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Anyone need help from a native English speaker?

1 :Helper :2018/06/25(月) 13:45:34.01 ID:tFWGv9Al0.net
I'm a native speaker of midwestern american english, and I'd be happy to help anybody browsing. I can answer nearly any question, given enough time.

This is the third such thread of this topic, and I hope this thread is as productive as the last ones!

3 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/06/25(月) 19:42:39.69 ID:pCyKMoSg0.net
Please stop trolling by randomly creating new thresds. If you create one garbege thread, it means one other meaningful thread will get inactive and get lost.

All threads here are topic specific. Please reuse existing threads.
It is strongly advised that you should lurk here until you get the rules and customs here.

Below are a few of simiar (almost identical) threads.

Need (limited) help from a native speaker?

Anyone need help from a native English speaker?

If you have any questions regarding the rules here, you can ask in the following thread.

スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 345

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