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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 208

541 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/08/16(木) 09:38:35.21 ID:oeRNn6KP0.net
You mean that people are making up fake stories in order to distract from the main issue? That's very typical.
In my country the government does that very often. Every time there's a real scandal they come up with a fake scandal that's even bigger and more outrageous, but obviously fake. So the discussion strives away from the real issue to pointless fights.
However, right now the media all around the world is discussing the many ways in which japanese society discriminates against women.
I was wondering what do you think of this. Are you guys happy that this issue is finally being brough up? Or are you embarrassed or angry that japanese society is being criticized by people around the world?

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