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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 345

671 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/07/09(月) 16:47:04.85 ID:kkAyQz6u0.net
ハイエクか。Google Bookで見たけど、それの前と後ろの段落の内容が

It should be remembered
            @that for this purpose[,] selection will
                       [A] operate as between societies of different types,
                       [A'] that is, be guided by the properties of their respective orders,
            but Athat the properties supporting this order will be properties of the individuals,
            namely their propensity to obey certain rules of conduct on which the order of action
            of the group as a whole rests.

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317 KB

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