in a long run.
Infectious diseases are often subject to mutations meaning they can be born into a totally different kind, or they can aquire resistance to most drugs. Influenza and superbugs are good examples. Our medication is still far from ideal one.

All in all, our inventions and technologies have helped us establish the globalized and populated societies. But their structures have ironically put us in a dire situation where we could potentially someday, run into an existential risk in a form of brutal pandemic.
So I believe Infectious diseases will become a bigger problem in the coming decades.

75 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/27(火) 21:33:27.18 ID:JlkrNN7bd.net
Is space exploration worth the cost? (3/100)

This essay discusses that space exploration is not worth the cost.
There are so much risk as opposed to potential profits both cost-wise and environment-wise.
There are three reasons to support this idea.

First, although space exploration has established some fundations of our infrastructure such as GPS, the benefits overall would be impractically impropotionate to the costs.
The Apollo program exemplifies this.
Because the payload of current spacecrafts is very limited, we have already done what we can do within reasonable budget.

Second, even if we managed to figure out how to exploit the resources on other planets, it could undermine the nature that has long been preserved there.
Additonally, There's no scientific proofs that the change in mass of any planets in our solar system will not affect their trajectories, which could be done by importing resources to one planet from the other.

Third, the outer space environment is harsher than we think. The biggest challenge we face is radiation, which our sun constantly emits.
No human experiments for long-term space radiation exposure has yet to be yested on humans.

In conclusion, space exploration is not worth the cost. Instead, we should focus on what we can get from Earth once again. We still have a wide range of unknown deep sea areas where we might someday find something promising.

76 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/31(土) 11:33:40.74 ID:1/jwCoJVdHLWN.net
Speech: Pros and cons of zoos and aquariums(4/100)

When people ask me questions, especially of my opinion, I have always tried my best to answer with a clear yes or no.
But some of them can be ambitious because some things have evenly balanced good points and bad points, so I could not give a clear-cut answer.
So the question, "What are the pros and cons of zoos and aquariums" is the one sitting on this spectrum.
The reasons are as follows:

Pros: Animals in zoos and aquariums can attract many people young and old alike, which will then affect the local economy in a positive way.
Also, they provide the wide range of masses with general education from ecological values in nature to ethical issues centered around them.

Cons: Animals in public facilities will be caged for life, forced to live under great stress and even worse, some of them are poorly treated because of the lack of knowledge or experience of the zoo keeper in charge. It's a legally approved way of torturing animals in such a way that we do for animal testing.

To sum this up, my answer is yes and no.
Animals should be kept in a cage only temporarily on account of saving or breeding them.
And preferably released to where they came from like how Korea does for military recruitment.
Particularly, dying animals or endangered species should be so.
That way, we can spare some of them to use for animal testing. So to speak, it's a win-win situation.

77 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/10/31(土) 11:35:12.65 ID:1/jwCoJVdHLWN.net
Speech: Pros and cons of self-employment(5/100)

Alright then, let me define the term self-employment as an intro and then I'll give my opinion followed by reasons supporting it.
Self-employment is a state of earning income directly from one's business.
This means that one has no employer to assign him to a certain position in which he will be paid salary or wage in return for his work.
He has to take risks for investments required to start up a brand-new business but he can work whenever he is pleased, or do whatever he thinks is necessary. I think it's a great thing to do particularly during times loke this with the ongoing pandemic.
That being said, I definitely feel that younger generations should try this out because of the benefits that it brings, especially in terms of taking risks and learning from new experience.

First, people who are self-employed are entrepreneurs. They run their own businesses.
They have to take risks in order to make a profit.
Now in order to make a correct investment decision, you need to carefully and thoroughly craft a business plan.
It's surely challenging because you are required to come up with ideas no one had ever came up with.
But if you succeed, it's very likely that you will be better off.

Second, Youngsters might face failures including owning a huge debt or facing problems such as their business going bankrupt.
Even if their businesses turned out to be a disastrous one, they can still easily get help from other people, especially from their families and friends.
All the devotion they made for their dream were after all not just a waste of time and money because they learned a whole lot of new experiences from these processes that are otherwise inaccessible if they didn't tried.
They can challenge again or get employed better equipped with new experiences and skill sets.

78 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2023/06/08(木) 01:49:25.50 ID:KY6iRGfSk


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