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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208

527 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/15(水) 03:03:46.97 ID:CFnVklxv0.net
Why it needs to be senior-friendly? Because companies owe a certain level of responsibility to the society. It's called "corporate compliance". They always need to be considerate about how consumers feel of their activities.
Companies should immediately cease their own activities based on public opinions, even if what they are doing were reasonable and working very well for them.
Haven't you ever heard of the news that some commercials were dropped? Or they had to, because people hated it so badly that the requests were made by people with a petition.

I had no idea that movie was so popular that it made a huge hit, I can totally understand the other three though.
That alone doesn't really account for how well these anime are actually accepted by people. It might be? But maybe it was just the movie was exceptionally good.

But seriously, can you honestly say you won't feel uncomfortable/embarrassed even a bit with these anime ads being there all around you?
To make it easier for you to understand the point I'm trying to make here, I'll give you an example.
Let's suppose that you liked these anime, can you then proudly say it aloud that you like watching them to people around you, just as saying your hobbies are listening to music or playing sports?
If you can't, isn't that because you're embarrassed about it too? Think realistically here, because you do sound like you're saying all these stuff so you don't have to concede to other's opinions.

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