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497 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/09/17(月) 23:58:39.07 ID:3giZVxju0.net
I believe that the world will remain as peaceful in the future as it does now despite a number of problems, such as global warming, a population explosion, and environmental destruction. I give two reasons that support my belief.
Firstly, effective diplomacy will solve international disputes. For example, the United Nations has been able to help many countries involved in a conflict to conclude a peace treaty.
Secondly, the development of information technology will enable different countries to know each other better and to reduce mutual misunderstanding. Most of the international disputes are caused by 
avoidable misunderstanding, which is provoked by lack of knowledge about each other.
For the above two reasons, I believe that the world will remain as peaceful in the future as it does now.


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